
Viewing 421 - 440 of 1,472 results

Thoughts on the Human Experience and Ponies · 3:37pm Oct 25th, 2016

Good morning everyone. Still not dead, and I've been giving a lot of thought to ponies lately, and how they relate to our own experience in life.

Specifically when it comes to talents, interests, and feeling fulfilled in life.

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My Thoughts on Molt Down (s8e11) · 4:36pm May 26th, 2018

A Spike episode that didn't make me rip my hair out... What a backward world we live in. A world where up is down and boy bands play instruments.

Check below the break for my somewhat biased thoughts. There will be a few spoilers.

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The Power of Marketing · 2:36pm Jan 28th, 2018

Normally I wouldn't post on a Sunday at all, let alone a Sunday morning, but I'm under the weather (fighting off flu) and a sibling just dropped this absolute gem of a video into my lap ... So I really wanted to share it with you guys.

This ... is the power of marketing. Oh, and language warning.

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Shattered Rainbow Rock Cover Art Idea · 7:23pm Feb 27th, 2018

Okay, so after some discussion with some friends of mine, I've come to an idea for a cover art that could lure people in to liking Shattered Rainbow Rock. As we all know, every story ever told needs to have something to draw the reader in, something to make them go, 'hey, what's this story about?'

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The Cycle Begins Anew · 6:34pm Jun 14th, 2018

This one might be a little … scattered. Why? Well, I just got back from the dentist.

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Helpful books for writers · 2:25am Apr 16th, 2017

Hey everybody. Hope you all enjoyed the season 7 premiere. I haven't gotten around to watching it, yet.

Anyway, I mentioned this before in the author's notes for my story, A Tale of Two Suns, and if you haven't read it, I encourage you to do so. But the point is that I'm in the habit of cross-posting my work on various sites like, Archive of Our Own, and Deviant Art.

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My Thoughts on... · 8:01pm Sep 3rd, 2017

The Equestria Girls Shorts and Music videos
Fun, enjoyable, short, nice buildup for the show to be released.

MLP Movie
I still can't wait for it!

MLP Season 7
The Best so far.

The Fundamentals of Magic Video on the Official Hasbro youtube Channel

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Random middle-of-the-night deep thought · 6:00am May 9th, 2018

What are your theories on the feasibility of Equestria's existence according to the show's lore?

Would the historical events portrayed in the show really manage to snowball into what would later become Equestria, or is it just a pile of creative license?


My best story · 11:53pm Feb 25th, 2019

It’s a little weird to admit this because of how long and how good of a reception Featherfall has gotten, but if I were to say what I think my best story is? It would one hundred percent be Adagio’s Lament.


Artificial Fans? · 5:09pm Apr 29th, 2020

On April 1st, 2014, one of that year’s most unexpected video game hits released: Goat Simulator. “What does this have to do with writing and reading?” Just trust me.

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Imagine what a Pong-MLP crossover would be like? · 5:16am Apr 25th, 2018

Would it just be ponified vertical boxes doomed to forever bounce a ball to each other?
Would it just be the average game of (table) tennis?
Would it be in intricately-woven adventure diving deep into the technical aspects and history of the video game industry?



This is what happens when my homework overflows into my bedtime.


Thoughts About Writing and Heart of Magic · 10:26pm Jul 8th, 2019

So for awhile now I've been sitting here thinking about the Heart of Magic, or well most of my writing as a whole. Ever since I began drawing web comics I started to realize that maybe I've been thinking about writing wrong. I used to try and write the way I saw it in my head, meaning I was a very visual story teller, but visuals aren't exactly the thing that makes writing work. Describing hair, and skin, and eyes, and what else have ye, it kinda takes away from the magic of writing and

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The Little Mermaid Trailer-2017: NOT Disney · 1:31am Mar 19th, 2017

My thoughts: Well... it will probably be... interesting.
And I'm a die-hard fan of The Little Mermaid, and yet if I don't hate it, then why should you?


My thoughts on Tales of the Jedi · 9:42pm Oct 26th, 2022

It was awesome! I really enjoyed the series even if they were all six shorts as they were intended to be. I really wish I can just review it all next month, but I have other shows I want to review first. Thus, Tales of the Jedi will be covered in January.

But seriously, it was worth the wait and made me long to see more of Count Dooku’s past, Ahsoka’s training, and much more! Thank you, Dave Filoni!


It's always funny to me to see readers' preferences · 6:33pm Nov 4th, 2022

So, whenever I look at my stories, I always see that readers often join a story if it's short and "to the point", but this is also contradicted by the likes. Often, the stories that get the most likes in my catalogue are the ones connected to my main series, the Sundagioverse. So, I almost have two different sides of my readers. I have the ones that read my short stories and oneshots because they like that format and maybe they found these stories through the "New Stories" section on

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8th May. Random thoughts, music and pony. · 4:04am May 8th


Our Horse.

Meh fic is gonna be out soon! It has spent 30 hours in the mod queue. If it passes, then it will hopefully be out either tomorrow, or the day after.

Mare Before Midnight >:3

I miss meh ponies back in MLPF :fluttercry:

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So I watched Trigun: Stampede · 2:04am Jun 15th, 2023

I just recently watched and finished the series Trigun: Stampede on Hulu. I'm going to try avoiding spoilers for the plot, and more focusing on what I liked and disliked.

Trigun: Stampede is a reboot or a reimagining of the original. It was beautifully animated. The characters and scenery were amazing to look at.

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Watercolors art posts: your thoughts? · 6:23pm Jul 20th, 2016

Hi everypony! I've seen some other people here do it, and I wondered if you guys wanted me to as well. As an artist myself, I enjoy looking at other people's art. I was thinking about doing an art post here in my blogs. Either daily, or weekly, I would post a certain amount of art that I like, and credit the people who drew them. What do you guys think? Let me know in the comments. Thank you:pinkiesmile:


So, new episode... (Canterlot Boutique) · 8:31pm Sep 12th, 2015

AND for once, I cought it while it's fresh.

My thoughts on Canterlot Boutique after the cut.

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Eesh · 2:42am Dec 31st, 2015

Well, that didn't go over so well.

I wonder what went wrong? Maybe I'm just the victim of a flood of people who hate vore.

Ah well, analyze what I did wrong and maybe do better next time, yeah?

Viewing 421 - 440 of 1,472 results