
Viewing 9181 - 9200 of 9,668 results

Read It Later Reviews #34 – The New Crop, One Tenth-Bit, The Changeling of the Guard, Through the Eyes of a Soldier: Taking Hill 790, The Little Things · 10:41pm Oct 22nd, 2015

The Royal Guard is forever searching, forever seeking, and as one of its baleful eyes, so am I.

Though, ironically, I have about twice the pass rate of the average Royal Guard reviewer. So much for hating everything. :trixieshiftright:

Today we have three stories from the queue, along with two other pieces that I selected for my own reading enjoyment.

Today’s stories:

The New Crop by xjuggernaughtx
One Tenth-Bit by Estee

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I Have Declared War On Greenland (April Fools) · 4:24pm Apr 1st, 2019

Those ice loving liars have gone too far. They continue to lie to us at every single turn. There is nothing green in Greenland at all, just white, the whitest white there is. Oh sure people call the USA racist, but the true racist are the non green whitest white folk that live on that giant ice block. As a green alien I am highly offend by these liars and have declared full scale war on all Greenland. I will accept any help I can get in this war. Many will die yes, but it will not be in vain if

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Dinky's menace returns: "Aunt Millie" is back with Chapter 4! · 4:24am Nov 13th, 2016

The moment has come. As announced last week and reminded on earlier today, "Aunt Millie" has now returned! Chapter 4 is fresh off the press:

And with that, Dinky's trials have returned too. What will her aunt do, now that Derpy is gone? Chapter 4 has the long awaited answer!
I hope you still have fun reading it after that long hiatus. Which is ultimately over now, from now on, weekly chapter updates will resume!


A Sneak Peek #3 · 7:33pm Dec 6th, 2018


Need a bit of help + Gonna be out of town · 4:56am Jul 3rd, 2020

Okay so first of all, it seems that Shadow of a Doubt had been reposted, without my permission, to Wattpad. This has never happened to me before, so I'm not sure how to go about it just yet. Any and all advice is appreciated. I'm assuming I just go for a copyright violation, but at the same time I'm not 100% sure if that's the right choice. Doing that asks for a lot of information so I need to be sure.

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Love You Just The Same · 11:47pm Sep 9th, 2019

So I came up with an idea for a raritwi immortal!twilight comic a long time ago and I'm probably not gonna turn it into a proper fic because of reasons, so I figured I might as well share it here since I also shared it in my Tumblr


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I made you a thing assuming you like things, and Nyx and Past Sins are still things in 2020. · 5:48am Jan 1st, 2020

Happy New year! What a good evening to go out at night in Canterlot and take a walk in the cold evening air, taking in the festivities and the fireworks and so on. You know who agrees? Nyx agrees. Lets go for a walk with her yes?

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That was fast! · 2:42am Dec 3rd, 2019

BLUF: I somehow already completed the draft for the next chapter. Should be dropping this week after I go through it a few times. I also discuss a little about the new Romance tag. Enter at own risk.

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Brand New Upload! · 6:39pm Sep 2nd, 2023

I just finished the new chapter AND got it edited last night, and holy crap was it a lot of work. It was also very fun to do. More spanish than I originally intended, that's for sure, and the ending changed drastically over what I was about to do. It also went on MUCH longer than I originally thought (I figured it would be 5000 to 6000 words... I had grossly miscalculated).

I certainly hope you enjoy it!

Also, tune in Monday for the last of my backlogged chapters. And, it's a doozy.


It’s The Final Countdown!! · 7:20am Sep 13th, 2023

5 days before the release of Make Your Mark Chapter 5! What are you most looking forward to seeing? What do you hope to see? Type your wishlists down below!!


I am disappointed in the lack of incest porn this Father's Day · 1:14am Jun 22nd, 2015

It's like we've been on a decline of porn for Fathers and Mothers Day since 2013 or something. Anyhow, we need more, so more should be delivered.

