
Viewing 341 - 360 of 10,591 results

The Hunter From Another World, Update 2 · 11:43pm Jul 10th, 2019

Chapter 3 is up and we get our first look at Stinger. I wanted to go a little crazy with the villain designs but keep them within the realm of possibility in the Equestrian world and mythology. I'm interested in knowing what people think of the way I stage action set pieces and combat, keep in mind that this is just the initial bout and I want scale it up from here; so enjoy and chime in with what you think. :pinkiesmile:

Report Marezinger Z · 127 views · #Update

UPCOMING PROJECTS · 12:33am Feb 27th, 2021

OK, so as I mentioned in my last blog post, I have had multiple ideas come to me over the past month or so. I'm going to use this blog post to not only give my ideas for these new stories, but to also give an update on Somewhere Over the Rainbow
Here is everything you need to know:

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

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Report InternetStranger · 150 views · #Update

Additional Plans (Also, hello!) · 12:36am Sep 23rd, 2018

Back, I hope for more frequent additions, I'd like to highlight some plans here like I said in the most recent chapter of Time to Think.

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Report beetlebootboot · 132 views · #Update

WHATS GOING ON!? · 1:42am Oct 8th, 2023

So... Wheres the next chapter of my report of another world?

ITS IN THE WORKS! Juuust, not as often as I want. My writing motivation kinda died out when I went back to work. 3 on 3 off 12 hour night shifts are a KILLER lemme tell ya!

Buuuuuuuut anyways, yes I will be geting back into it! When? No idea, haha!

Report Piggynator · 52 views · #Update

Happy Holidays: a 2021 update · 7:11am Dec 7th, 2021

Hey everyone,

I’ve been urged to write this by a caring reader who has been checking on me regularly, just so that everyone knows that I’m still around. I know this isn’t going to be as long as some of my other posts, and it’s probably going to come across as a scrambled mess, but at the moment this is about as good as I can get out. So please bear with me while I muddle my way through this.

So, to answer the two big questions that seem to need to be answered:

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Report WyrmQuill · 130 views · #Update

Update! Chapter 24-26 · 9:13pm Jun 14th, 2016

Ok as you all may or may not know, I have been working on the next three chapters in the series all at once. Mostly cause the next few ones will be important and I am trying to untangle a few knots in the story outlines. This is an update to let you know the progress of them and such.

Chapter 24 Outline: 90%
Chapter 25 Outline: 35-60% (Still debating to myself on a certain point)

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Report Equinox Starshifter · 134 views · #update

CHAPTER WILL BE OUT BY MONDAY!!!! · 2:50am May 25th, 2023

I do not really feel like introducing myself so I will just say the basics.....
My name is Sam, but you can call me HAL (yes like in space odyssey). I am 13, so do not expect my writing to be a masterpiece.....


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Report SAMBOT2000XP · 56 views · #update

Badwolf231 here or is it Badwolf1175? · 5:15am Mar 28th, 2020

Badwolf1175 is my new username but it's still me. I only changed my username because Badwolf231 is a username I haven't used in years so I decided to update my username.

Report Badwolf1175 · 136 views · #Update

Creative Freedom · 2:34pm January 8th

Creative Freedom is out! I hope you enjoyed it.

This one was personal to me. Being creative can be hard, and dealing with unmatched expectations can really drain your motivation.

I'm excited to start on my next story, it should be for one of the 100 followers giveaway winners. I also plan to release a few blog posts in between about a couple of topics I'd love to discuss.

Stay safe.

Report Silk Rose · 66 views · #Update

It’s a New Year! · 10:30am January 17th

Bit late to the party, I’ll concede that. But I just wanted to pop in and let you all know I’m still typing. It’s been a bit slow over the holidays, but now that I’m back from vacation, I’m hoping to pick up the pace. Tagesanbruch’s next chapter is basically done (just working on edits), and the chapter after that is underway. In addition, my other story’s getting some love too, now that I’ve actually hammered out the plot. Its (revised) first chapter is currently about six thousand words; plus

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Report JahJah · 39 views · #Update

Pretty and Pink · 8:29pm Feb 14th, 2019

The story has been published! I hope you like it.

Report Silk Rose · 134 views · #Update

Darling and Date Story Update 1 · 8:02am May 24th, 2023

Chapter 3 is now at 1001 words, it was a slow start, but now I feel like I'm getting into it.
Also, a few days ago, I moved all my stories from Google Docs to Markdown files in Obsidian.
There were quite a few story ideas I had forgotten about. Some of them I'm excited to write in the future.

Thanks for reading, stay safe.

Report Silk Rose · 61 views · #Update

Pretty and Pink Story Update · 6:38am May 18th, 2023

I've gone back and updated Pretty and Pink.
Added about 200 words, did some proofreading too.
I also went back and proofread chapter 1 of the sequel.

The sequel has had a name for a very long time, and I'm excited to share it!
Darling and Date.

I'm excited to start on chapter 3, thanks all for being patient.

Report Silk Rose · 49 views · #Update

Pretty and Pink Sequel Update 7 · 9:22am May 2nd, 2023

Chapter 2 of the sequel is now a little over 3k words long, wrote 1100 words today.
I'm really starting to feel into this story.
I started reading chapter 2, and I got lost in it, I wanted to know what happened next.

Hopefully, that's exciting news, lol.

Report Silk Rose · 61 views · #Update

Pretty and Pink Sequel Update 8 · 10:20am May 6th, 2023

Chapter 2 is now over 4k words, writing is going great!
I'm thoroughly enjoying writing, and being able to write from my phone is awesome.
I hope you all enjoy this story. Thank you again for being patient.

Report Silk Rose · 44 views · #Update

Sleeping Arrangements Chapter 3 · 11:44am Nov 10th, 2019

Chapter 3 will be released today, I hope you like it.


Report Silk Rose · 180 views · #Update

Diary Duet · 3:22pm Jul 9th, 2023

Diary Duet has been released, I hope you like it!
Darling and Date is completely written, yay! My friend is going to help me proofread it.
I'm about to start writing the story that will be released next week.

Report Silk Rose · 73 views · #Update

Applejack's Admirer · 1:11am Sep 21st, 2023

Applejack's Admirer is out, I hope you like it. It was written last minute, sorry about that, not sure if it shows.

I've got two stories in the works that could be next to release, depends on which I decide to focus on.


Report Silk Rose · 83 views · #Update

Happy Holidays · 4:18pm Dec 19th, 2018

Merry Christmas. I am recovering well, and I'm staying. Many people would be sad if I left, and there are still some stories I want to read. So...

  1. What's going to happen?
    I don't know.
  2. What will I work on?
    I wish I knew.
  3. How is best princess?
    Boris the Wolf, of coarse. He's good boy.
Report PenHeart3 · 131 views · #update

Guess who's managed to claw their way out of the road apple pile! · 12:31pm Jul 25th, 2023

Hey everyone,

I know it's been an exceedingly long time since I've posted a blog update or story chapter update, or even logged in for that matter, and I apologize for the long absence.

Thank you very much for your patience.

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Report WyrmQuill · 121 views · #update
Viewing 341 - 360 of 10,591 results