
Viewing 361 - 380 of 1,773 results

Yup. We're screwed. · 7:38pm Dec 11th, 2016

My mom just confirmed we won't have any money for Christmas dinner let alone presents. She told me we don't even have enough money to raven have a small dinner. I don't know what to do. Christmas is in two weeks, rent is due, all these bills need to be paid, We're gonna need at least a thousand to cover everything. (That's an estimate with other variables added in like gas and other bills.) I honestly don't know what to do. Or who to turn to. I cant even finish writing like this. Even if we

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Heyo! · 3:45pm Dec 12th, 2016

Just in case you guys missed it last night, a very good friend of mine started a gofundme for me! I didn't even know until he told me! The deadline he set is the 15th, that way he'd have time to mail the check and everything so that I'd get it in time to buy all the food and stuff for Christmas, along with other stuff! So please if you haven't already, share it with anyone you know! It'd really help a lot! Also, Hope you guys

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Melania Trump wants help!?! · 5:48pm Feb 2nd, 2017

Yeah, good luck with that!

Report Boulder · 381 views · #trump #help #save me

Friend needs more help · 3:46pm Oct 25th, 2016

She's got until the end of the week.

Please, give all you can.



Maybe I jumped the gun too quickly. Was my reaction too harsh? · 5:57am Oct 26th, 2016

So, to most who read it I'm sure you think I might have jumped the gun too quickly on quiting fanfiction so suddenly, cause I sure do feel that way. I actually had a hard time hitting cancel on everything like I did, and when I left to go to work it was bothering me all through the 1 hour I was there. Eventually I was told to take the week off cause my manger thought something was wrong with me cause I was way out of it for that one hour. Honestly my last blog was just a mental venting that I

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Editors needed! · 5:57am Nov 18th, 2016

Hello Folks!

The three next chapters of TRoM are finished, but since my other editors are currently super busy, they (and also I) could use some extra hands to help us out.

Please reply with comments if you are interessted.

P.S: New Metallica album out now!! I'm SOOOOO gonna buy it. Or how James and Bulk Biceps would say: "YEAH!"

Stay awesome and have a nice weekend!


How to write Action Scenes + A small tip on how to be a better RolePlayer · 4:58am Dec 4th, 2015

As a couple of friends have asked me, especially when I were to describe a scene that I imagined from a game, but with more detail, or even a re-writing of some events that happened in a D&D game I run/ran, some of my friends have said... "Wow man. That's kind of believable. I mean, minus the magic, or the crazy stuff. How'd you think of it without it being so friggin' long or ... drab?"

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So many new genre tags! · 11:39am Dec 7th, 2015

The last time I set up a story, we had... like, ten genres. Romance, Adventure, Slice of Life, Dark, Comedy, Random (you also basically needed the first if you had the second), Sad, Tragedy (once again, need the first if you have the second), Crossover, and Alternate Universe. And then Human was added a bit later before I kind of vanished.

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Report RLYoshi · 593 views · #help #genre #tag #tags

CA: What We Don't Know. · 6:46am Oct 15th, 2015

A continuation of my Cumulative Advice (for Writers) blog focusing heavily on aspects of the narrative section. Specifically: the value of unknowns.

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Report LegionPothIX · 513 views · #Hints #Tips #Advice #Help

Ideas? · 4:35pm Apr 18th, 2016

So, I'm considering writing a one-shot story on the side, while I work on Happiness and Tears.
But like, I don't wanna write something boring, like I sometimes do.
I dunno if I want it to be SoarinDash or not, but it would be cool if I could work with some cute fluff. SoarinDash's always the best kind, obviously.

Anyway, if you have any ideas on stories you'd like to see from me in the future, I'm requesting you to leave them below in the comments. I'd like to see what you think!


Looking for help with Tumblr · 5:51am Apr 13th, 2016

The almighty bread god brought it to my attention, that my Tumblr page is messed up, and it doesn't work for some of you guys.

I'm having problems with that thing from the start, so I want to ask if any of you guys could lend me some help with it so that it could actually be used for its intended purpose of letting all of you pose your burning questions.

Thanks for the help in advance!


In need of proofreader/editor · 4:55am Apr 30th, 2016

Hello everyone! After a few years of writing, I thought it was about time I threw this out there. I would appreciate it so much if I could get a dear soul such as one of you, my fellow authors and readers to proofread and help me edit my stories. Any of my friends I know in person are much too busy and have too much going on to find the time to help with this. If anyone is interested, please by all means feel free to get a hold of me preferably by PM. I would be so eternally grateful to

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No more Pokemon for me... · 7:25pm Apr 2nd, 2016

The worst possible thing has happened to me.

I have literally no Pokemon games to play!

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Report SuperKamek · 422 views · #pokemon #sad #help

Limited quantities · 5:59am Jun 23rd, 2016

While trying to figure out how to exactly go about publishing the first volume of The Lost Element, I've come to discover that printing each book will come with a cost. Out of my own pocket. Due to limited funds, I will only be releasing a limited number of copies. If they sell well and quickly, I will release another dozen next month and so on.

Report Humanity · 411 views · #publishing #book #help

Brony Fighting Cancer, Needs Help (Please Spread The Word) · 6:11pm Jun 7th, 2016

A very brave young Brony has recently been diagnosed with cancer, and is fighting for his life. Joey-O, the creator of Pony Meets World was diagnosed with cancer back in Feburary of this year, and it has forced him into a very difficult position. He has provided a link to a funding campaign to pay for his medical bills, right now he could use all the help he can get.

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URGENT! PLEASE DO NOT SKIP OVER ME! · 11:44pm May 31st, 2016

Hello to anyone and everyone that follows me or just so happens to be browsing the site to find this, I am DJ A String, and I am currently in need of major help.

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"The Mare Who Became Queen" Needs Your Help · 4:09am Feb 4th, 2016

Hello my dear readers and follower for this story and for my account in general,

I need your guys' help. I'm going to enter "The Mare Who Became Queen" into this contest:
Audio Drama Contest

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My Baby... >w< · 3:30am Dec 23rd, 2015

Well, in case no one here knows, I have a baby now.

Yep, I'm pretty much the father in all this.

Obviously by this point, you must be wondering: "But Kamek, aren't you too young to be having a child, let alone even think about having one?". And you're right, I that would be the case in any other situation. But this isn't any other situation. Please, I insist, scroll down to see the two pictures of my beautiful baby girl.

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Report SuperKamek · 354 views · #rwby #oc #help #oreonna

Looking for someone who can read Japanese · 6:48pm Jul 1st, 2015

Hey everyone. As you might know, I am a person who runs a website dedicated to anime and manga. As such, I often find myself faced with news and promotions that I can't actually read because I don't know Japanese.

I'm looking for someone who's able to read kanji and is okay with me throwing things at them to translate now and then. It's usually nothing very length, just short news articles or pages describing products.

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this is me · 6:59am May 6th, 2016

someone help me

Viewing 361 - 380 of 1,773 results