
Viewing 361 - 380 of 903 results

My December Patreon Poll is online!~ SEQUEL EDITION!! · 3:24am Dec 19th, 2018

That's right, bitches! For the next week, I'm holding an open poll on my Patreon for Patron-suggested sequels to previous stories! I have five sequel ideas listed, which include:

Price Check 2
Shining's Return to the Brood 2
DaddyLusive 3
A Zebra's Persuasion 3
and Showing His Place 2

Do any of those ideas tickle your fancy (or a term more literal-sounding than 'fancy')?~ Then head on over to my open poll on Patreon to cast your vote:

Report TheVClaw · 297 views · #NSFW #Sequel #Poll #Patreon

I just made a cover page for my upcoming clopfic~ · 10:41am Mar 14th, 2019

The Negotiation (which is set in the universe of Chronicles of a Sluttified Spike)

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My Patreon Winner Story-Prompt List [REAL Version] · 10:06am Apr 2nd, 2019

So, ummm... yeah, I should clarify some things here. When I put out this blogpost yesterday, it was meant to be an April Fool's joke. I figured that since I published it at around 10PM, that everyone would see it was posted on April 1st; unfortunately, a lot of people overseas saw it published at their dates, which kinda made the April Fools implication hard to see. So yeah, the list of

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Report TheVClaw · 377 views · #Patreon #NSFW #Update #Apology

Sacrifice Chapter 15 Update · 10:07pm Sep 6th, 2020

Over the past two nights, I managed to write out over 11K words worth of content for the latest chapter of Showing His Place: Sacrifice. I already know that this chapter will go further than the previously-planned 15K wordcount; however, since I received so many generous donations, I'm not against extending the chapter to fit what I need. I still plan to write out the spinoff oneshot that will be connected to this story, which will feature Discord assisting the truple in a very unique

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Report TheVClaw · 335 views · #Patreon #Update #NSFW

Sacrifice Chapter 15 Update [FINAL ONE, I SWEAR] · 5:01am Sep 9th, 2020

Over the past two nights, I managed to write out over 11K words worth of content for the latest chapter of Showing His Place: Sacrifice. I already know that this chapter will go further than the previously-planned 15K wordcount; however, since I received so many generous donations, I'm not against extending the chapter to fit what I need. I still plan to write out the spinoff oneshot that will be connected to this story, which will feature Discord assisting the truple in a very unique

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Report TheVClaw · 432 views · #Patreon #Update #NSFW

Patreon? · 11:36am Apr 27th, 2017

Hey folks!

I know I'm not the most famous author on here, but I'd like to think I've got a couple of fans. And I'd really like to apologise for the massive delay between chapters lately.

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Report lilAngel · 341 views · #patreon #desperate #author

Patreon Poll Reminder · 11:35pm May 27th, 2018

Just in case anyone missed my previous blog about it, I'm currently holding a public poll on my Patreon page for my upcoming commission story to write in June. I usually keep my poll for Patrons only, but I decided against it this time since I only have eight Patrons at the moment. Right now, there have been 17 votes casted, with the leading story prompt having 6 votes so far. If you wanna help out or give another story the lead, I recommend checking out the poll and casting your choice:

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'Game Night' update · 9:26am Jul 12th, 2019

As most of you may already know, I've recently started work on the Patreon-suggested prompt that won last month's commission poll: Game Night. But if you're unaware what the story will be, here's the synopsis:

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Report TheVClaw · 225 views · #Patreon #NSFW #Update

How many people are willing to donate to my Ko-Fi page? · 4:24am Jun 21st, 2019

I'm only asking because I need to raise about $300 to afford a new laptop (preferably something like a chrome book) & external hard drive. I know I already have a Patreon, but I wanted to put a new computer fund on a different format. I was thinking about offering various stories that could be donation goals, with the biggest story up for grabs when I get to three hundred. Now, I'm fairly certain which prompts could garter the biggest chances for success, but I'd also like to hear from you

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Report TheVClaw · 298 views · #Advice #Ko-Fi #Patreon

