
Viewing 4401 - 4420 of 4,900 results

Thunderstorm Story Intermission · 6:59pm Oct 28th, 2023

Okay, I have been waiting for a while now to make sure, but now it's the end of October, and it looks like there won't be any more thunderstorms coming this year. This means, Thunderstorm Story will have an intermission until late Spring, when the next thunderstorms are to expect.

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First (New) Plans for Tempest Shadow's multi-chapter fic are Set In Stone! · 6:37pm Jun 10th, 2018

Hello everypony and readers old and new! I was silent for a while, but I have used this time to come up with a (new) plan for my multi-chapter fic for Tempest Shadow, the last story from my Upcoming Stories list.

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I'M STILL ALIVE: Update on my situation and 150 Follower Milestone! · 11:47pm Sep 24th, 2017

It's been almost two months..... I'm very overdue for this. Yes, I am still alive.

I want to apologize for not writing anything for so long, especially to those few who wait for updates of "The Strange Case of Dinky Hooves' Cutie Mark Curiosity". At the beginning of August, I got thrown into a deep depression and found myself unable to do any kind of writing.

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hahahahaHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhaha · 6:56pm Jul 9th, 2017

i'm going insane writing someone going insane

I'm surprisingly good at this (writing someone going insane, I mean). :rainbowderp:


It looks like 2020 isn't the "I'm back to full form!" year, after all, but rather the "I'm very slowly getting back to full form." year..... · 10:32pm Sep 13th, 2020

This year was supposed to be a big comeback year for me as a pony author, after the last two thirds of 2017 were mostly a disaster and 2018 and 2019 were overall very disorganized messes for my writing, because of the event from the beginning of 2017 (which I still can't tell you details about, sorry for being vague) and the huge aftermath of that event that left me in a mentally compromised state of existing, all of which affected my writing output and also my writing skill. Now, as the year

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Thunderstorm Story #4 · 7:56pm May 6th

Thunderstorm Story is back. I am not yet ready to write daily again after my friend went into distance from me, but I don't want to give up Thunderstorm Story. And I know my friend does not want that I give it up, either. So I will still continue this writing experiment like I intended last year.

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Stalk Me While I Write About King Sombra RIGHT NOW · 8:58pm Jan 1st, 2017


Stalk Me While I Write Sunday Heads Up · 11:06pm Jan 7th, 2017

*sigh* The best laid plans of ponies and TimeWitches don’t mean squat in this ponyverse sometimes. Knowing 75% of my most loyal stalker fanbase is 8 hours ahead of me, I fully intended to get this stupid heads-up notice out way earlier today…right BEFORE the hour and a half phone meeting with my website client.

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WRITING BREAK IS OVER: Here is Fluttercheer's List of Upcoming Stories! · 1:29am Feb 21st, 2018

Fillies and gentlecolts, I hereby announce the end of my break from writing, together with a list of my upcoming stories!

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Stalk Me While I Write Christmas Sunday is live at 12:00 noon Pacific Time · 8:03pm Dec 25th, 2016

So far I am up to having worked on my current story, "King Sombra's New Sweater" for 5:00 hours on the nose and am at 4,464 words. My goal is to finish it up and publish before Xmas ends. Having peeps there on the chat cheering me on would really help that goal, so grab your eggnog and kick back on the computer after your own celebrations to help me get there and give me and my readers the best Christmas present a Sombra-obsessed fangirl could have - a new story to read of our favorite Umbrum

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ANNOUNCEMENT: Two stories of mine will get released today and they will be my last ones. (APRIL FOALS JOKE!) · 1:52pm Apr 1st, 2019

100% April Foals-free Update:

Greetings, fellow readers of mine, the author known as Fluttercheer.

Today I have some news for you. One is good, the other one is bad. Let's start with the good news first:

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Yes there will be a Stalk Me While I Write Today · 6:21pm Feb 26th, 2017

Despite picking up “con crud” at Gallifrey One last weekend, I am crawling out of my cave of misery to livecast today. Being with friends always makes me feel better. Even minutes after waking up from hernia surgery years ago, I wanted my friends there around me. Everyone was saying, “you need to rest” and I said, “Screw that. I’ll sleep tonight.” It works. I got out of the hospital the next day feeling weak but so much better for their company and fun!

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Stop All this Weeping, Swallow Your Pride; You Will Not Die, It's Not Poison (Bronycon) · 8:20pm Jun 22nd, 2019

God, my friends are gonna be angry at me for this one.

But don’t worry! They’ll be angry, like. In a sexy way.

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Thunderstorm Story #5 · 4:18pm May 24th

A new thunderstorm is happening right now, this time even while I'm outside! I took shelter under a roof, but the wind blew the rain there, so I had to flee into a restaurant to warm up after getting soaked. But I'm glad this happens, it's an adventure. I ordered a warm lavender milk and now I'm writing from here:

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Thunderstorm Story #3 · 9:38pm Sep 19th, 2023


New fic out! · 11:18pm Oct 11th, 2021

do YOU like Strawberry Sunrise? do YOU like changelings? do YOU like that weird sort of fic that I write where I can't adequately summarize? do YOU like clickbait summaries because pls pay attention to this fic, I'm very proud of it? If you answered yes to none or more of the above, come check out this fanfic I wrote!

TThe Many Lives of Strawberry Sunrise
Most new ponies feel alone when they first come to Ponyville, but Strawberry Sunrise is far less alone than she thought.
Silent Whisper · 8.4k words  ·  91  2 · 850 views

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First time novel writing experiences · 3:07am May 24th, 2016

Guys! I wrote a novel! :O

I know this is FiMfiction and there are novel writers everywhere, but it's downright strange to have an actual novel under my belt. So what did I actually learn from this once-in-a-lifetime experience?

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The Garbage Pail Kids Movie (1987) · 4:51am Sep 7th, 2016

Does anybody want to hear about my weekend at Dragon Con? No? Good. It wasn't bad but it was uneventful. I'd say the biggest four things I managed to do were as follows. On the first day of the convention my roommates and I went to Jalapeño Charlie's where they ran out of food and had to shut down the kitchen for a half hour. When we ate the food was good and when we left we took the elevator.

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New Part and New Plot Arc! · 2:13am Sep 8th, 2016

A new mystery is coming to Silver Phoenix Productions, and Coco's out to solve it as best she can with an unlikely partner...Suri?! Check out the new part for more!

Veil of Virtue


Mid Nite · 7:25am Mar 15th, 2016

Hey there night owls (or early risers). :yay: I had a sucky night, but I made it a little bit better by exploring more ponies in Second Life. I caved and bought a pony avatar. :rainbowkiss: It's really boring atm--I'm testing out mods. But I hope it will be better. Screenshots later when people will actually be awake to see them. :moustache:

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Viewing 4401 - 4420 of 4,900 results