
Viewing 421 - 440 of 2,639 results

New story ideas. · 10:55pm Apr 8th, 2018

So I’m thinking of putting the pieces together for a brand-new [non-pony] crossover story, or rather a three-part series of stories with a larger narrative. Let me know what you think.

It’s a cross-between a Connery/Moore style James Bond, and a few Batman villains. I got the original idea last year when me and a couple friends were coming up with ideas for fantasy matches, and one of them was a three-way narrative between James Bond, Jack Bauer, and Two-face.

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Incoming Cozy Fic, Be Ready for Feels · 7:21pm Oct 19th, 2019


Spoilers after the break. I WARNED YOU!

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Next Story GEMS: The Sun Princess · 10:55pm Dec 17th, 2016

Okay if you guys haven't read my latest story Tale of the Sun then I'd recommend reading it so you can understand what's happening.

I'm making a new story called....

GEMS: The Sun Princess and I'm hoping it'll make up for my lack of writing lately and hopefully I can update most of my stories now that I'm on break.

That's all for now guys XD

Report Pen Dragon · 260 views · #New Story #Gems saga

Story Next Week and Future Plans · 10:44pm May 25th, 2019

Hey folks!

So it’s been a bit longer than I would have wanted since the last time, but the story I’ve been working on is nearly finally almost ready to go live. This is a TwiJack story, set near the end of season 7, which took much longer to write than I was expecting. He’s a preview of the story page:

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Report bats · 338 views · #new story #updates

I wrote a little thing. · 11:44pm May 15th, 2015

The title is in the form of a sentence fragment, capitalization and punctuation included... which is actually an excellent indicator of the story's content. It's called "Shining down just so."

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Shift · 7:40pm Apr 28th, 2018

This is a little different from my usual work. Also, I know I have a lot of stories going on; it's just a one-shot, don't worry. I'm sorry for not focusing on writing my long-term stories as much, but I don't make you wait as long as 4 years for an update now, do I? At least I'll give you a blog post or something. Sorry, it's 4:40 AM.

Check this new story out, bros. I wrote it.

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Report Odd_Sarge · 307 views · #new story #shift

Well Hello There · 10:26pm Nov 10th, 2015

My, it's been a while. I had a bit of writing block until recently, but I have exciting news! A new story will be coming soon! It's currently untitled, but it's about Moondancer visiting Ponyville for the first time, and all of the social obstacles involved. I have a few beta readers, but am interested in finding a serious editor to look for grammatical errors and any major plotholes. Anypony interested in doing this for me, please shoot me a message! Thanks for your help!



The Spirit of Winter. · 12:52am Jan 12th, 2016

I told ya'll I had another story to release. Sadly for me, just like Treasures and Trinkets, it's not note worthy... I don't know if it's the cover or the title, how about I slap on a picture of snowdrop, perhaps that'll get your attention.

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So, do you guys know what Fallout: Equestria is? · 2:38am Jul 22nd, 2020

If so, you may or may not like to hear that I’m writing a Blue Fang/FoE crossover thing. I got this idea screwing around on Fallout 4 with mods. So uh... yeah. Let’s see if I can balance FG:SO and Fallout Equestria: Blue Fangs


Update · 5:10am Nov 29th, 2020

So, I have no idea why I'm making an extra blog post, minus the fact that I have a feeling that I should. So, here's the big news: I'm planning to post a one-shot story come next Friday. (This post might be serving the purpose of insurance of me not backing out last minute like I always manage to do). Either way, I just wanted to let you know ahead of time. This will delay the next Chapter of Transparent Living by a week.

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One Story on Hiatus, another on the way. · 3:38pm Mar 4th, 2018

Hey y'all,

So after I hit writer's block this week and realized that my tests and homework were piling up, I decided that I would put my Alien Warriors series on hold. I'd like to apologize for taking so painstakingly long to create new material for this sequel.

On another note, I gained some inspiration last night when watching a movie with my friends, and I'm thinking about releasing a new story based on this movie!


A New Story · 10:06am May 19th, 2016

In case you weren't paying attention, I recently released a one-shot about Trixie and her run-in with a genie. It was a quick write (only about an hour, new record for me) and an even quicker read.

Give it a look, yeah?

Report chillbook1 · 209 views · #New Story #Trixie #Genie

Welp. That happened. · 9:33pm Aug 27th, 2017

I think I might've accidentally ended off "Oh, Darling!" with a scene that could very well lead into some sort of Nightmare-Rarity-style sequel.


Either way, fic's submitted on my alt, so it should be going up soon. :raritywink:


The first wave of my new story "Ruin" is out now · 6:41am Dec 29th, 2017

Here's the story page.

It's a different kind of project with intentionally shorter chapters, so I'll be writing and releasing them in "waves."

The next wave will be out sometime soon.

I was listening to this a lot as I writing it. I think it sets an appropriate atmosphere. Or not. Up to you.

Thanks and enjoy!

Report Undermine · 268 views · #new story #update #time

Help with my new Titanfall Story. · 10:13pm Jul 26th, 2017

I have a plot for it, it's just...

I don't know how to start writing it. Like, where to begin it. I have one thing written, but I don't know how to get it moving, if you know what I mean.

Help is needed.

Here's the chapter. Put in the comments what I should start out with.

Thanks, and Ciao!

Report Mkchief34 · 216 views · #Titanfall #new story #help

New Story: Convergence · 7:50pm Jun 8th, 2020

Hey pones, just wanted to let everyone know that I've posted a new story. Anyone who enjoyed Synthesis, or who is interested in emergent intelligence and AI in general will probably enjoy this story as well.

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Doing One Chapter in my stories. · 9:17pm May 14th, 2020

Hello everyone, hope that everything's fine during the lockdown. I'm informing you that I am going to do just one chapter in my stories because I am not good at making another chapter, so not going to.

P.S. I'm working on a new story.


Update, August 7th · 3:37am Aug 8th, 2023

I wrote a story real quick. Thanks to KinsColt for their comment which inspired me to write it in the first place.

Report EroPony1000 · 46 views · #Update #New Story

New story on the way! · 2:44am Jun 20th, 2015

Be on the lookout for my first fic in a loooong time, and one that I'll (hopefully) be able to stick with and finish!


The next part of "All That We Become". · 5:52am Feb 5th, 2021

Up next for me will be the continuation of my "All That We Become" series which details the aftermath of my story "All That We Are". We got to take a look at what Aurelian and Faye have been up to, now it's time to check in with Chrysalis as she takes the next big step in moving on from her past; that being closing what may be her most infamous chapter, her assault on the Crystal Empire and her attempt to destroy Cadence and Shining Armor's life. If you haven't checked out the previous

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Viewing 421 - 440 of 2,639 results