• Member Since 30th Jan, 2013
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Viking ZX

Author of Science-Fiction and Fantasy novels! Oh, and some fanfiction from time to time.

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Fireteam Freelance Patreon Supporter Content! · 9:24pm Jan 22nd, 2020

Heads up, readers! Are you supporting on Patreon? Because if you are, you might want to dart on over there and take a look at the latest supporter only post: an early preview of Fireteam Freelance!

Before you get too excited, it’s not the first chapter. That hasn’t been written yet (and when it is, the alpha will go up on this site, as promised, chapter by chapter).

No, it’s something else. A “supplemental” if you will. Fireteam Freelance is going to be a more “episodic” story, with clear-cut chunks of chapters following the titular fireteam. But I wanted to do something so that there was more to it than just that, and as I was figuring out the cast, I had the idea of “What if someone was interviewing them? Then between “episodes” there could be a short segment of an interview!” Thus, I could write the interview to find each character’s “voice” and develop them a little further before starting the story, and then I could take chunks of those interviews and place them between episodes.

But which chunks? Why obviously I’d need to write the whole thing first! And I have! Or at least, I have for one of the four new protagonists we’ll be following in Fireteam Freelance: Adah Nay! And, if you’re a Patreon Supporter, you can now go read the entire interview, unredacted or edited by Icon News Media, on my Patreon!

So if you’re a supporter, don’t miss out. Head on over and give it a look!

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