
Viewing 641 - 660 of 904 results

A Poem for a Poem · 2:39am Mar 19th, 2018

Do you know Nobody? He’s my best friend,
Once befriended, we'll be friends 'till the end.
He’s right there when I wake up in my bed.
“Hey, have a nice day, Ben,” Nobody said.
Nobody and I, going out to town,
Don’t feel lonely ‘cause Nobody’s around.
We go to the shops to try some new clothes.
“Looks good,” says Nobody, keeping me close.

Night-time: the club with Nobody and I,
Nobody watches me, keeps a close eye.
Nobody helps when I dance and I drink.

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BronyCon 2019 - Rambly Retrospective · 4:47am Aug 27th, 2019

Two characters that, in the process of writing about them, inspired me to pursue my dreams and write in the only way I know how. Authentically. It may sound dramatic, though I’m sure Rarity would approve, but my stories are my soul, and you now hold it in your hands.

I did promise I’d write a retrospective on Bronycon, didn’t I?

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Timetable of Updates · 7:51am Feb 22nd, 2016


Signal Boost: Luna and Bon Bon's Day Out · 3:27pm May 31st, 2021

Fresh off the presses from the same author who brought you dysfunctional train destination boards featuring the S1L7ER METPOR -T (my favorite train) comes another story of New York City back in the day:

ELuna and Bon Bon's Day Out
Princess Luna takes Bon Bon out for a day of sightseeing and shopping.
jz1 · 7.5k words  ·  72  2 · 1.2k views

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Pre-reader Call For Coming Soon! · 12:52am Mar 6th, 2019

Hello everyone, I'm here to announce another story. Particularly a sequel I know a lot of people have been waiting for. The follow up to Love Sickness , Dream Sickness, is hot on the horizon and will be out very soon, however, after the rough start that was My Life as an Interdimensional Insect, I have decided to call out for pre-readers for

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Writer's Block Update 2 of ??? · 7:22am Aug 16th, 2017

I'm sort of working through it tonight. Thank you, the Power of Clop, to motivate me with a complex string of mildly negative emotions into writing horse words! This is literally the most words in one sitting I've managed in 2+ weeks.

Stay frustrated.


Do Things With Love · 7:14pm Aug 29th, 2021


ProMonarchyGenius is no more, Brony God lives. · 12:07am Dec 3rd, 2019

ProMonarchyGenius is no more, Brony God lives. I decided to change my name and avatar in both here in Fimfiction and Youtube today and I made all of my Youtube videos Private until forther notice because of the COPPA Scandal that is threatening to ruin the lives of millions of Youtube users. I am still called ProMonarchyGenius in Deviantart soley because I don't want to pay money for Core Membership just to change my name in there. Let's hope and pray that the COPPA debacle does not affect the

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Going to start writing tomorrow · 6:49am Jul 10th, 2017

Tomorrow as in later today. Since I'm writing this before I am in bed it kind of counts.

Seems like everything is back to normal.

Also seems I need to flesh out at least a few Shadowbolts in this coming arc.

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Daft Punk · 4:12pm Feb 22nd, 2021

Welp, Daft Punk is breaking apart, no confirmed reasons as of yet, but it has been confirmed by Daft Punk themselves that it's over for them.



IT'S DA BEST TIME TA LOVE ORKS! Ork Codex Freakout! (Warhammer 40,000) · 12:02am April 20th


I'm having a good day! · 10:57pm Sep 21st, 2022

So, on top of getting some new music to add to my collection (Rammstein's latest album 'ZEIT' finally showed up, and picked up two albums of Unleash the Archers), which will no doubt give me more ideas to play with, I've also managed to finish a brand new chapter in "Beautiful Stories for Ugly Children"! Just gonna get it looked at by my best friend and best editor, and then I'll decide on when I wanna post it. Might actually try to get another chapter done before then so I can have some

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Fallout Classic is Scary · 10:53pm June 15th


Applebloom:TaRO - Magic and the Pony Races · 2:18pm Oct 3rd, 2015

This blog can be seen as supplementary material to Applebloom: Transform and Roll Out! (as well as any proceeding stories set in the same universe). Some of my other stories that may or may not follow the same canon may also have these apply to them. Read on to get a sense of the inhabitants of Equestria in this universe and just what they can do! :pinkiehappy:

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Takka Takka Takka: March 2017 Word Counts + Babscon! · 10:27pm Mar 31st, 2017

So it’s in fashion for authors to do a monthly review of their work. Seen a few folks do it. I think I’m going to start one of my own. It’ll help when I’m feeling discouraged about progress for my stories. In case you're working, the "Takka Takka Takka" is the sound of fingers on a keyboard. I'm 'borrowing' it from Diane Duane's Twitter Account profile pic.

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BWUAHAHAHAH! (New chapter ready for editing!) · 5:23pm Oct 15th, 2016

So, it took me freaking forever, but my next chapter is just about ready. I really hope I did this one justice, because it's one that I've been building up to for quite some time. I don't think I did all that well, but this is what I've got, and if I keep second guessing myself, it'll never get done.

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YouTube Recommendation - TomatoGhost · 8:31pm Nov 23rd, 2017

If you get chance guys and ladies, please would you mind giving this YouTuber a chance to entertain you? I recently discovered this bloke and I found his content hilarious and silly. I figure if I enjoyed his weird comedy, you might find something enjoyable in it as well.He doesn't upload content often, but maybe if we can get his subscriber count up a bit we might see more stuff out of the man.

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Horse Words: You Decide Edition! · 6:57pm Sep 22nd, 2017


On Magical Realism, and other pitfalls of writing in a fantasy fandom · 5:19am Oct 10th, 2017

I was reading a short bit of literary fiction today, Kamisama, a Japanese story about a man who goes on a walk with a new neighbor of his with old-fashioned sensibilities, who has no name but when asked what people should call him replies "Anata [the Japanese word for 'you,'], but when you say Anata please say it with the kanji [the Chinese characters, 貴方] rather than the hiragana [Japanese script, あなた], because it sounds better to my ears."

Also this character is a bear.

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Edits Made to "Degree of Trust" chapter in "Grief" · 12:54am Aug 15th, 2017

Since a new chapter for "Grief is the Price We Pay" isn't getting uploaded today like normal, I've decided to go ahead and upload a new and edited version of the latest chapter, "Degree of Trust," which I've done in working to improve a few prose-quality related issues it bore, most especially in the first parts of the chapter, adding an additional 1,089 words in the process. These problems are

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Viewing 641 - 660 of 904 results