Also, I didn't see the new episode, but I haven't heard good things so I suppose it's better that I didn't. But at least the cute Marge Gunderson pony made me watch Fargo, and that was great! Marge really is a fantastic character and I wish there were more characters like her in fiction. Also, Marge pony is super cute, yah.

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Massive Apology - Missing Chapter Update - Bad News · 9:16pm Oct 28th, 2020

So as some of you might have noticed, I didn't post everything I wanted to this month; well, this month decided to kick me hard. Really, I was lucky to have chapter 21 of Journey To Hearth's Warming already done before this month started because the rest of this month I got nothing done at all. From writing new chapters for Hoodwinked: Pony Edition to new chapters on Letter of Hope, everything came to a total standstill due to a massive head cold and losing a laptop. This month has been harsh

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Happy Maple Leaf Day · 4:05pm Jul 1st, 2023

Got a few updates to share. The first of which is that I've been slowly but surely working on a new chapter for "Beautiful Stories for Ugly Children". Let me just say, working on Zecora's dialogue is very difficult. You really have to think about context, rhythm, and structure just to make sure what she says not only makes flawless sense, but still can sit in a regular conversation. This does mean

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UK PonyCon 2022 – Part 2: This Is How A PonyCon Ends This Event · 5:00pm Oct 28th, 2022

The original art for the convention kills it every year. Honestly, for that quality, and for this fandom, the price these displays fetched at the charity auction isn't surprising…

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New Story: Time-Out · 5:29am May 3rd, 2021

I have a new story that stands no chance of being on the front page, because I unpublished it for two days when the contest was extended. That saddens me. It's very personal and I want you to read it.

Scootaloo doesn't get along well with others, so he lives in a fictional world all by himself. You'd probably think that would be easy to optimize.
Trick Question · 12k words  ·  47  13 · 960 views

Only one author on Fimfiction will know just how personal. Let's just say I didn't have to make much up.

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State of the Lemur - 2021 · 1:11am Mar 24th, 2021

Art by dm29

This Is What Pure Joy Looks Like | Or Maybe Starfish

So it is Christmas 2021, and what have you done?

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So this is harder than I thought · 1:46pm Jul 7th, 2018

I finished chapter two for Vitam and am trying to switch back to Apples, Oranges, and PokeHearts. Mostly I am not certain what happens next. I have a big list of things that should happen at some point but yeah, which is next is the question. If anyone wants to help me choose I am more than willing to chat via pm. I really have too many characters for this story. One of my items on the list is introduce the other half of the town...there are currently 30 named characters in my notes and there

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new chapter · 5:49pm Jan 19th, 2019

i just have to do some minor editing, and it'll be ready to publish.

it's the big one! 15,490 words, in retrospect it probably should've been two chapters but there wasn't a good spot to split it. plus i'm impatient and wanted to post the big chapter already.

bunch of puzzle pieces and mysteries getting brought into the light. Raises new questions too.

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Like Nyx? Like Space Opera? Like entering a whole fully realized universe six years in the making? · 12:51am Apr 4th, 2020

How are you?

I hope you are well. My, the falcon truly cannot hear the falconer these days can it? I hope you are safe.

Switching rather violently in terms of tone and substance. If you read my posts you might hear some allusions here and there to a massive " project".

The Project, which I have been a part of on and off again for about six years, is an Alternate Universe in the truest sense of the world. AS I put it in a comment I just left : ''

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New Stuff · 4:14am Jul 1st, 2021

I just posted a very personal story for the Pride and Positivity event:

EThe Third Pony
Trixie nervously refers to herself in the third pony when Maud is around, and Starlight wants to know why. Is it because they're both transgender?
Trick Question · 6.6k words  ·  136  48 · 2k views

A sequel, set many years in the future, is on the way. More blog soon.

Also, this tool to search FiM scripts is awesome.

Viewing 9181 - 9200 of 9,668 results