
Viewing 341 - 360 of 4,899 results

Stories of mine you disliked the most · 12:39pm Jul 30th, 2015

The question, one for an idea I had recently, is simple: which one of my stories did you like the least, and why?

Maybe you disliked "From the Start" for its pretentiousness? Or maybe you didn't like "Spiked Wheels" for how Scootaloo's chracter is handled? Or you didn't like "Boia Dè" for the open ending?

Anything goes, just tell me which one of my stories did you like the least here. You can also make some kind of "Ranks of Shame" if oyu wish.

Report Daxn · 386 views · #writing #futureprojects

2017 post-Bronycon blog #1 · 3:41am Aug 14th, 2017

The evening after coming home from Bronycon for the last time is always depressing.

Anyway, I want to keep things separate to avoid the whole thing going on too long. First I'd like to recap events.

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Report Pascoite · 321 views · #bronycon #writing

Gonna give NaNoWriMo another go! Yay? · 3:59am Oct 23rd, 2017

It's the time of the evening where I'm a few beers in and I find myself listening to Andrew Jackson Jihad. Huh.

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Report Tumbleweed · 320 views · #writing #nanowrimo

A productive sort of failure. · 2:29am Dec 1st, 2017


In case you hadn't been paying attention, I went ahead and gave National Write a Novel Month a go this year, as I do most years.

And, as I do most years, I failed. Womp womp.

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Report Tumbleweed · 413 views · #nanowrimo #writing

To Whom it May or May Not Concern · 10:37am Feb 9th, 2017

For those who've been watching Ponyventure: Blood Hunts Blood - I haven't actually deleted it, I've just revoked my submission while I edit it and find a proofreader and rethink a few core concepts.

For those who have no idea what I'm talking about, carry on.

Seriously, I knew AU OC fics weren't popular, but...

Report Dusk Raven · 376 views · #ranting #writing

I'm back · 7:13am Oct 24th, 2016

My PC is back, which means that I can now resume writing.

Report Wham · 343 views · #Fixed #Writing

Hey! Update Time! My Future Works! · 9:58pm Apr 23rd, 2018

So, thought I better get this update thing done before everyone boycotts me when they read tomorrow's chapter. So, Scars will be on a regular post schedule plus some extra chapters on special occasions, my birthday included, until September 3rd where much like the first 2 chapters, I will post the last 2 on the same day. I'm really excited for you guys to see how everything plays out. I have my favorite chapters of course, but I like to see the reactions to what I write. Tomorrow, chapter 26

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Report JWolfSilver · 290 views · #future #writing

Another Flashfic signal boost · 1:38pm Aug 21st, 2017

The Flashfic 150 August event ends today, but you still have most of the day to enter. It's only 150 words maximum, so that's plenty of time. This month's prompt, chosen by last month's winner (xjuggernaughtx), is "the boiling point." Check it out here, and be sure to read all the rules so you don't get disqualified or overlooked.

Report Pascoite · 303 views · #flashfiction #writing

Blog Update - 2/02/2017 · 5:27am Feb 2nd, 2017

A bit earlier then usual for today’s blog post. But I felt like it.

Had the last few days off from writing as finishing chapter 5 really took it’s mental toll on me. Gah.

Chapter 6 is coming along smoothly though. If I keep up the pace I’ve set and write a bit each day I can potentially get the next chapter down in about in 4-5 days. Or approximately 500-1500 words a day at best.

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Report Morpheus Sandman · 352 views · #drama #writing

Writing Advice: How NOT to Write Edition · 4:29am Jun 30th, 2014

In the past, I have made some attempts at giving writing advice. Between my limited qualifications and the delivery itself, however, said advice was of questionable merit.

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Report cleverpun · 831 views · #writing #cleverpun

Who wants to read a THING? · 6:15pm Nov 6th, 2018


So, for the whole, like ... twelve of you (At least those Americans who are over 18). actually reading this, GO VOTE. It's super important, and you get a sticker.

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Report Tumbleweed · 251 views · #NaNoWriMo #Writing

Make Mistakes · 3:52am May 27th, 2019

… and keep the best ones

When I worked for Zoesis, I once did a test animation of one block chasing another block around a… third block.  (Drawing's hard, okay?) I animated by writing computer code to control each character. About 15 times a second, at least one behavior for each character would execute that updated its speed and heading according to where it wanted to go and what was in its way.  (It used a behavior-based robot architecture, if you know what that is.)

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Report Bad Horse · 729 views · #writing #animation

It's done! (Kind of!) · 10:36pm Mar 8th, 2016

Despite a birthday over the weekend, illness, and generally crappy moods, chapter 10 for What They Expect to Give is done! The rough draft, anyway. I kind of doubt my editor can go over it by tonight (I mean, he's done it before, but I won't hold my breath.)

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Report Nines · 260 views · #writing #update

WTEtG - Discarded Chapter 30 draft · 9:00am May 16th, 2020

In this post is a story path I had seriously considered pursuing for What They Expect to Give. If you haven't read chapter 30 yet, then do not read this until you do! I thought it would be amusing to share this for you guys to laugh or marvel at. Ultimately I decided this was waaaay overboard for the pace and tone of the story, and I changed course in favor of a... less crazy route?

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Report Nines · 341 views · #discarded writing

I need some help with my stories · 7:15pm May 17th, 2017

Hi, this post is mostly to other writers who follow me or might happen to read this. I have a big problem with my stories and writing.

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Report Shiron · 348 views · #writing #fanfic

Another kind of gimmick story · 11:52pm Sep 24th, 2019

Three years ago, I posted a guest column on Chris's blog about some kinds of gimmick stories, how to make them work, some common pitfalls, etc. for epistolary stories, dialogue-only stories, and open endings. There's one more kind that has been on my thoughts lately. More after the break.

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Report Pascoite · 466 views · #writing #advice

I made a story! Hooray! · 4:34pm Dec 2nd, 2017

After being a brony for nearly two and half years, I finally publish something. Granted, the majority of this story has been written in the Autumn of 2015 but after failing to do NaNoWriMo for three years in a row, I decided to buck it and publish one of my works to at least give me some illusion of progress. (Didn't you have something before?) Nope. Nothing before this fanfic....It was completely blank.

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Report IgnitedSage · 254 views · #writing #fanfiction

Procrastination · 6:30am Jul 14th, 2016

Procrastination is something that we all do. That paper you are supposed to be writing for a class you have, and when to start going to the gym for your new year's resolution. Everyone does it in one form or another. This story that I'm writing, which I'm fairly passionate about, is my most procrastinated project yet. I started writing it soon before season five of MLP began and now we are in the middle of season six. I started writing almost a year ago and I only have two chapters of this

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slight spoilers for my next chapter(s) · 2:25am Jul 23rd, 2018

so the next chapter that I will post tonight is basically filler to kinda get into Principal Celestia's head about this whole thing but the next chapter which should be posted tomorrow will probably be longer than any of them (just to warn you) since it is going to have a lot of things in it I know most of you will want to see happen. Plus it is revealed who all is behind the anon-a-miss account and why the girls behind it even thought it up/got involved.

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New one shot later (hopefully) · 11:33am Jun 27th, 2015

So I've been wanting to write a Fluttercord hurt/comfort fic for a while.

My headspace hasn't been the best for writing comedy lately, and I'm still working on my two longer fics but it's going to be a while between chapters, especially since they're longer.

Here's the cover art:

Story should be up later this evening, but right now I have to go do other boring, grown up stuff

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Report Captain Wuzz · 132 views · #writing #art
Viewing 341 - 360 of 4,899 results