
Viewing 541 - 560 of 702 results

Relaxedly Reading Fanfictions..... · 6:30pm Oct 13th, 2016

The last few days were quite interesting. Right now, a few very lazy days lie behind me.
There was my birthday on Sunday, the first Cutie Mark Anniversary of Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle and some more added for good measure. I spent my birthday with reading Flurry Heart fanfics all day long and the anniversary with watching "Crusaders of the Lost Mark" again and with catching up on a Cutie Mark Crusaders fanfic I'm following.

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I'VE BEEN CHEATING ON MLPFIM! Also some new episode mini-reviews · 1:41am Oct 16th, 2016

Hello again! It's nearly halfway through Spookstober, and I bet you're all wondering when those chapter updates are coming! Well, two days after my status update blog post, my attention to FIM and my fanfics of it was diverted by the siren call of Steven Universe.

Hell Universe Collab Video Announcement

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Hopping Back Aboard The Pony Train · 5:06pm Feb 4th, 2018


It's Cutie Mark Crusaders Day! · 2:53am Nov 21st, 2017

Today is the day. After years of waiting, the Cutie Mark Crusaders finally have their very own celebration day! And I was writing something for it!

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A Slight Delay · 10:00am Sep 29th, 2017

As you know, I promised a new chapter of "The Strange Case of Dinky Hooves' Cutie Mark Curiosity" for yesterday. Unfortunately, I had some trouble with my renter this week, which still affected me yesterday. So I needed to wind down from this and this made the binge-writing I had announced impossible yesterday.

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Episode Review: "Growing Up Is Hard To Do" - Season 9 Episode 22 · 6:13pm Sep 28th, 2019


"Journeys and Destinations: A Friendship for Eternity": Revision Progress Report 4 · 3:51am Sep 30th, 2017

Friday is here and so is another progress report of my revision of the first two chapters of "Journeys and Destinations: A Friendship for Eternity"! Look for it beyond the picture:

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Some changes in my release schedule for this week, concerning "Letters to Cozy Glow" and "Dreamwalker Dash" · 12:34pm Apr 29th, 2019

Due to recent events, my release schedule will change a bit for this week. Instead of writing a new chapter for "Letters to Cozy Glow" and "Dreamwalker Dash", I will start a new project this week and will focus on that until Sunday.

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"Letters to Cozy Glow finally returns!" Get Chapter 4 here! · 12:29am May 20th, 2019

"Letters to Cozy Glow" has just returned from its unexpected hiatus! After Cozy's outraged (and only slightly disturbing) response to Luna, it needs a pony who has experience with getting hurt to write the next letter. Who is it? Find out in Chapter 4 here:


Derp Release of "Letters to Cozy Glow": The missing Chapter 23 has now been found! · 5:24pm Aug 21st, 2020

Well, it looks like I forgot to release the announced new chapter of "Letters to Cozy Glow" yesterday, so I generated an unintentional delay. I was cleaning my Cutie Mark Crusaders plushies for a trip tomorrow and then had a movie night with my friend who had to make a spontaneous visit to the hospital on Wednesday (thankfully, nothing was found) and, somehow, this must

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After almost 3 and a half months, "Letters to Cozy Glow" is finally back..... with Chapter 26 and a present. · 3:00am Jan 15th, 2021

Here we are, we have arrived, at the destination after a three and a half months long ride through drought and nothingness: Chapter 26 of "Letters to Cozy Glow" is here and the story returns to weekly updates!
Cozy Glow is glad, too, it was really getting boring down there in Tartarus. Will she still be bored after her new postal delivery? Only one way to find out, so don't waste time, go and read, go, go!

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The Feel Awkward Film Of The Decade · 9:16am Sep 14th, 2021

I Know What You Two Did While I Was At The Store

Tagline: There's really no thrill in getting caught.


Cozy Glow as Mother

Starlight Glimmer as Little Sister


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The new chapter of "Letters to Cozy Glow" is almost here · 7:54am Feb 5th, 2021

Are you still awake? If you wait for the new chapter, don't go to sleep just yet, cause I am making the last finishing touches on the chapter right now. Something special will be in this chapter, to make it more authentic, and this kept me busy just long enough to slightly miss the usual release moment by a few hours.
Cozy Glow will be with you shortly.

Stay easy as a filly!

~ Fluttercheer


Tempest Shadow has an offer..... in Chapter 30 of "Letters to Cozy Glow". · 5:57am Feb 20th, 2021

After reading her letter, Tempest Shadow extends an offer to Cozy Glow..... And she uses the opportunity to give her an advice while they already correspond. Will her advice really be a good one, though?
Chapter 30 of "Letters to Cozy Glow" is here, so you can go and judge for yourself:

Stay easy as a filly!

~ Fluttercheer


The End Is Soon · 1:14pm Oct 11th, 2019

Tommorow, October 12th 2019, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is coming to a close. I guess this is goodbye to the show. All i can say is, thank you for being a part of my life and i'll see you all in the next generation. But i will still be making stories of the current generation and change it once the next generation comes. If i had to pick my favorite, it would be Sweetie Belle for now. Second would either be Rainbow Dash,

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"The Strange Case of Dinky Hooves' Cutie Mark Curiosity" is back with Chapter 13: "Deception & Integrity"! · 3:57am Sep 30th, 2017

Here it is, fans of best background unicorn filly! After a long wait, Chapter 13 of "The Strange Case of Dinky Hooves' Cutie Mark Curiosity" is finally here!
What will it bring? Might there be a plottwist in there? You can only find out when reading it, so get it while it's hot!


Chapter 4 of "The Strange Case of Dinky Hooves' Cutie Mark Curiosity" needs more work · 5:42am May 27th, 2017

Hello, dear followers and fans of "The Strange Case of Dinky Hooves' Cutie Mark Curiosity".

I am sorry about having to announce this, but I won't be able to release a new chapter today. I am writing at it, but as it currently looks like, there are a few problems with the execution and the chapter needs a bit more work, so I can't stick to my proposed schedule with Chapter 4.
But it's getting along and even though it takes a little longer, I will still release it.

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"Surf and/or Turf" Review: The Movie Sequel, Part 2! · 4:43am Apr 22nd, 2018

My Cutie Mark Crusaders got sent by the map! :D They really did! :D This is something I didn't see coming! I heard theories by others that they might get sent and I hoped for this to happen, but didn't really believe they would get sent by it..... But now they did! :D This adds further confirmation to it that they have great and epic futures ahead of them and will help protect Equestria eventually! :D

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Sliding on the Edge between Tomorrow and Uncertainty..... unfortunately, I lean more towards uncertainty right now. · 11:22am Jun 5th, 2020

So..... I am not sure how to start this blog entry, because this is hard..... While I also don't want to make it too dramatic (I technically did this in a private conversation already and that didn't bring good things), because nothing here is lost forever. So, what are the right words to say this?
"My Little Pony: Guardians of Crystal Growth" is..... cancelled? No, that's too harsh of a word choice, cause it's only half-true.

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"The Strange Case of Dinky Hooves' Cutie Mark Curiosity" is complete! Chapter 17 and the Epilogue are here! · 8:48pm Dec 2nd, 2017

Today, I can finally present you the final chapter and the epilogue of "The Strange Case of Dinky Hooves' Cutie Mark Curiosity"!
Even though I'm sounding like a scratched record by now, I'm sorry this didn't come as announced. I had another happy round of depressions and, unfortunately, depressions aren't predictable and they also don't knock first to announce their arrival and I can't write with depressions.

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Viewing 541 - 560 of 702 results