
Viewing 41 - 60 of 60 results

And all systems are go! · 11:22pm Feb 12th, 2018

Or rather, the new system is go. The old system is in a doggie bag. Since it doesn't go.

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Update (Also Real Life) · 11:38pm Apr 19th, 2018

I've been focusing less on FiMFiction as my real life has gotten hectic and unmanageable. However, recently I've started to delve back into fics, and am even posting regularly on my Youtube.

If you're interested in supporting either of those, go ahead and drop a dollar in my Patreon. The less I have to worry about paying a debt or getting my next meal, the better.

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Signal Boost: Wanderer D · 2:10am Mar 12th, 2020

Wanderer D has given a lot to this website and to the writer community, and he could use a little assistance right now. Every tiny bit helps. :twilightsmile:


Signal Boost: FabulousDivaRarity · 1:59am Oct 30th, 2021

If you've followed FabulousDivaRarity's life story before, you probably know she managed to get away from an abusive home with help from bronies here on Fimfiction. Having done so, she's now currently in California staying with a friend and trying to find a job that she can hold down with schizophrenia. Recently her friend's dad decided to start charging her rent (against her friend's objections) and the cost is unfortunately

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MrNumbers could use some support · 9:55pm Sep 15th, 2021

I'm not dead, just surviving the pandemic like all of us are right now.

Anyways, MrNumbers of exceptional writing fame could really use a hand right now. Dental stuff sucks, especially when it's deemed a luxury (contrary to reality)


Skeeter needs help. · 11:56pm March 3rd

Like the title says
Skeeters a great guy and let's be real, asking for help is fucking hard. If you can pitch in or even boost the signal it'd mean a lot.


Signal Boost for Majin · 3:37pm Aug 19th, 2023


Okay, for real campaign this time. Need help. · 11:43pm Mar 8th, 2018

I have a real honest shot at getting a decent warehouse job, but the problem is that it's 2 hours away by car and it really eats into my gas. Until the checks and money start rolling in to where I can make this work, I need some help to keep my wheels going and I'd be very grateful for any sort of help.

Below it the link to my gofundme campaign, any help is very much appreciated until I can stand on my own.

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Signal Boost: Eight Kids · 10:25pm Dec 13th, 2019

Eight kids losing a mom isn't the best way to face the holidays. :fluttershysad:

anonpencil is requesting donations for her good friend's brother-in-law and their family. Please consider giving something if you can. :pinkiesmile:

(And yes, I'm still sick, but I can't visit the doctor again until Tuesday because of deadlines I have to meet.)


Joey-O Needs Help! · 11:29pm Jul 25th, 2020

Hello everyone. So a while back, I posted a blog asking to help out a fellow brony. Thanks to the support that was provided, he was able to fight through his cancer. But now he is in need of help again. Because of COVID, he and his girl aren't working and are out on the street. He wanted to work in films, but he was forced to sell almost all of his equipment to get by. If you can donate or spread the word, every little bit helps.

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We Have to Help Them! · 11:32pm Dec 16th, 2022


Independence for Turnabout Storm! · 4:14pm Sep 5th, 2019

In a manner of speaking as its number of likes just reached 1776, the same number as the year of American Independance! I'd like to thank yet again everyone who read, enjoyed, or commented on the novelization, as well as the original author, Chrome Regios, who took on this Herculean task to begin with and churned out the first 42 chapters. The stories this work has spawned live on as well, in the form of the The Lawyer and The Unicorn, and the Firefly series. And of course, let's

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Hey, Turnabout Storm readers... · 1:41pm Sep 5th, 2022

A couple things that, with apologies and due respect to the late great Dr. Seuss, we’ll call Thing 1 and Thing 2:

Thing 1: Turnabout Jackpot

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Hi, it's been a while since I've been on here. But enough about me. I need y'all's help. · 9:23pm January 6th

I'll make a blog about the shit I've been up to some other time. Right now, I'm kind of having a huge emergency -- except it's not impacting me. It's impacting my boyfriend. He's disabled and trying to get a car... the problem is his family is filled with other people who are disabled and they have no working vehicle. They live in poverty. I'm broke from getting my friends -- as well as him and his family -- many Christmas gifts. I have nothing near the money to help them get an emergency car.

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A Personal One · 2:48pm Dec 21st, 2023

To my dear readers,
Good day to you, and I hope you are well. :twilightsmile:

2023 is coming to a close, and boy what a year it's been...
Though I don't know your own experiences this year, mine have certainly been wild; from losing my Google Account & YouTube channel by way of a bot hack, to developing flu-induced pneumonia and almost dying, my 2023 has been utterly mental. 😵

Above all else, the biggest occurrence surrounds my husband Phoenix, and his ongoing transition.

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A Message to MisAnthro Pony · 5:24pm Sep 28th, 2015

Unfortunately someone's seen fit to attack my character in a video with baseless accusations. I felt compelled to make this video to clear some things up and I wanted to especially share it with you guys, my biggest supporters.

I have a real analysis video that I've been making good progress on for Amending Fences that should be out soon, hopefully by next weekend if I can find the time to finish up the editing.

Thanks again to you all for your support.

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Signal Boost: Filipe Braga · 3:23am Nov 26th, 2021

Some Leech recently posted about an artist who does furry and brony art and is currently in dire need of assistance for medical issues. Oddly enough, they don't live in the US (so they do have some health coverage), but the problem is they have special medication needs due to a few genetic illnesses and side effects from getting COVID. The meds they do receive are rationed because they can't pay a monthly fee

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Muggonny needs help · 1:09pm May 26th

My good friend Muggonny has been in dire financial straits before, and I know that most of y'all will remember my blog about that. Well, now he needs help again. Except, it's not necessarily for him, it's for his sister and her extremely young child. I admittedly don't have the funds to spare myself at the moment (I'm on a brief Empty Pockets Ice arc, if you will) but it'd be wrong of me not to boost this, given what a good

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Some Plugs: Medical Fund Raisers, Story Recs, etc! · 5:26pm Apr 15th, 2019

First: IF YOU NEED A ROOM FOR BABSCON PLEASE HIT ME UP! My friend and I have at least 2 spots open for up to Thursday night through Monday morning.

Okay, so, this is a great community, and from time to time we come together to help each other out.

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"Ice Star, why have you been so quiet lately?" (massive content warning for suicide) · 3:25am Mar 21st, 2021

I'd like to think it's for a good reason, but I might be all out of those. I've had writer's block and very little time to attempt to correct it. Normally, when I have no motivation I like to whip my ADHD no-focus and hyperfocus into shape, though it all depends on which one has decided to claim me. But no, I've mostly been dealing with my university coursework, and that I've declared a double major earlier this semester.

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Viewing 41 - 60 of 60 results