
Viewing 1 - 20 of 20 results

"That's Your Downfall" Revision? · 7:36pm Jan 26th, 2017

Heyo, everyone! Your favorite (probably dead) author person here! Well, I know I'm not your favorite, but it's whatever. Anyway, I'm mainly here for just a quick update on life and writing! Now then, I'm in my second semester of college, and I'm enjoying it so far. However, I will admit that this semester just started, so I'm not gonna say too much. Also, my want to write has actually come back, which is awesome! Maybe even editing too. That'd be pretty lit, right?

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May 10th, 2016 Update!: WE HAVE WALLPAPERS NOW! · 6:26pm May 9th, 2016

Yes, I became bored with the swollen fingertips, so I decided to try something new and created a few story-accurate wallpapers that might break the ice while I'm still writing the new Scrolls. Below are links to my new Deviantart account (specifically the wallpapers described above) so you can check them out whenever you feel like it. If you like what you see, feel free to explore what else I have on there.


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Rignite Teaser · 11:45pm Oct 27th, 2015

Thought I'd give you all a teaser of the upcoming arc for Reignite. Link leads to the teaser on my Deviantart.

The Truth of the Downfall


Regarding the Story I Posted Last Night · 4:29pm Mar 21st, 2016

So, for those of you who did not see it, I posted a new story last night. Said story is called "That's Your Downfall". Now, before I go on, lemme explain a little bit here. You see, last night, I was talking with Weatherbug and The Lunar Samurai in a Skype group that was recently made. Lunar suggested we did a

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Post 12: SaveRummy a failure? · 4:03am Jan 23rd, 2016

I have noticed that #SaveRummy is quite a failure. I am not completely sure if it will continue much longer. I've put a lot of thought into it, and I might just cancel it. (NOT COMPLETELY SURE YET)

Report RummyKun · 252 views · #Downfall #dislike #story #review

January 3rd, 2016's Update · 4:23pm Jan 2nd, 2016

I decided to post an update after ever chapter of each book; to better explain what's going on behind the text. A second chapter is being written as of now and is slightly less than half-way through. Despite this, it should be published by the end of the month so you've got that to look forward to. Good thing is that the new chapter will be keeping all Assassin's Creed references to a minimum. 98% of Scroll #8 will not be mentioned in the next chapter (A good thing to keep in

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The Sequel for "That's Your Downfall"! · 8:28pm Mar 27th, 2016

So, some of you asked for more of my most recent one-shot, "That's Your Downfall". It looks like you're getting what you asked for! And before I say anything else, I am going to say that it will be a multi-chaptered story. Now, why am I doing it? Because I'd love to expand on the universe. I think it'd be great to try my hand at some world building. I'm not sure how it'll turn out, but I'm hoping it'll be good! The story will be called What is Right (not in the asking a question way

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January 24th, 2016 Update - Scroll #6 Announcement! · 3:32pm Jan 23rd, 2016

It's been a hard month. Mid-terms, parents, neglecting homework to participate in a fan-base. It's hard work, very hard work, but hard work does not go unrewarded. It took a month to finish, but I finally managed to finish Scroll #6 - The Accusation Proclamation. The chapter follows Twilight Sparkle and her events leading up to Scroll #7. In a way, it's the key for the lock. I understand that my past book hasn't gotten the attention I figured it would, but I don't care. These simple pieces of

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What? · 7:40am Jan 21st, 2021

1. Reparations
2. No Bail
3. Release All Prostitutes From Jail
4. No Death Penalty
5. Free Education
6. Free Health Care
7. Defund The Police
8. Cute The Military Budget
9. Redistribute The Wealth
10. Publicly-Financed Campaigns

Do the blacks honestly expect us non-blacks to accept this garbage?


Need To Get This Off My Chest · 6:40pm Apr 26th, 2019

Okay, I know this doesn't relate to MLP, but I honestly feel like conveying how I'm feeling about my favorite show and all that's happening to it. RWBY (If my profile pic didn't give that away).

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smoking hot reviews #1: "Downfall" by Gay for Gadot, is it W.O.R.T.H it? · 11:19pm Apr 28th, 2023


February 19th, 2016 Update - Scroll #9 Delayed! · 9:55am Feb 19th, 2016

Scroll #9 has in fact, been delayed (and for good reason). I got a little side-tracked on another book series that falls in line with this one. The two began to conflict with one another and let's just say I'm having trouble connecting the two. Scroll #9 will potentially be done by the end of March, if not, then it'll be released sooner. Sorry about that.

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What to do about woke liberals? That is the question. · 5:14am May 30th, 2021

Huh... Liberals are disgusting.

Honestly, normal people tell liberals to stop their corruption of our world and what do those things do? They ignore the command, they label us radicals and they attempt to censor us.

I mean, seriously, I've seen dogs that can follow simple commands better than the far-left woke liberals.

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April 8th, 2016 Update! (Scroll #9 Released!) · 9:21pm Apr 7th, 2016

It took two and a half months to finish this, but I believe it was worth it. Scroll #9 - Laugh No More, is finally up and running and can be found under the chapters tab! I'd like to thank everyone who decided to check it out after all these weeks! Again, thank you!

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April 21st, 2016 Update! - Scroll #7 Fixed Version Released! · 10:23am Apr 21st, 2016

The "Fixed" version of Scroll #7 - The Accusation Proclamation has been released! Be sure to check it out the next you stop by!

+Fixed (too many to count) comma errors
+Fixed the several misspellings of "Equestria"
+Fixed word duplicates
+Fixed (too many to count) semicolon errors
+Fixed a few unnecessary line spaces
-Removed several words

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June 26th, 2016 Update: Equestrian Downfall Hiatus! · 2:32pm Jun 26th, 2016

Now I know I said back then that this book would never be on hiatus, and in a way, it isn't. While Equestrian Downfall had been labeled as the "main series", the story it portrays is still being written, I'm just working on a different side of the project (Equestrian Bloodlines: Absolution). However! I do promise that I will return to Downfall as soon as Absolution has been completed. As of now, Absolution is nearing completion. The second chapter is over

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June 12th, 2016 Update: Equestrian Bloodlines! · 1:48pm Jun 12th, 2016

Yes, it has been two months since my last post on anything; I have been very distant. But no worries, I have been busy. Lately, the regular Equestrian Series has gotten more complicated and I need a break from the whole, "Timeline Squeezing". So to free my imagination for a months, I decided to write something new, Equestrian Bloodlines Collection: Absolution. I had teased this a while back and said that it wouldn't be written until the end of Downfall, but considering it

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Review: Downfall (2004) · 1:59am Sep 6th, 2015

This is simply one of the best World War II films I've ever seen.

Oliver Hirschbiegel's sprawling two and a half hour opus chronicles in frighteningly intimate detail the final ten days of Adolph Hitler's life, crafting a tightly wound narrative that never ever shy's from depicting Hitler in all of his monstrous mania, yet still manages to make these monstrous people feel strangely human, yet never make us feel sorry for them.

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April 14th, 2016 Update + New Book Plans! · 11:31am Apr 14th, 2016

First off I'd like to say that Scroll #10 is being written and will (least likely) release on time or will (most likely) be delayed. This is because I am writing yet another book which will be updated by the chapter (don't worry, they're not that long) and released (hopefully) by the end of this month. Sorry for any inconvenience concerning the Equestrian: Downfall Series.

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The Problem Within The Woke Age The Armed Forces And Beyond Caused By The Woke Agenda · 8:29pm May 24th, 2021

The Problem Within The Armed Forces And Beyond Caused By The Woke Agenda

Viewing 1 - 20 of 20 results