
Viewing 361 - 380 of 616 results

Offline · 3:16am Nov 5th, 2016

Alright, school and life are really starting to catch up with me right now, so I'm hardly going to have any free time, due to this, I will hardly be online, if at all. After school, I have to prepare for college, thus, once again, hardly any time to myself, and of what time I do have, I need to be more productive with it, and spend time with family. Then, I have to prepare to get a job, so there's that. Thank you for taking the time to read this, I bid you a good day, and I appreciate your

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I Finally Chose a Medical School! · 10:04pm Apr 26th, 2018

It won't be official until tomorrow, but I will be attending Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine starting in August!

I've been a Chicagoan pretty much all of my life so it's great to be returning home (although to be honest I've learned to appreciate Cleveland's merits too over the past four years).

Here's to four more years of education, four more years (at least) of pony fanfiction, and a lifetime of memes.

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SCHOOL RAZE Parts 1& 2 (REVIEW) · 4:48pm Sep 11th, 2018

Things Change woke me up at 4:30 am, and combined with all the voices from my past and present...


At least I can take it out on the ponies...



Professor Sparkle's Friendship Assistant, eh... well... that means you're headed downhill.

-No damage... yet

Seven letter word for teamwork... hmmm...


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New Chapter, and some bad sketches · 6:44pm Jan 14th, 2018

Hey, you know when people say that the second year of law school is easier?

Turns out, those people are liars.

A new chapter is out! Expect more strange happenings in the increasingly strange city of the Dreamweave. Sorry about the delay. Law school really was a problem, but I also encountered some computer issues recently that have complicated my writing and release process.

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School Of Friendship Fanfic Idea · 2:52am Feb 27th, 2019

It’s time for their mothers to takeover as teachers.


"He's The Wizard" (from "The Wiz) (1978) · 6:31pm Feb 28th, 2016

Sweet thing,
Let me tell you 'bout
The world and the way things are.
You've come from a different place
And I know you've traveled far.
Now that you've told me what it is,
I'd better point you towards the Wiz.

He's the Wiz,
He's the man,
He's the only one,
Who can give your wish right to ya.
He's the Wizard.
He'll send you back through time
By running magic through ya.
All of the super power's his.
Listen and I'll tell you where he is.

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New Developments · 1:50am Aug 21st, 2019

This has nothing to do with my stories, for now, though I have more then a few good ideas. I really want my next story to live up to The Endless Cycle, you know?

Anyways, I meant life developments, summer has come to past, the vacation can never last, so wake me up when high school ends.

Yes, I’m in high school now. Geometry, Honors English, and all the fun stuff.

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Funny High School Story · 2:16am Dec 17th, 2021

It was 2018, and I only had a month left of school before graduation. The 9th and 10th graders had to take the STAAR test, so the school needed the hallways quiet between classes. So they decided that for the next three days, they would assemble all the 11th and 12th graders into the auditorium for all-day sex and drug PSAs. They invited a bunch of speakers, and some of them, well... some of them they DEFINITELY didn't research.

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My Review of MLP: FIM season 8 episode 17 The End in Friend · 7:39pm Oct 28th, 2023

Grading Scale:

A (fantastic episode)
A- (an excellent episode with at least one flaw)
B+ (a great episode with a couple of flaws)
B (a good episode which still could have been better)

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School Article Axed For Being Too Critical Of Trump · 6:01pm Oct 20th, 2016

One of Donald Trump’s surrogates used his position at a university to force the student paper’s editors to cut an article that criticized Trump’s so-called “locker room talk” from the Access Hollywood tape.


What Lies Within? Certainly not a whole lot of card games, oddly enough! · 9:57am Apr 7th, 2017

The way my outline for What Lies Within has been going there won't be another major Duel for a while. Also the chapters keep being really long for my standards; aside from "In the Dark" but that's more of a tension-builder than anything else. Did it work as one of those? I sure hope so. I did my best. Next up as of now is... some more talking; while I work my way up to the rest of the plot stuff I have planned.

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2019 Be Endin · 4:14am Dec 29th, 2019

Merry Late Christmas! Emmanuel, God with Us, is here!

So, it’s been a rough few weeks. PC is busted and in for repairs, school is kicking my butt, and I spent all my money on Christmas presents (and then got no money for Christmas proper to replenish stores). Ouch.

2020, hopefully, will bring us a SpikeDash fic, a 4 Princesses Fic, and a great Luna moment I have in my head that I’ll find a way to write in, somehow. Maybe we’ll even get a new CYOA romance...?

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YO IT'S SUN'S BIRTHGAY · 12:59pm Aug 25th, 2017


School Life and Stuff · 3:36am Sep 9th, 2016

Well howdy y'all that have followed and random viewers!

I just wanted to post this here to let you guys know that school started a couple days ago for me, which accounts for me not being able to update anything.

What's more, is that I've joined the Football team this year. Just to give you a clue on how intense that is, it's 2 hours of practice every single weekday. Here's the kicker...

For two and a half months.

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Mandatory Megadeth #2 · 4:59am Sep 7th, 2018

Goddammit, is it September already!? Welp, so much for that summer.

Anyway, it's hard to believe its been over a year since I put 'MLP EG Forever' on hiatus. I feel like I haven't accomplished much since I started back up in January, and compared to last year, I really didn't. From January 11th to August 10th, 2017, I published 79 chapters, but this year, from January 28th to now, I've published only 23.

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F/F/T3K15 7/1: Party of three. · 3:33am Jul 2nd, 2018

Last week's mess is cleaned up. Enjoy.

This week is the next installment of the infamous (for the veterans) original run of "Three of Me: School Society," right in the heart of its crossover with "Living the Dream." You know, because misery loves company.


Submissions Are Closed, so Call Me a Soccer Mom: Now it's Time to Judge You · 5:17pm Feb 10th, 2018

And so, the final number of entries is forty-seven.

Some of you might notice that by the time the deadline had passed there were only forty-six stories in the group, and some hours later the last one was added -- this is no mistake. The last story was submitted before the deadline, but wasn't approved until some hours later. Fortunately, our very own judge Majin Syeekoh is also a story approver, so we can just check when the thing was submitted and call it a day.

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Friendship in Card Games: School Raze · 12:19pm Oct 14th, 2018

And so, at last, we come to the finale the long way. Let us begin.

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Pony Dreams · 1:42pm February 26th

I definitely had two MLP-themed dreams last night, but it might've been more since some of what happened in the first didn't gel with the rest.

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Knowing when to quit · 7:51am Nov 23rd, 2022

Hiya, lovely peeps.

I quit college.

Or more accurately - I quit the course I was studying. Allow me to elaborate.

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Viewing 361 - 380 of 616 results