
Viewing 9161 - 9180 of 10,591 results

Aces High Chapter 5 Coming Out Tomorrow · 6:09pm Nov 13th, 2023

Hi, everybody! I know it’s been a long time. It’s the usual mess. But I wanted to say that Aces High chapter 5 will be out tomorrow, somewhere either around noon-ish, or between noon and one, Eastern time.

I have a last tweak or two to make that I’m doing right now, but beyond that, it appears good to go, so I should have it ready by tomorrow, and if I don’t...well, I’ll be as surprised as you guys.

In the meantime, brace yourself for: Dreams of Fire and Ice


Stuck In Place is back for Mother's Day · 6:19pm May 13th

The sex zombie series is back with a new chapter. Yes, I will be keeping the flow of this series wloy, but this next chapter adds a lot of weight to the story going forward. I can confirm that I am near the halfway point in this story

[Adult story embed hidden]


November Update + Mental Health + My message to you · 8:34am Nov 17th, 2023

Hey y'all. Seems I missed a couple months, it's been... Hard. Figured I'd give a little update.

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The Titans' Orb: Rising Storm - Rewrite · 6:39am May 26th

Salutations my beloved readers! :twilightsmile:

With The Titans' Orb rewrite now complete, (and fully released in just a few more days), I have now officially begun work on rewriting the second book, The Titans' Orb: Rising Storm!

Hooray! :pinkiehappy:

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Chapter 1 Release · 10:15pm Dec 11th, 2021

Chapter 1 of Under Eternal Winds has released!

I'm already working on Chapter 2, it should be released by the new year. Getting back into fic writing has really gotten my spirits back up!

TUnder Eternal Winds
Somber & sorrow follows a desperate scavenger as she discovers a terrible truth deep within a prewar bunker, plunging her into something larger than the metro could have imagined.
TheFictionalWriter · 4.9k words  ·  15  1 · 233 views

"Lewd Me, Anonymous" Chapter 2 Update 2 · 11:35pm Jun 2nd, 2023


Surprise! Chapter 14 is out now! · 8:30am Jan 29th, 2022

Hey, you know that feeling when you have a cool idea and you can stop until you see it realized? That was this chapter for me. It really just grabbed me from the moment I sat down to write it and just flowed from one sentence to the next without stopping. Honestly it was kind of shocking for myself!

Anyway, please go and enjoy the new chapter and tell me what you think in the comments section! I love reading all the theories and ideas y’all post there!


Delays · 3:21am May 5th, 2022

I've been trying to get chapters for my fic out consistently, though I'm going to be taking a bit of a break in doing so. I haven't had the energy to write due to my mental state, but I'm taking steps to improve things. I'm also very excited to get the next chapter out once I'm through editing! I think it'll be enjoyable, and I'm pretty proud of it. Not super action-heavy, ((Granted my story hasn't been thus far)) but I think it has good character and story progression


Update and Announcements for A 'Not So Simple' SImple Life · 4:22am Jan 8th, 2016

Soooo, here we are, the last of three updates for these 'main' stories. The focus (really, you need an explanation? :derpytongue2:) is to talk about what is going on with the stories and how I'll be making changes to the updating system. I'm going to tag just NSSSL for this one, and hopefully that page break will prevent anyone from getting really really long blog posts about similar kinds of things. (yes, I've edited this. the number of chapters in total has changed, making the total percent

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The OC Apprentice (Series Premier Date & Explanations) · 7:12pm Jan 10th, 2016


Getting Back to Horse Sports and its Proceeding Commentary · 12:02am Jan 17th, 2016

From one winter holidays vacation to one sickness later, it's time to continue Horse Sports Commentary. I also made a few minor revisions to the first chapter, [Derpy vs. Fluttershy] - Ponyville's 4th Annual Staring Contest Finals. Along with adding the second chapter,

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February 19th, 2016 Update - Scroll #9 Delayed! · 9:55am Feb 19th, 2016

Scroll #9 has in fact, been delayed (and for good reason). I got a little side-tracked on another book series that falls in line with this one. The two began to conflict with one another and let's just say I'm having trouble connecting the two. Scroll #9 will potentially be done by the end of March, if not, then it'll be released sooner. Sorry about that.

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It's been pretty quiet. · 6:22pm Mar 2nd, 2016

Other than the last couple live streams, which went really smoothly compared to the previous, low-framerate attempts I did months ago, I uh haven't been very active-active really. Not even really blogging any shitthoughts that comes to mind. But I feel like you guys should know why that is.

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Coming Soon... · 2:02am Mar 3rd, 2016

That's right folks, got some news for you, along with some updates on where we're at.

My February One Shot is a bit late for February, I know. I'm actually hopefully getting done with it this week. It's going to be a sweet Tales of Chicacolt chapter! That's right, not only that it's going to include Radiant Star from Starlight! Super sweet stuff, I know.

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Update 9 · 4:21am Mar 3rd, 2016

As you can all see with my latest work, I am indeed still alive :ajsmug:. I'm very pleased that the Rainbow story is getting positive reception over the days and it's quite intriguing :rainbowkiss:. To be honest, "Hey, How Did Twilight Score Against Rainbow?" is supposed to be less slice of life and more of comedy, but in Equestria Girls, I seem to incline more on the former :rainbowhuh:. I don't know

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Updates, My Situation, And X-Com · 12:45am Mar 5th, 2016

So some news for everyone, I have a part time job. It doesn't really pay much but money is money. So I'll be having less time to do fanfiction for a bit until I adjust to this new change. Thankfully, I don't work on weekends since my area is in the Financial District that that's pretty much dead during the weekends.

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GOB's Comeback · 12:52am Apr 28th, 2016

If you know GodOfBBQ, you know he is notorious for making cheesy to pretty alright romance fics with the occasional serious and comedic fic thrown in here and there. Well, it's been a while since his last submission and he's thinking he needs to make a comeback. So, what will the God of Barbecue return with? A lovely romance story between two unlikely lovers? An adventure story that brings together two unlikely lovers? A horror story that brings together two unlikely lovers? A shipfic?

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An End to Symmetry? · 5:16pm Apr 6th, 2016

I've updated Broken Symmetry, and at the risk of giving things away, I need to inform everypony now that only two chapters remain.

Maybe making it from REDACTED was a bad idea.

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So... · 3:22am Feb 9th, 2016

So, yeah, I haven't been posting up anything as of lately...why? Well, my love for MLP has been going down, like a lot. I remember I stopped watching some of the newer episodes; I just skipped to the season finale (which of course you saw the pics). So, to be completely honest, I'm not sure if I'll update again. Now, it's not definite, but it's not an impossibility either. Who knows? Maybe my love for MLP will come back when season 6 comes. Although, looking at the new royal

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That one episode with Rainbow Dash [spoilers oh no] · 6:27pm May 7th, 2016

Season 6, Episode 7
Something about Rainbow Dash
Spoilers be here, ya know?

*affixes headphones*

0:10 The otaku part of me can't help but imagine Scoots saying "Senpai notice me!"

0:17 I love how the Rainbow Dash Stalker Club was not a one off thing.

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Viewing 9161 - 9180 of 10,591 results