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Daily Blog #7 · 5:08am Jun 21st, 2017

No Random Facts today.

Thoughts & Opinions~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Don’t you hate it when you have oversensitive fire alarms? My dad was making dinner today, and while I was up in my room chilling, every freakin’ fire alarm in the house goes off at the same time.

One huge downside of using salvaged and used parts for my little restoration projects is that you never know how long the hardware will last. I’ve gotten three dead motherboards, two of which died shortly after I tested them to find them working, several floppy drives that gave up the ghost far too early, a stack of CD/DVD drives (out of which only one works), and countless dead hard drives.

My little brother is suddenly obsessed with going swimming at the local pool.

Comments ( 2 )

Huh facts then no opinions, then no facts but opinions?

I absolutely hate fire alarms like that

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