The July 2019 Patreon Poll is completed! · 5:17am Aug 1st, 2019

And I just gotta say, WOW! I can safely say that this month's poll has been the most active, and also one of the closest I've had in quite a while! A total of seventy-six votes were casted among the seven choices, with the top two only being off by a single vote! This was an amazing outcome, and I wanna thank everyone for voting and giving some attention to my Patreon page! :D

So without further ado, here are the results for July's poll:

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Two new updates are coming before this weekend! · 9:05am Jun 13th, 2019

Update #1: My Patreon Poll-winning entry, Cruising (as suggested by my Patron Eirjan) is officially completed and in the process of proofreading! The story is M/M smut (I know, what a shock~ :derpytongue2: ), and a cover page has already been made:

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Report TheVClaw · 386 views · #Update #Patreon #NSFW #GallBar

Part Two to Shining's Return to the Brood 2 is completed! (Also, quick update) · 10:59am May 8th, 2019

So, ummm... apparently, I ended up writing more setup for this story than I originally had planned. I was hoping to make Part 2 the main event, but it seemed that I wrote enough brainwashing and character stuff to move the actual fetishy content to Part 3! Nevertheless, I'm still really happy with how the update turned out, and I just published the update to my Official Patreon page!

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Report TheVClaw · 220 views · #Patreon #NSFW #Update

The winner of October's Patreon Story Poll is in! · 5:32am Nov 1st, 2019

As most of you may already know, I hole a monthly poll on my Patreon page to determine which Patron-submitted story will be written out the following month. And for October's poll, I received eight different prompts which totaled to 60 votes. And the number one story, which won with 16 total votes is:

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Patreon and Short Stories updates · 3:04am Sep 30th, 2019

Hey guys! Since there's only one day left for my Patreon Commission story poll, I just wanted to make a quick update to show where the results are at:

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Report TheVClaw · 199 views · #Patreon #Update #NSFW #Poll

I have two new polls on my Patreon! · 2:19am Jan 26th, 2021

As of this morning, I officially completed Chapter 18 of Showing His Place: Sacrifice. That chapter will be uploaded by tomorrow, but you can read it right now on my Patreon page. And if you visit my page, you'll be pleased to see not one, but TWO new polls open!

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Report TheVClaw · 286 views · #Patreon #Update #Poll #NSFW

Part one of Shining's Return to the Brood 2 is up on Patreon! · 12:36am May 7th, 2019

If you wanna check it out before Part 2 is completed, then please join my Official Patreon page for early access to all of my upcoming works!

Report TheVClaw · 183 views · #Patreon #NSFW #Update

April Patreon Supporter Reward Now Live! · 8:00pm Apr 30th, 2016

Patreon supporters take note: April’s supporter reward is now live. If you’ve donated the minimum amount of a dollar during the month of April, you can now take a look at this month’s nifty, behind the scenes look at one of the creatures from the in-progress Shadow of an Empire: the pack hunter creatures known as chort.

Here’s an excerpt from the reward:

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Blueblood Smut is coming tomorrow~ · 1:32am Aug 14th, 2019

A Change of Perception is officially written out in full, and is up on my Patreon as we speak (

I also have another project that will be uploaded on my Patreon later tonight, but I'm not sure when it'll be uploaded on FimFiction. However, the Blueblood story that won last month's Patreon poll will be up by tomorrow morning.


Patreon Account · 5:22am Mar 30th, 2018

Hello everybrony, I have a patreon account now, so if you enjoy my books please consider pledging to me, you have no idea how happy it'd make me to see you on my pledgers list. Also if you do pledge, you will get some perks too. For more information take a look at my profile on Patreon.

Report Bronyprophet · 506 views · #Money #Patreon #Pledge

More updates before September · 5:39pm Aug 27th, 2020

1.) My open poll on Patreon is currently online, and will be active until the end of this month. If you want to cast a vote for one of my fall-themed, Patron-suggested stories to be made in September, I recommend you check it out here:

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Viewing 361 - 380 of 903 results