
Viewing 381 - 400 of 842 results

On Starlight and justice · 7:25pm Nov 30th, 2015

Quite a few people seem upset at the finale because Starlight wasn't 'punished' for her actions. I personally didn't like her backstory, nor did I like the need to throw in a Freudian excuse for her actions, but the resolution of her not getting punished and becoming Twilight's student is actually a great ending that I'll defend.

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Change of Plans · 12:47am Dec 7th, 2015

So there's gonna be a slight change of plans for this Christmas special I'll be writing. Instead of it being the "Operation Sunny Days" it'll have a different concept and different everything. First off, instead about being a romance fic about Rarity and AJ. It'll be about Starlight and that one orange colt she was friends with when she was young. I suppose his name is Sunbeam. In true GOB fashion, it'll be a romance. You'll just have to wait and see what the plot is. But basically, it's a

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"No Second Prances" - Thoughts... (spoilers, obviously) · 4:40am May 1st, 2016


Ever Have One of Those Episodes You're Really Looking Forward to Seeing and Then You See It And It's Crap? · 4:40pm May 1st, 2016

Thanks a lot for yesterday's episode, Nick. Can't wait to see how you'll chimp out when you start getting criticized on Twitter over it.

Once again, we take something that contains a great concept, but wonky execution. The last episode I can remember Nick Confalone writing was "What About DIscord?", which was shit in a bean can. This episode is beans. Not even the Bush's Baked kind, either: the store-brand variety where it tastes more like salt than beans.

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Mirror Magic Review · 8:51pm May 28th, 2017

When the Polish subs came out, I decided to wait for the English. The VAs add so much personality and life to the cast that, while I'm sure the Polish VAs are fine, it wouldn't be the same. Sure, it's not until August I'll see them, but eh.

But this is the one where Sunset and Starlight meet.

...I'm only human, people.

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A few things · 1:55am Oct 3rd, 2016

Hey guys! Just want to spill for a while.

First of all, I'm on writer's block for my story Origins. I feel like I was starting to go south in writing that story so I'm taking a break. Will hopefully get the last two chapters up when I feel like they aren't going to suck :rainbowlaugh:

Next up, I'm expanding my name onto other sites, so here are the links to my new accounts:

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My Reaction To "On the Road to Friendship" · 4:01pm Aug 18th, 2018

I'll say this about Starlight, she really knows how to work up a crowd and amp up the drama.

Umm.... was Granny Smith not aware of what she signed up for when she volunteered?

Aww! Little Flurry Heart is here!

Starlight : "Don't stare at their butts, don't stare at their butts, don't stare at their butts..."

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I have an Idea!!! · 1:30pm Jan 21st, 2017

Soooooo it's been mentioned before that people think that this should've been continued and I would like to see it continued but not fully by my. Now. I have an idea that could help both of us. For those that want to, you guys can help me write since I haven't had the time to be able to right since I have school, work, and life problems.

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A late entry on Starlight Glimmer · 4:40pm Jun 16th, 2015

Wow I really meant to post this sooner, it is a reaction to Starlight Glimmer in the premier, so it is a little late. Enjoy:

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Pony Talk Episode 59-Juniper Montage: The REAL Sunset Shimmer 2.0 · 8:04pm Mar 11th, 2018

Oh that's right! I'm going there! Because these two really DO have more in common than you'd first think.


Letters - VI · 8:35pm Sep 12th, 2016

I've thrown away my toys, even my drum and train.
I wanna make some noise with real live aeroplanes.
Some day I'm going to fly, I'll be a pilot too.
And when I do, how would you like to be my crew?

On The Good Ship Lollipop.
It's a sweet trip to a candy shop
Where bon-bons play
On the sunny beach of Peppermint Bay.

Lemonade stands everywhere
Crackerjack bands fill the air
And there you are
Happy landing on a chocolate bar.

See the sugar bowl do the tootsie roll

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Pony Talk Episode 53-Critics and Creators · 10:28pm Nov 26th, 2017

This video may not win me any friends, but it's something that needs to be said


New Chapter Will Release Thursday for The Runaway Bodyguard · 8:35pm Apr 14th, 2021

Decided I will release Thursday 4/15 instead of Friday 4/16. Upvotes make me 🎶happy🎵! Think Autumn Blaze. In chapter 8, a royal guard pony will try to find who Princess Celestia sensed casting so strongly in her vicinity. The reason is not at all what Starlight expects.


MLP villain rankings: Starlight Glimmer · 9:11pm Feb 18th, 2019

0/10 - AWFUL (unsalvageable, never should have been made, wouldn't recommend to anyone)
1/10 - HORRIBLE/BORING (tedious, hurts to watch, a bore, no reason to watch him/her, whatever positive things about him/her are tiny and not enough)
2/10 - VERY BAD (slightly less terrible, maybe there were one or two things you liked kept him/her from being a 1 but still very painful)

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The Everton Au. · 10:23am Jun 7th, 2020


I've been hard at work editing chapters, and I've made some updates!

As you'll probably have noticed, the icon has changed quite a bit! This will continue to update as the story unfolds, so be sure to keep your eyes peeled!

As well as that, I've made a point to link the related art pieces to each chapter in the authors notes, so make sure to check out that bonus content if you haven't already!

smell ya later losers


Another New Fic · 3:50am Jun 8th, 2020

Okay so I've already written a second one. At this point it's part of a series. We'll see if I write more of them or not.

Jeeze. Years since I wrote my one and only MLP fic, and now I've slapped out two for She-Ra in two weeks.

This one also covers some emotional baggage that I think would have been good to address in the series. It also follows directly from the last one.

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Spike's Sacrifice: Chrysalis' Beatdown · 8:58am Jul 10th, 2021

Hello, everyone. I would like to ask your opinion on something. A few users in the comment section of "A Secret Admirer 3" were actually hoping to see Starlight, Smolder, Thorax, and Ember beat up Chrysalis. I would like to know your opinion on the idea of me doing an alternate take on Chapter 8 of the story where Chrysalis gets, according to Smolder, "the punishment she's had coming for a long time". Thank you all for you time.


New Starlight Glimmer Novelette. StarlightxDouble Diamond. Enforcerverse · 2:02am Aug 8th, 2020

Do I need to say more??? If you like my pre-reformed Starlight, Together Alone is your cup of tea.
Edit: Updated The Enforceverse timeline to include the story.

TTogether Alone
Starlight has always distrusted friendship, but, when she is infected by a disease transmitted via magic, she has no choice but to listen to some lessons about friendship from Double Diamond. A Founding of Our Town / Love in a time of Covid-19 story.
scifipony · 12k words  ·  12  4 · 399 views

Edit: Split in two halves. Second half Aug 8th or 9th.


Stuck In Place Valentines Day · 8:09pm Feb 15th, 2023

Yes, it is back. Also, I did plan for it to be posted yesterday, but I was very busy. Either way, here is the latest chapter in which Starlight hides a dank secrets within her principal.

[Adult story embed hidden]


Geodes Reveal and Why Haywire Exists · 4:00pm Jul 5th, 2021

In Haywire, Chapter 1 Starlight and Twilight head deeper into the castle after a third of a dark, evil Shadow spirit. Twilight and Starlight head nowhere else but Canterlot High, after the Shadow who dives through the mirror portal to this other world. I have lots of plans for both episodic releases of both the Haywire series and Geodes(the EQG equivalent) as I wanted three things: An introduction of my own characters, an epilogue for the Mane 6 given their lives after the Coronation weren't

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Viewing 381 - 400 of 842 results