
Viewing 361 - 380 of 10,587 results

Badwolf231 here or is it Badwolf1175? · 5:15am Mar 28th, 2020

Badwolf1175 is my new username but it's still me. I only changed my username because Badwolf231 is a username I haven't used in years so I decided to update my username.

Report Badwolf1175 · 134 views · #Update

Minor Update · 2:52pm May 22nd, 2023

I put the comments widget back on my page. Feel free to leave a comment. :twilightsmile:

Report EroPony1000 · 50 views · #Update

What's Been Going On With Me and Other Updates · 9:31am Aug 2nd, 2020

Good early morning guys and gals. I'm going to give you an update of what I've been up to for an while.

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Report Art199 · 166 views · #updates

The wonders of technology.....also updating/editing stories · 1:58am Nov 2nd, 2015

So, how do you fit all of the following into a seven year old laptop with less than 30gb left of free space...and why have they not invented a common wire to attach to everything yet?!?!

Ipad 4 (work) : 32gb
Phone (Note 4): 32gb internal + 64 gb memory card
Old phone (iphone 4): 32 gb
Very old phone (iphone 3g): 8gb
Various other very old phones (Nokia stuff): 2gb+

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Report arcanelexicon · 102 views · #update

Schedule Update · 2:00pm Sep 10th, 2023

This week will be the first week in ten weeks that I don't have a story ready. I've decided to release a story every two weeks instead of every week. I want to have more time to learn new writing styles, improve the stories I release, and most importantly, not stress myself out as much.

Thanks for the understanding!

Report Silk Rose · 67 views · #Update

Shower Coffee · 11:53pm Aug 28th, 2023

Shower Coffee is out. I actually drink coffee in the shower sometimes, and I hope the story has convinced some to try it.

I've got three stories with covers and only one of them has words down, going to try to finish that one for next week.

Stay safe.

Report Silk Rose · 50 views · #Update

Happy Holidays: a 2021 update · 7:11am Dec 7th, 2021

Hey everyone,

I’ve been urged to write this by a caring reader who has been checking on me regularly, just so that everyone knows that I’m still around. I know this isn’t going to be as long as some of my other posts, and it’s probably going to come across as a scrambled mess, but at the moment this is about as good as I can get out. So please bear with me while I muddle my way through this.

So, to answer the two big questions that seem to need to be answered:

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Report WyrmQuill · 127 views · #Update

Double Injury Chapter 3 Update, and a Quarantine Anecdote · 3:00am May 1st, 2020

(I don't know how to highlight part of the text into a clickable link)

Chapter 3 of "Double Injury: Guilt" is coming! Finished the rough draft; I now need to do the editing and proofreading.

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Report Player 4 · 121 views · #updates

Update to: The Alicorn Book · 8:53pm Dec 21st, 2021

Hi everyone,
Just finished and uploaded once again chapter three of my first Story

The Alicorn Book. Have fun reading. I will try to translate and improve the forth chapter before the year ends. But can't guarantee to be able to do it. AC Valhalla is still to time consuming😂

Neither which will be the case, happy Hearths Warming Eve Christmas and a Happy new Year, when the time arrives.

Report Nova Star Sparkle · 106 views · #update

Uh oh · 5:08am April 27th

Well... It kinda seems like that AAC (Are ants changrlings) is slowing down in terms of production. And you would be right in thinking that.

Right now I have a lotta of school work to do since my finals are getting close.

Chapter 8 is supposed to be out today but the more I write it, the more I realize that I really need to push it back one more day.

Well. That's all for now, see ya!


Pink Persuasion · 2:20am Aug 23rd, 2023

I really like the idea of Pink Persuasion. I think it came out well, I love the ending.

Next week's story will be a comedy. I think it's pretty funny.

Fluttershy Likes Rainbow Dash now has a custom cover, made by me.


Report Silk Rose · 118 views · #Update

There · 4:16pm May 2nd

I knew exactly what the tone was going to be when I thought of the name. I liked this one a lot. I think it did pretty well for not getting featured.

Both stories for May are written and just need proofread. I'm very excited for both of them!

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Report Silk Rose · 88 views · #Update

Progress on Stories · 3:37pm May 8th

Hello dear followers! No, i am not dead! Just busy with my new job and college stuff and some other stories in other sites that took my attention but don't worry, I haven't forgotten about the ones here! Already have a chapter for the God of Anger in the making and another of the Prodigy Emperor that I will publish both together to mark my return in making chapters in this site! Thank you all for the patience and sorry for not notifying any of you!


Report The Toaster · 235 views · #Update

I have a 3D printer! · 8:43am Nov 2nd, 2020

Details of what I have been doing for the past two months.

A Secret is revealed!:trollestia:

Also, I am on a scary game marathon.

Enjoy my suffering and bad audio.:pinkiecrazy:

I am hoping to finish the next chapter of my story this week.
Wish me luck!

Report Good Fedora Pony · 155 views · #update

The Hunter From Another World, Update 2 · 11:43pm Jul 10th, 2019

Chapter 3 is up and we get our first look at Stinger. I wanted to go a little crazy with the villain designs but keep them within the realm of possibility in the Equestrian world and mythology. I'm interested in knowing what people think of the way I stage action set pieces and combat, keep in mind that this is just the initial bout and I want scale it up from here; so enjoy and chime in with what you think. :pinkiesmile:

Report Marezinger Z · 123 views · #Update

Additional Plans (Also, hello!) · 12:36am Sep 23rd, 2018

Back, I hope for more frequent additions, I'd like to highlight some plans here like I said in the most recent chapter of Time to Think.

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Report beetlebootboot · 131 views · #Update

WHATS GOING ON!? · 1:42am Oct 8th, 2023

So... Wheres the next chapter of my report of another world?

ITS IN THE WORKS! Juuust, not as often as I want. My writing motivation kinda died out when I went back to work. 3 on 3 off 12 hour night shifts are a KILLER lemme tell ya!

Buuuuuuuut anyways, yes I will be geting back into it! When? No idea, haha!

Report Piggynator · 50 views · #Update

Quick little update · 6:04pm Sep 26th, 2023

Hi folks

This James here, just giving you a quick update about what going on with the story and my art work.

For the story, the latest chapter is getting there slowly with my rig having problems again. I'm working it on my laptop when I get a chance to do so with me working my butt off doing my day job.

As for my artwork, I'll have to use the same laptop for that'en has well. The list of remasters that are still on the chopping block will be coming later on.

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Report James Cribb · 62 views · #Update

UPCOMING PROJECTS · 12:33am Feb 27th, 2021

OK, so as I mentioned in my last blog post, I have had multiple ideas come to me over the past month or so. I'm going to use this blog post to not only give my ideas for these new stories, but to also give an update on Somewhere Over the Rainbow
Here is everything you need to know:

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

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Report InternetStranger · 150 views · #Update

Recent Events Update · 4:41pm Apr 13th, 2023

Heyo Peeps

My recent inactivity has been due to an ice storm that swept through and hit my city pretty hard, causing me to lose power and a series of unfortunate events to follow that have caused my workflow to kinda slow down signiciantly. I'll try and return to a decent pace hopefully with commissions and what not.

Report DHeroRedMagma · 153 views · #update
Viewing 361 - 380 of 10,587 results