
Viewing 1 - 13 of 13 results

How Can Whitestone Divorce Attorneys Help You Fight Against Abuse? · 4:11am Last Friday

What, according to New York laws, will count as domestic abuse? Answering this question is very important to understand how the law protects us from any dangerous situations in the future. We have discussed this topic in detail in our blog today.

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Considering Divorce In India? Here's What You Need To Know · 7:02am Monday

Divorce, once considered a taboo in Indian society, is gradually becoming more accepted as social norms evolve. With changing lifestyles, economic independence, and increased awareness of individual rights, the stigma surrounding divorce is diminishing. However, despite these shifts, divorce in India remains a complex legal and emotional process. If you're contemplating divorce in India, there are several crucial aspects you need to consider. From legal procedures to social implications,

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Divorce Mediation: How and Why It Works · 12:04pm Jan 3rd, 2023

Divorce mediation can open the door to an uncontested divorce and so avoid a hostile divorce. Both parties to the divorce meet with an impartial mediator during divorce mediation. The mediator assists the parties in reaching an understanding on the terms of the divorce. For more details, visit:

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It's a Sad Day · 2:51am Aug 29th, 2017

Today I just found out from my Grandmother after school that She and My Grandfather are getting a divorce and he is moving out of the house maybe after this next Buisness trip...


Mutual Divorce Vs. Contested Divorce In India: What's The Difference? · 5:40am Yesterday

A marital contract between two people can be legally ended through the procedure of a divorce. In India, divorce laws vary depending on the circumstances of the marriage dissolution. Two common types of divorce proceedings in India are mutual divorce and contested divorce. While both ultimately result in the termination of a marriage, there are significant differences in the processes, requirements, and outcomes. Understanding these differences is crucial for couples considering divorce in

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My Mental State · 3:57am Jul 20th, 2015

Um, I haven't felt much like writing lately.
Been sort of....thinking about other things a lot. Which is dangerous for my emotional state.

My interests shifted and I'm really into Disorders now.
I mean Mental and Neurological Disorders.

I actually have 3 Neurological Disorders.
Bipolar, Asperger's Syndrome, and Tourette's Syndrome.
What about you guys? You got any?

I'm uh...a bit messed up right now. In the head.

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My Dad and Stepmother are Getting Divorced · 2:16pm Sep 16th, 2017

Hi guys, it's me. I'm feeling a little down right now. My parents are getting divorced, and it hurts. I finally felt good in high school, like I found my spirit. I'm holding back everything trying not to cry. I might drop Spanish, because I joined Spanish to talk to my stepmother's grandparents. It hurts. My stepmother will take my baby sister and brother, while I will go with my father. My brother is taking the PS4. I'll be keeping the XBox One. This is Gary Stu OC creating Silver Blast, and

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Recipe for Getting Divorced · 3:29am Mar 19th, 2021

The following is something that I have written in the story "Discord Teaches Philosophy: on Love," from the double chapters "When to Leave." The subject has to do with divorce and how they occur. I would like to hear your thoughts on this in terms of both fictional and reality (if you are comfortable in talking about it).

Recipe for Getting Divorced


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Another User Needs Our Help! · 7:28pm Jun 3rd, 2022

It's Been a While: Another Request for Help!

Be sure to donate and/or spread the word.

Thank you and have a great day!


Temporary hold on all projects · 7:54am Sep 2nd, 2020

Without going into huge detail, the situation is that my daughters mother (who I am divorced from) threw them out of her house with an hour's notice today. They are with me now and we are trying to adjust, along with prepping to move to a bigger place on October 1.

We will be okay. We're just going to busy AF this month, hence the hold on things, though I will still do my best to get Brightly out.

We will be okay, and everything settled come October.

See you all on the flip side.


Navigating Family Law in London: Finding the Right Divorce Law Firm · 6:32am Aug 10th, 2023

When it comes to matters of family law and divorce, the expertise of a seasoned solicitor can make all the difference. In a bustling metropolis like London, where the complexities of modern life often intersect with the legal intricacies of family matters, having access to a reliable family law solicitor becomes crucial. This article aims to shed light on the significance of family law solicitor in London, particularly in divorce

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Marjorie Taylor Greeneā€™s Husband Files for DIVORCE!!!!!! · 11:11pm Sep 29th, 2022


Hopefully you lose custody of the kids, you crazy bitch!!!!! :rainbowwild:


"Surf and/or Turf" Review: The Movie Sequel, Part 2! · 4:43am Apr 22nd, 2018

My Cutie Mark Crusaders got sent by the map! :D They really did! :D This is something I didn't see coming! I heard theories by others that they might get sent and I hoped for this to happen, but didn't really believe they would get sent by it..... But now they did! :D This adds further confirmation to it that they have great and epic futures ahead of them and will help protect Equestria eventually! :D

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Viewing 1 - 13 of 13 results