
Viewing 461 - 480 of 4,906 results

Being a Better Writer: When a Genre Takes Over · 5:13pm July 1st

Welcome writers, to another Monday installment of Being a Better Writer! We’ve got an intriguing writing discussion for you today, but first we must discuss the elephant in the room. Or rather, the dragon in the room.

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Quick new one shot! Featuring Trixie! · 7:35am Jan 8th, 2020

It has Trixie. If you really liked Wishing Werelights there's some connections the two share that you'll like. If not, you'll still like it. Trixie does Trixie things. Oh, and there will be that new story in, like, five days. With all this writing getting done recently there's actually something to blog about, and uh, a lot. Especially compared to the 'Yes, I'm alive and writing a little' stuff I had been making for most of 2019 regarding projects.

Enjoy Trixie!

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NaNoWriMo and The Price of Love · 6:18pm Nov 23rd, 2015

Yes, your friendly, neighborhood Biker Dash has been busy writing.

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Report Biker_Dash · 197 views · #NaNoWriMo #writing #soon

Expect Marble Pie · 9:57am Oct 30th, 2015

Eyup. You heard me right, Marble Pie to celebrate the beginning of November. What was intended to be a thousand words is once again more like three. Darned flow of consciousness stuff, not really learning about the characters and their motivations until they show me! What a roller coaster. Makes me worried I'm schizophrenic sometimes; multiple personalities, don't you know.

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I am now officially old(er) and a video · 6:46pm Nov 1st, 2015

Thanks to those of you who wished me a happy birthday! It's kind of weird not to be able to go to Comikaze or, what would be even better, spend it with my family. Two years ago, I was able to celebrate my nephew's birthday (the 28th) and mine (the 31st) together. It had been decades since my family had sung "Happy Birthday" to me, and I was surprised at how much it made me tear up. Last year, my Mom and Dad flew all the way to California to be with me, and that was awesome, too. My town has

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"Dream A Little Dream Of Me": The Pony Island contest! · 1:33am Sep 14th, 2015

Feeling up for some mental exercise? Here's something to tickle both sides of your brain — the logical and the creative. Better yet, there's cash and prizes involved!

"Dream A Little Dream Of Me"
A contest for The Last Dreams of Pony Island

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Report horizon · 1,972 views · #contest #writing #mystery #poetry

Writing: Kill thy darlings · 2:33am Dec 9th, 2015

"Kill your darlings," Stephen King Hemingway Faulkner Arthur Quiller-Couch said to young authors, in his 1914 lecture "On Style":

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Report Bad Horse · 860 views · #writing #quote #history

Update on my life for those who still care. · 7:41pm Nov 9th, 2015


Winston's Fanfiction Writing Guide · 11:41pm Aug 16th, 2015

Note: this looks better on Google Docs. To read it there instead:
This is just sort of a copy/paste version of what's there.

Fanfiction Writing Guide
by Winston (



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Report Winston · 932 views · #fanfiction #writing #guide

FDA Writing Update · 8:21pm Aug 20th, 2015

I’ve been listening to Writing Excuses by Brandon Sanderson, Howard Tayler, and Dan Wells. I always knew about it, but I'm not sure why I didn’t listen to it sooner. It started around 2008, but the stuff they were saying back then still applies to today. Right now they are currently on season ten. I have a lot of catching up to do…

And listening to it, I had an epiphany of sorts.

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My views on slice of life and writing in general · 2:10am Aug 24th, 2015

"Do you have any tips for writing slice of life?"

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New Group (Invite Only): The A.K. Yearling Society for Original Writing · 3:06am Aug 27th, 2015

So, after my blog post the other day, I decided to start a group: The A.K. Yearling Society for Original Writers

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I'm back · 5:55pm Sep 8th, 2015

After facing the dread of organising (and actually living) me moving from my parents in the French Caribbean to my new residence in continental France, facing several administrations all at once and starting my classes while fighting dreadful panic attacks, I finally have the time (and motivation) to write a bit.

Once I get rid of that writing block.

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Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Discord · 8:28am Jul 31st, 2015

Been thinking of a new story idea, though it's not one I can even begin to think to about starting anytime soon as I still have Taxonomy to finish. If any of you have seen the film Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, the protagonist decides to erase his ex girlfriend from his memories after finding out she has done the same to hers. As he goes through his memories in reverse in a dream-like setting, he remembers why he loves her.

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Need a Proofreader (but not right away) · 1:44pm Aug 4th, 2015


Why I should right faster... · 7:07pm Mar 7th, 2016

I'm slow. I've been working on writing a single, non-plural story, for just over 2 years. Carry On Wayward Storm is just a simple story about my pegasus OC, Stormwing. Right now, it's just over 35k words, and 81 pages long. That's about 48 words a day, roughly.

So yeah, needless to say even though my story takes place in the middle of Season 4, Season 6 is right around the corner. But on the plus side, I was on the last 2 chapters or so for my story. Huzzah...

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Report Salen · 350 views · #writing #creativity #brain

Writer's Workshop: The Art of Writing · 5:56pm Jan 13th, 2016

So, I had this really great workshop written up about "building up" stories versus "building down" stories, but then my computer bugged out, and I had to restart it. I lost everything. :raritydespair: So now I'm gonna do a completely different one instead! This one's been a long time coming, which is a shame, considering how important it is. Friends, let's talk about figurative language!


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Twenty-One, Baby!! (also, ama I guess) · 5:10am Jan 15th, 2016

It's midnight here, January 15th, so I am now even more of an adult than before.

… Well, as much of an adult as I can be. I mean, really, it's a miracle I know what I'm doing. Juuuust kidding I barely do. But I digress.

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Oops! · 11:38pm Feb 23rd, 2016

You may have noticed the word count for Non-Entity went up. That's because I completely missed out a scene in the latest chapter! It's there now, but if you missed it before here it is. Sort of looks weird without it because I wanted to build up the bond between Discord and Fluttershy. I also padded out a few sentences because I felt they were "tell" rather than show, and IMO that makes for stilted writing.

Here's the scene:

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Camp NaNoWriMo (or 'Where I've been') · 12:37pm Jul 18th, 2016

Hey all, it's about time I did another blog!

I've been writing! I'm doing CampNaNoWriMo (that's a mouthful) this month - which is basically another National Novel Writing Month but less formal and with more freedom. So I'm not focusing one novel this time (I'm saving that urban fantasy idea for November) but working on various projects to make up the 50k goal. Projects include...

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Viewing 461 - 480 of 4,906 results