
Viewing 1 - 16 of 16 results

OC Spotlight: Samantha Hayes/Samantha Hayes R2/J.A. · 4:38am Nov 13th, 2019

Hold onto your seats, we're gonna be running through an entire story's worth of OCs for a little while. Also, more secret OCs to learn about later on! :pinkiehappy:

Samantha, like Lisa, was initially written as a human counterpart to Pinkie Pie. However, unlike Lisa, she wasn't reused from any previous OC I had laying around, nor did I use a random name generator in her creation.

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Poll · 5:29pm Dec 6th, 2017

Ok, my friend gave me an idea for chapter 3 and I don't know how I feel about it. So I wanted to let my readers thoughts on the idea. I have two polls. One is on my profile, but you can only vote if you have an account with them. The other one looks like a free poll for anyone to vote so please vote and let me know your thoughts. Poll The poll will be at the very top of my profile.

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So I guess the AMA will start with Lisa and Samantha. · 5:15am Mar 7th, 2019

Ask away in the comments below! :raritywink:


Almost there! · 2:29am Nov 29th, 2017

So today I have gotten so much done on the new chapter. It has over 1,000 words and 3 pages long. I will be writing more on Friday so I can't say how long it will be or I might just break it up into 2 chapters. Who knows with me, but I will keep you guys posted!


A character from We Bare Bears that I don't like · 2:08am Apr 19th, 2021

Her name is Samantha and she is a stupid and childish idiot. When Panda knelt to tie the laces of his shoes, Samantha mistook it as a marriage proposal. I was like, "What the fuck?! You can't marry someone you just met! Listen to Elsa, for fuck's sake!". Fortunately, Panda broke away from her and good thing she didn't appear in other episodes anymore.


Chapter 6 · 7:02pm Oct 23rd, 2018

Chapter 6 is coming together. I am taking a fierce look at it. I have taken out a lot of things and added some others. As always it takes a while because I do go back and rewatch the episodes to make sure I get the scenes and wording right. If you are from another country, the words may be different from yours, but there is nothing I can do about it being I only watch the English version.

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Finally Started writing and projects to start · 3:22pm Nov 27th, 2017

I started writing a couple of paragraphs on Thanksgiving, and I hope to finish chapter when I go on vacation the first week of December maybe I will have 2-3 chapters done by the time I go back to work...well I hope I will anyway. Also working on some projects, MLP related, and I hope I can show them soon as they are finished. For now, they are a secret only known to my friends who don't watch MLP so they don't get it, but they think my ideas are cute and look great so we will see.


So I just read all of the call of duty zombies stories annnd none of them are finished · 1:29pm Jan 27th, 2016

So I got into a cod zombies thing rrad a couple of stories only one out of seven was done and some of them was really good so I wish that they would finish em one was even cancelled and they got more then 100 likes and 6 dislikes WHY WOULD YOU STOP A STORY THAT IS GOING SO SWELL?!?!


Almost finished chapter 4 · 2:24am Apr 4th, 2018

I know it has been a while since I lost updated, but I have been writing chapter 4, and then once I finished I find I hate it, so I delete it and start again. I have done this over 5-7 times now. :twilightblush: So sorry about that.

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Time for more Pony-Me™! · 9:26am Dec 23rd, 2020

In the original story, there was this whole little sub-plot in the beginning about farming and rations and stuff. I kinda forgot about it in later chapters.

Not this time. In this chapter of the reboot, instead of some random storage shed with stuff in it, we've got actual rations being delivered, in the form of those emergency food buckets that you see in like emergency prep stores and stuff!

EPony-Me™: Rebooted
What happens when you realize that your life is a simulation? Well, you put the headset back on. A rewrite of 2017's Pony-Me.
TheMajorTechie · 26k words  ·  133  10 · 2.1k views

Just Samantha being smug. Don't mind her. [MILD SPOILERS FOR PONY-ME'S REBOOT] · 8:20am Nov 20th, 2020

For those who aren't familiar with Pony-Me, or are familiar but are curious on how the reboot's dealing with character reveals, check it out below the break.

NOTE: The following snippet is from the original fiction adaptation of Pony-Me that I'm writing at the same time as the reboot. Julie Ashton is functionally the same character as Pinkie Pie for the purpose of this excerpt.

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Chapter 4 FINISHED and POSTED! · 12:29am Apr 10th, 2018

I hurt :raritycry: myself this week so I had all the time to finish this chapter :yay: and I hope to get the next one out soon because of its starts at the start of MLP. So you know Sorain will be coming in soon, but I'm warning you not much will be going on with the romance for a while. I know where I want this to go and it's not to be rushed.

I'm also starting on my MLP surprise project so fingers crossed that it all turns out ok and if it does I will be able to show you guys what it is.


New Chapter! · 9:05pm Nov 14th, 2017

Almost done with the new chapter and it's going to be a long one so just beware. I didn't go the direction I thought I would have with this chapter, but it didn't flow right, so I'm pushing that idea back a bit.

I do have tons of ideas for the story, but most of them are in the later years when Samantha is older, and the romantic plot comes into play.

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What happens when the line between simulation and reality blurs? You put the headset on, of course. · 6:15am Jan 27th, 2020

Yup, it's finally here. I hope y'all enjoy. Link's right here: Into Equestria :twilightsmile:

Into Equestria

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Talking a bit more about character redesigns and rewrites. [SPOILER WARNINGS FOR PONY-ME/PONY-ME THE REBOOT] · 9:52am Nov 21st, 2020

This is another post about Samantha. Click below for spoilers. :P

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Writer's Block Update 1 of ??? · 8:30pm Aug 11th, 2017

So, really, the Block has been slapping me around for the better part of a week now. I've gotten about a page worth of words out in the last five days, and those are spread over three or four fics. a lot done. I'm trying to kick it, and last night it occurred to me to try a different creative outlet and I whipped out my sketchbook.

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Viewing 1 - 16 of 16 results