
Viewing 6621 - 6640 of 9,668 results

PP Update! · 2:39pm Jul 3rd, 2020

I finally updated my old photo!

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Hello! · 6:46am Nov 27th, 2016

Well, today, I did what I never thought I would do. I joined a fanfiction site. And, I'm actually very happy I did! :pinkiesmile: Honestly, before today, I haven't actively sought out fanfiction. Sure, fanfiction is notorious for either being badly written or clop, but I've found so many awesome stories on here just today that don't fit into either of those categories! :pinkiehappy: Y'all have inspired me to start writing my own fimfics, but since I've never written fanfiction of any kind, I

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Finally watched MLP movie!!!!! (Spoiler) · 10:56am Sep 25th, 2021

Overall, I like it! It was pleasant surprise.

It does contain a lot of easter eggs regarding Friendship is Magic for those who grow up on the show. (Especially when Mane Six briefly appears in the opening scene)

I thought characters are likable and nice use of foreshadowing... the songs are catchy.

The only con I can give is the villain... Sprout seems to be more of a funny character than a genuinely threat villain.

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Axtara – Banking and Finance Special Preview · 6:21pm Dec 5th, 2020

Readers! I’ve got a real treat for you today! As you may have heard, Axtara – Banking and Finance is getting a cover at last. And no, it is not the featured image for this post. That was an amusing mock-up which, to some of you, will explain a post title from earlier this week.

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New story! · 2:46pm May 2nd, 2017

ok, so I'm planning on posting a new story. I have an idea for it and hope you guys like it. It's more or less a backstory of my OC 'One' and what he special ability is. It's not going to be a really happy fun story though. It's not what I'm used to writing but it is something I really want to get out there with.


New story incoming · 1:22am Jun 11th, 2021

So.. I have a new story coming out next week and it has a bunch of weird and cool details attached to it as to how I came about writing it. If you're interested in the details you should keep reading.

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The beginning of a new story · 3:59am Sep 30th, 2019

So I had this sudden idea today to start up a new tale that would adhere to a question I had in Season 9 Episode 26 of MLP:FIM, the lack of real emotion to the idea of Twilight Sparkle much older than before and the inevitable fate of the much older Main 6 ponies. I felt it was right to draft up the idea and discover if It will sink or swim with a bit of a twist on the inevitable end. There is a new threat brewing in Equestria and it is spurred on by the weakening of the Elements of Harmony as

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I deleted my story. · 1:03pm May 12th, 2019

Exactly what the title says. The story felt wrong so i deleted it without any regrets. Sorry to everyone who was waiting for it to come out.


The super best blog ever · 4:35pm Apr 5th, 2019

Hey, guys! Just thought I'd with a happy friday! A bit drunk after a long writing session and I probably shouldn't be doing this, but... Oh well!

Hey, do you need a list of noises made in dialogue -like Agh, Ugh, oh!

Well hey, I found a list of that shit.

Was quite usefull in the current chapter of the Wayfarers. Yes, the chapter I'm writing.

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A Smorgasbord of News! · 8:14pm Jan 30th, 2021

Hello readers! How has you week been?

Mine has been busy. And it’s not going to let up anytime soon. There’s a lot going on for me in the next few weeks, and there already was a lot going on to begin with! Of course, one of the largest projects questing after my time was the Axtara – Banking and Paperback release, but if you’ve been following the site, you know that … that was this week!

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New Job · 5:33pm Nov 28th, 2021

Hey guys!

As some might have noticed, I've been less active lately. Well, I would like to reassure you all, that it is certainly not because I don't want to be. :ajsleepy:

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Chapter XIII of Ballad of the Dawn Coming Tomorrow! · 7:23am Jul 4th, 2019

Hey guys! So just letting you know that the new chapter will drop tomorrow. It's a little later than I had anticipated, but that happens sometimes. It's unapologetic filler, but I just needed to give Trixie a little bit of a break after what's happened. The next chapter after this is going to focus on Opal and her backstory, so stay tuned for that as well!


Finally Started writing and projects to start · 3:22pm Nov 27th, 2017

I started writing a couple of paragraphs on Thanksgiving, and I hope to finish chapter when I go on vacation the first week of December maybe I will have 2-3 chapters done by the time I go back to work...well I hope I will anyway. Also working on some projects, MLP related, and I hope I can show them soon as they are finished. For now, they are a secret only known to my friends who don't watch MLP so they don't get it, but they think my ideas are cute and look great so we will see.


Update, October 3rd · 8:05pm Oct 3rd, 2022

A bit different this time. I was asked to write this story by user: JBlaser, which was their idea. Hopefully I didn’t ruin it for them, haha… :twilightblush: :applejackunsure:

[Adult story embed hidden]


So, what am I doing during Splintershard's hiatus? · 8:28am Oct 26th, 2020


Of course, I've also got a good 5 chapters of Splintershard Arc 3 summarized. Just gotta expand those summaries into full chapter plans now.

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First chapter of September · 9:50pm Sep 8th, 2019

Hey everyone,

I just uploaded Chapter 47 of Fallout Equestria: Clockwork Precision "First Things First" for everyone to read. I hope you enjoy it.

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June Monthly Schedule · 6:29pm Jun 3rd, 2020

This month will be a bit slow purely because I have little to post. While I do plan to post more chapters for Hoodwinked, that series won't have a set time until I get a good flow writing it. As for other story expected more chapters for those soon. For Journey To Hearth's Warming, the intermission is the only thing I have a set time for.

Wednesday - June 17th - Journey To Hearth's Warming - Intermission 2: The Hellstone Chains


Dawn of a New Year · 6:17pm Jan 13th, 2022

Hello everyone, hope you all had happy holidays and enjoyed the new year's celebrations. As I said in my last post, I was on break until January 4th. Now that break is over, I've been back to work and back to writing.

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Soon... · 1:58am Feb 3rd, 2022

Yeah, I finally back from my hiatus. I've even got a new story dropping very soon to boot, one about a certain G5 Pegasus...
More info on what's been going on with me and future plans when the new story drops!
Till then, have a good one! :raritywink: ~ Child of Stars


ATOTS Book 2 chapter 3 up tomorrow, still open for early access · 2:12am Sep 22nd, 2019

Hi guys. I know it's late, or at least it is here. I just wanted to make a quick post to say once again that chapter 3 of A Tale of Two Suns Book 2 will be up for everyone tomorrow. It will be up in my usual window, between 9:30 AM and 10:30 AM EDT.

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Viewing 6621 - 6640 of 9,668 results