
Viewing 9161 - 9180 of 9,668 results

Update On Progress, Or Lack Thereof · 1:30am Mar 17th, 2017


A Real Comment I Found On The MLP Movie 2017 Trailer · 1:38pm Jul 1st, 2017

A Real Comment I Found On The MLP Movie 2017 Trailer

So I was scrolling through the MLP Movie 2017 comment section and I stumbled upon this gem.

"I can't wait to go masturbate while I watch this in a crowded public theater." - Some crazy internet person, 2017

What the heck, internet?? Seriously.

Here's the proof.

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I Fixed It! · 4:31am May 21st, 2018


Prerogative Chapter 9: Influences is Live! · 6:32pm Nov 27th, 2017

It's finally time folks. Let's find out who the ringleader is!

EHow Not To Use Your Royal Prerogative
After going to Coloratura's concert, Sunset gets both good news and bad news. Somepony stole her identity and is running around with her face. That's the good news.
Amber Spark · 67k words  ·  328  7 · 4.4k views

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Manners Maketh A Mare! · 7:33pm Aug 10th, 2018

Just going to leave some cute, background pone here. Giving off that look.

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Finally finished the first chapter of my new story. · 9:11pm Sep 17th, 2015

Now I just need a proofreader and/or editor to help me out by looking it over.

So I sent in the first chapter into some proofreading group I came across. Hope someone comments soon about it. Haven't done any story writing in a while but then I'm not expecting to be praised on my first chapter piece.


Fighting For Internet Freedom · 1:09pm Aug 2nd, 2017

There is a site called Battle For The Net which has a lot of resources on how to contact your local representatives through social media, e-mail, and even over the phone to let them know you want a free and open internet.

If you have some time, look to the left side of the site where there is a box that says 'send a letter' and either type your own letter or send the pre-written one in the box to your local representatives.

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Happy New Years from the future! · 4:11am Jan 1st, 2018

Even though most of y'all in North America are only just coming around to 2018 now, here in Japan it's already been 2018 for over 13 hours! And after I got over the hangover from last night's festivities, I thought now was as good a time as ever to let folks know that yes, I am alive and I have plans for the new year.

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Obligatory June Blog Post · 1:50am Jun 8th, 2018

Happy June!

This is actually a bit late, but really par for the course.

Source (YouTube Link)

I'm going to jump all over various topics here, sort of like a chipmunk on a pogo stick, so be prepared for a little bit of mental whiplash. Might want to grab your favorite beverage just as a precaution (although this is in no way a rant blog).

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Final Journey Hearth's Warming Preview - Soul of Siren · 5:35pm Jun 19th, 2018

What, why is this up now, well I know I told you all that I would post this on Wednesday, but I decided to post it today since a friend of mine that wanted to see this will be too busy tomorrow so thank Nyx for this early posting. This scene has been the one I wanted to show off the most for the longest time. The scene still stretches up to 3k so enjoy as this is my biggest preview yet.

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I'm at 100. Also, the story is finish. And news on the preveiws · 7:21pm Oct 2nd, 2017

Yeah, I know all of this happened yesterday, but I was too tired to post a blog on it. Anyway, I'm now at the 100s and my main story is finally finished. This is truly incredible. I'm really happy about this. Everything is going perfectly.

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New story coming soon, sponsored by SATAN! · 6:48am Oct 19th, 2017

Y'all better watch the movie already and prepare yourselves for more CMC & Button Mash related shenanigans 'cause my next story is gonna be OFF THE CHAIN! Get ready for more Love Tap! Some Capper! Some Princess Skystar! Glim-Glam! The GaPT! Spike! The cutest edgehorse we've seen yet! And a very special pony Princess who has to try to keep things from getting out of hoof!

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LOVELY FAREWELL: And So, The Part Drops · 1:23am Dec 3rd, 2017

I'll have the Postscript out in a few hours, but for now, the (final) new part is coming to you in a matter of minutes! I'll never forget this experience and what all of you have done for me. Also, I'll probably never write a 250k+ word fic again. So there's that.

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Prerogative Chapter 10: Invincible is Live! · 6:03pm Dec 4th, 2017

Fair warning: I cried a ton during this chapter.

EHow Not To Use Your Royal Prerogative
After going to Coloratura's concert, Sunset gets both good news and bad news. Somepony stole her identity and is running around with her face. That's the good news.
Amber Spark · 67k words  ·  328  7 · 4.4k views

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It's my birthday! And I've got a present for you... · 6:15pm Aug 6th, 2017

Yep, it's my birthday! 🍰 (Oh, who am I kidding with that cake emoji... 🍸)
First off, the next chapter of The Iron Horse is going up today, in the early evening! And after that, there are just TWO chapters left!

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Equestria Girls 'Kid Animation' Videos · 2:49pm Aug 26th, 2017

Equestria Girls 'Kid Animation' Videos

On YouTube, there are all of these cruddy animations of Equestria Girls uploaded to the 'kids animation' channels. And in case you are wondering, they are all pure cancer.

Here are a few examples so you can see what I am talking about for yourself.

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Badfic Slaughterhouse #24 · 8:21pm Sep 15th, 2015

So some of you have been wondering what happened to me? The short of it is that I’ve spent most of the summer in crippling pain. Several months, four doctors, a pile of medical bills, and a boatload of stress and anxiety later, I’m back to normal. With luck, it’ll stay that way.

And no, I’m not going to talk about it any further.

Today’s edition of Badfic Slaughterhouse features:
–Luna dancing on a pipe organ.
–Big Mac punching Blueblood. Repeatedly.
–Trixie being showered in spit.

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November Schedule / Commission Lateness / * PLEASE READ * / Important details of my future on this site are on this blog · 4:45pm Nov 2nd, 2018

Yeah, the piece is being put on a short hold due to the Artist having a celebration in their country. From what I can tell it will last all next week, so they won't be finished with Cassandra Eveningstar until after that. I'm fine waiting. As for now, we have this month's schedule to get through.

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Update for Elements Change the Dark Hearts! · 4:44am Sep 2nd, 2015

Next chapter is done! Holy crap! I'm so glad I've been finally making progress... and yet, I'm still very disappointed that it's taken so long to get this far.

Tonight I'll be editing, and tomorrow I'll post it for all to see... Hope you guys like it. It's the last of the set up before we get into the nitty gritty of the arc.


It's a thing! · 8:33pm Jan 13th, 2018

To the people who voted that I didn't post enough cross-dressing Sombra, there's now a new story up - just something silly and sweet - with Sombra in yet another dress. Also, Luna. It was really fun to just... write, and to revisit Sombra's wonderful first person perspective (which will appear once in Enemy of Mine, it anyone is curious) as well as to get a piece of fluff out there.

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Viewing 9161 - 9180 of 9,668 results