
Viewing 1 - 20 of 48 results

I am Totally in Love with This Song · 6:01pm Nov 8th, 2015

It's called "Ansatsu," by Carbon Mæstro. Or アサシン if you prefer. Click "Read More" to listen.

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Report Chicago Ted · 274 views · #Japanese Music

Multiple short stories, by: Japanese Teeth · 4:13pm Jun 1st, 2016

This one is going to be a bit different. As the title says, I’m not reviewing a single story, but rather a collection multiple short stories from the same author. Which means the format will be a slight bit different, but not very. The stories are all similar enough in most aspects that everything except the “Story” portion will be looking at the stories as a whole and referring to all of them. While each one will have it’s own little section in the “Story” portion. So lets take a look at this

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Report Seraphem · 430 views · #Japanese Teeth #Review

Totally unrelated to ponies in any way · 3:08pm Apr 20th, 2017

So, some of you probably know that I'm currently living in Japan, stationed in Tokyo with the U.S. military. I'm studying Japanese, and you may have seen me post some of my digital paintings here in this blog. Well, last year I started studying a new hobby that combined my love of art with my love of writing with my love of Japanese: Shodo, aka Japanese Calligraphy!

So, here's something that has nothing to do with ponies: three works of mine from a recent shodo exhibit at our base.

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NANI? · 12:38pm Nov 27th, 2019


Looking for someone who can read Japanese · 6:48pm Jul 1st, 2015

Hey everyone. As you might know, I am a person who runs a website dedicated to anime and manga. As such, I often find myself faced with news and promotions that I can't actually read because I don't know Japanese.

I'm looking for someone who's able to read kanji and is okay with me throwing things at them to translate now and then. It's usually nothing very length, just short news articles or pages describing products.

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Eating at Japanese Kitchen · 10:12pm Apr 15th, 2023

I am having a birthday lunch at Japanese Kitchen (My birthday was 2 days ago)

I love me yummy fried rice and teriyaki chicken and shrimp! 😋


That feeling when they know more about you than you know about them... · 6:22pm Sep 13th, 2015


Japanese I Midterm · 12:27am Oct 22nd, 2015

I am about to attempt, and likely bomb, my midterm for Japanese I. I am so unprepared for this test, it's absurd. So, wish me luck, give me your energy for the Spirit Bomb, believe in the heart of the cards, and I'll let you know the results when I get them.

Celestia, save my soul...


If Ponies were Animu · 3:52am May 26th, 2016

Sadly, there weren't enough correct emoticons for this, so you must sit through my mediocre art for an even more mediocre joke.


Reject Comic Books Embrace Japanese Manga · 6:09pm Jan 26th, 2023


Nihongo final exam is done · 1:28pm Jun 9th, 2021

Here are my results:

Vocabulary - 28/30 (28/30 points)

Grammar - 56/58 (96/100 points)

Reading - 12/15 (24/30 points)

Listening - 18/20 (36/40 points)

TOTAL = 114/123 (184/200 points)

Not a bad score, if I do say so myself. The passing score to proceed to the next level is 120 and above. I computed the average score (40% of midterm exam score + 60% of final exam score) and I got 187.6, which means I'm eligible to enroll in basic level 3. Yay!!! :yay:


That Feeling of Smug Satisfaction When You Get Away With Insulting Someone by Swearing at Them in Another Language. · 4:55am Jun 7th, 2016

「くそくらえ, ¡pendejo!"


And you're just like


Shoutout For A Rather Enjoyable Story. · 6:07am Jun 11th, 2016

So, as some of you know, I'm very fascinated with a unique little thing we call "Japan." I take a large amount of interest in this country, from its music, to its language, to its culture. I'm what many Japanese people refer to as 「しんにち」(pronounced shin-nichi, literally means "Pro-Japanese"). I am interested in Japan enough that I am making an effort to learn to speak Japanese.

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My classes for Nihongo have resumed this week · 11:57am Jun 16th, 2020

It used to be every Saturday in a classroom for 3 hours, but because of the pandemic, classes were temporarily suspended. Now, they take place in Zoom on weekdays for 40 minutes.

I may have to put my online job journey on hold as there's going to be homework after every session. It will take a while for me to finish them using the Japanese keyboard I installed in my laptop.

Ganbatte kudasai! ✊


Nihongo midterm exam is done · 12:01pm May 7th, 2021

Here are my results:

Vocabulary - 30/30 (30/30 points)

Grammar - 57/58 (99/100 points)

Reading - 14/15 (28/30 points)

Listening - 18/20 (36/40 points)

TOTAL = 119/123 (193/200 points)

I pat myself on the back for a job well done.


Nihongo midterm exam coming this Friday · 5:06am May 6th, 2021

Last night, we had a mock test in preparation for the real thing. There were a total of 90 points and I got a score of 87. I made 2 mistakes on grammar, 1 mistake on reading, and achieved a perfect score on both vocabulary and listening. I'm reviewing everything that I've learned and I hope that I'll do well.

Ganbatte ne!


Fluttergirl: The Opiate of the Masses · 2:49am Dec 28th, 2020

I've listened to a few hundred of so brony-made musical pieces by now but nothing this catchy. This is worse than the opium the Brits sent the Chinese. Naturally, I'm going to share it in a blog because why should I suffer alone?

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Name That Planet! · 3:32pm Aug 19th, 2015

The IAU Naming Contest is underway! People can vote here.

One of the interesting things: a lot of emphasis on Japanese names, and I suspect that's mainly because Japanese schools were heavily involved, while other nations...not so much. As a result, the names are skewed towards what a Japanese kid would think.

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A Long Awaited Update · 8:34am Feb 1st, 2016

Hello guys, it's certainly been a while since you've seen anything from me and for that I sincerely apologize.

I've been busy with college, translating, and other things. Admittedly, I've been playing a lot of a certain game in the last week or two when I just want to relax and I blame GTX. xD But in all seriousness, I can't blame him. I should be replacing that gaming time with "serious art time" or "serious writing time."

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School's Out For Me. Welcome to SumVac. · 11:52pm May 26th, 2016

I'm not 100% sure what I'm going to do over the summer, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to spend a lot of it working on Japanese (and Chinese, if a PM I sent someone works out), and playing my new 8-string guitar that I earned myself recently. It's going to suck not seeing my friends for two months, but most of them are starting off 9th grade in the same high school as me, and I have three of my tighter friends on Steam, so it's not all bad.

What about you guys?

Viewing 1 - 20 of 48 results