
Viewing 421 - 440 of 903 results

Showing His Place 3 is completed, and on my Patreon page! · 3:54pm Feb 1st, 2019

The commissioner is also set to have a cover page prepared in a couple days, so I'll wait until then to publish it on Fimfiction. But right now, the story is on my Patreon at over 49K words total. So if you're interested, feel free to join my page and check it out!


My Patreon Poll for June 2020 is Officially Open! · 4:56am Jun 26th, 2020


My Upcoming Schedule · 4:29pm Apr 15th, 2021

Heya, guys! I know it's been a while since I made any updates, but I just wanted to be open about things for any of you who might be worried.

First of all, I'm perfectly fine. For the past couple weeks, I was trying my best to work on the Teen Titans story that won January's Patreon poll, which proved to be more difficult than expected. The reason for my slow progress is due to a few things:

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Volume 4 complete · 5:48am Feb 11th, 2019

Well, that took a lot longer than I ever expected it to. At least 3 and a half years have been spent on the past 18 chapters and I am elated to finally have it done.

With that done, I would like to take a short breather and provide my readers with a little extra treat. I will be going through Before Time Began to Flow for proofreading to prepare for printing.

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New Stories Incoming!! · 6:45am Feb 1st, 2021

Since I have the official results of my Story Poll and Randomizer from my Patreon page, here's a list of projects I have planned throughout the month of February:

1.) Finishing up Game Night 2 - All I have left to write is the actual smut, so this story will be up on FimFiction and FurAffinity before the end of the week. So be prepared for more slutty dragon action! :D

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Some Quick Updates! · 6:17pm Jun 28th, 2021

1.) I just wrote out an AU oneshot commission based in the universe of Showing His Place, shortly before the events of Sacrifice. It's basically just a oneshot displaying a sick, father's day-themed power play and some heavy action in between. It's about as dark as you'd expect for a story in this universe, but I'm contemplating whether or not to post it as its own thing. If you're interested in checking it out, it's currently up on my Patreon

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The Patreon Commission Story Poll for May 2019 is officially online! · 2:53am May 28th, 2019

Every month, I hold an open poll on my Official Patreon page that's composed of story prompts suggested by my Top-Tier patrons. This poll will be open until May 31st, where the results will be announced after midnight. So if you're curious to see what stories are up for consideration, feel free to check out the poll at the kink below:

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We have a winner! · 5:31am Jul 5th, 2019

Every month on my Official Patreon Page, I hold a monthly poll in which my Top-Tier Patrons can submit a story prompt of their own choosing, and the winning story is made into a fully-fledged fic that'll be posted on Patreon and Fimfiction. And after dozens of votes have been casted over the past week, the winning prompt for July is going to be...

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Patreon Story: Children of Khaos · 5:36pm May 27th, 2019

Ello, bronies. Just advertising that I now have the beginning of my first story on Patreon for Patrons Only:

Children of Khaos: A complete retelling of Greek Mythology. Explore the relationship between the primordials, the interplay between the divine lineages, and different interpretations of various events. (T for the inevitable mention but no actual showing of rape, sexual themes in general, and cosmic violence)

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A Plea to Please Consider the Patreon · 8:55pm Mar 5th, 2021

Hello readers!

So this is a bit of a different post. But it is that time of year. As of yesterday, the payment to keep both the site and the webdomain running for another year—ad-free—has been paid.

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Reminder that I am shilling myself · 5:03pm Apr 14th, 2020

Hey all Magma here.

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hey hey i have a patreon but i haven't paid attention to it in ages. · 7:35am Dec 22nd, 2020

It really ain't much, just a $1 a month casual support sorta thing. I've got a Ko-Fi page as well if you don't feel like paying a buck a month!

being a broke college student be like:


Fireteam Freelance Patreon Supporter Content! · 9:24pm Jan 22nd, 2020

Heads up, readers! Are you supporting on Patreon? Because if you are, you might want to dart on over there and take a look at the latest supporter only post: an early preview of Fireteam Freelance!

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100+ watchers and what it means for YOU · 12:47am Oct 28th, 2015

Welcome and thank you for glancing over at the very least this blog post! It's been a long road, with bumps, hiccups and breakdowns along the path of the Author. The trail is nowhere close to finish, if nothing else, it spans ever hopeful into the future. But along the way, not only has my stories have grown in popularity (Taming the Storm, No So Simple Simple Life, New Kind of Party, and Perfect Pitch all having at least 1,100 views if not more), but I now have 102 watchers. 102 people

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For the very first time, you have a chance to vote on which story I'll do next! · 4:39pm Jul 31st, 2015

That's right. For the next two weeks, voting is open to decide which new story idea I'll write next, and my $4 and up Patreon supporters get to decide!

This will happen every month from now on, so there will be plenty of chances to make your voice heard -- but why not get in on the very first one?

My $4 and up Patreon supporters can find the link to go vote in this Patreon post.

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Status Update... and Patreon · 1:28am Jul 2nd, 2015

Soooo... Do I even have any watchers anymore? I checked my user page, and realized that the last time I uploaded anything, was back in January. :twilightoops::facehoof:. I'm sorry. I realize that I just disappeared, but between school, work, and computer problems I just couldn't find the time to upload anything. That's not to say I haven't been writing though. I currently am working on the next chapter of I'm Captain America, and I have an outline for my other two stories ready to be

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Ponderings on Writing for Da Moneys. · 7:04pm Feb 13th, 2016

Hey, all.

In light of a personal one-year anniversary, I thought I’d do a little opinion blog on something that’s been on my mind for a while.

So here’s a pondering: how do people turn hobbyist writing into income?

Let’s go over some options.

Option 1: Commissions.

You publicly announce you are doing story commissions. You charge a rate per X words, maybe extra if it contains some objectionable materials.

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April Updates · 10:46am Mar 30th, 2018

Welp... this has been quite an eventful month for me, hasn't it? Along with starting a Patreon and writing a large amount of stories (both for Fimfiction AND SoFurry), it seems that I've been getting quite the plethora of different people who want unique stories. If you told me a year ago, that I'd end up writing half the kinks or pairings I ended up making now, I probably would've assumed you were nuts. In fact, I wouldn't have expected myself to publish Sombra's Deal, which was

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Here's my April 2018 Patreon Commission Poll · 10:19am Apr 25th, 2018

For those of you who follow me on my Patreon page (or are curious to contribute and show me support), I have my official Monthly Poll up for my upcoming story in May. This poll contains prompts that I'm wanting to try myself, and prompts suggested to me by various Patrons. Here are the list of stories up for voting below:

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Preview #3: Unrelated to Anything Else · 10:10pm Dec 28th, 2017

This is the third, and final, preview of MLP writing projects in my mind. A full list of my current options will be on my Patreon on Dec. 30 for discussion and debate, and that's where my decision will be made, since I really need the income.

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Viewing 421 - 440 of 903 results