
Viewing 941 - 960 of 1,167 results

SURPRISE HAZBIN HOTEL Q and A! · 3:45am Oct 31st, 2019


Late Night Tumblr Posts "The One With Questioning Greek Mythos" · 3:42pm May 14th, 2019


Question of the Week #76 · 12:13am Oct 17th, 2022

Hello everyone... And... Welcome... Back... To... ... ... THE QUESTION OF THE WEEK!

This week, I seek to discuss something that poppedinto my mind at work and apparently is a thing. This being Halloween beach parties. For some reason it popped into my head and I had to wonder if there was such a thing. Apparently it is. Therefore, I asked myself, why hasn't anyone written a Nightmare Night story that is also a beach party (maybe someone has, but as far as I know it hasn't)?

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Question of the Week #42 · 2:06am Jan 29th, 2022

Hello everyone and welcome to the Question of the Week, the part of the blog where I ask you a question(s) for the week... Something that usually would be much easier if I didn't have a head cold right now. :pinkiesick:

Still, I will try to attempt to ask you a question for this week.

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Question of the Week #97 · 2:28am Mar 15th, 2023

Hello everyone and welcome back to the question of the week.

I'm not sure how many of you saw this, but I posted an update blog last week on my Neo Somnambula story. So, feel free to go check it. :raritywink:

As you can probably guess this section, the following question(s) will pertain to this story.

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Question of the Week #123 · 2:26am Sep 27th, 2023

Hello everyone, sorry for not doing one of these last week. It was kind of a busy/weird week and I wasn't able to think of any interesting or clever questions. :twilightblush:

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Question of the Week #61 · 2:47am Jun 29th, 2022

Hello everyone and welcome back to the Question of the Week. I hope you're having a great week thus far. :pinkiehappy:

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Question of the Week #120 · 2:31am Aug 30th, 2023

Hello everyone and welcome back to the question of the week.

First off, let me remind you all about the Nightmare Night Cyberpunk Story Contest. Oh, I do hope many of you will participate. I'm so nervous (especially since I spent money on prizes). :twilightoops:

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Question of the Week #89 · 3:57am Jan 18th, 2023

Good evening (for me at least) and welcome to the question of the week.

So I've been brainstorming this idea of an MLP G5 story, where Argyle was abducted by aliens and after waking up some time later, tries to return back to Equus, to reunite with his daughter and here are some of the fruits of the matter as well as some questions.

There's a few concepts that I've been exploring and I thought I might share them a bit.

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What I wish I was like and what I always wonder about · 5:24pm Jun 2nd, 2021

I've always wondered if I can even write a good, well-knit story. In the past, friends I've made in the early days of being a writer on and off Fimfic have told me I'm too hard on myself. True, I know I am. It's because I don't want to suck. Even if it's for a hobby and it's not serious, I don't want to suck.

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Question of the Week #133 · 5:49am Dec 4th, 2023

Hello everyone and welcome back to the question of the week. Kind of doing it early, while I have a question(s) on my mind. :derpytongue2:

Well, the story contest has concluded and now the 7 entries that made it will be judged.

I've also managed to finish my Nightmare Night themed Hitch x Zipp story and now I'm just waiting on my proofreaders/editors. :pinkiesmile:

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Question of the Week #93 · 3:32am Feb 14th, 2023

Hello everyone and welcome back to the question of the week.

So, I've been trying to learn Pathfinder, since my DnD group is wanting to explore other game systems after all of WotC's shenanigans and I've been pondering what setting to present to my players. As I've been thinking about it and considering the idea of maybe doing a generic fantasy setting... That also tries to put twists on or make fun of existing fantasy tropes.

Thus we have this weeks questions:

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Question of the Week #80 · 3:14am Nov 16th, 2022

Hello everyone and welcome back to the Question of the Week, the segment that definitely isn't a gameshow but instead a blog where I ask you a question for the week.

I've been watching G5 of MLP and while it certainly has its flaws (like how it portrays Hitch as a babbling buffoon), I've been able to stomach it... For now.

Well, I had this idea for a story and I figured I could at least throw it out there and see what you all think.

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Question of the Week #147 · 2:53am March 26th

Hello everyone and welcome back to the question of the week. Glad to see you all. I decided to do this blog a bit early as I will be busy tomorrow making the final preparations for my Hawaii vacation.

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Question of the Week #139 · 3:59am January 24th

Hello everyone and welcome back to the question of the week.

Well, if you haven't already I'd suggest going and checking out my recent Neo Somnambula Update Blog. As I stated in that blog, I would be asking some more questions pertaining to that setting as well.

The problem will be, figured what questions to ask... That I haven't asked already. :rainbowlaugh:

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Question of the Week #140 · 4:23am January 31st

Hello everyone and welcome back to another question of the week.

So, let's go ahead and ask another question for Neo Somnambula. Now as some of you might know, one of the corporations in Neo Somnambula is CheesiePie Entertainment, essentially imagine if Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich came together and created an alternate mlp version of Disney.

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The OC Apprentice (Series Premier Date & Explanations) · 7:12pm Jan 10th, 2016


Ok, let's talk about a few things. · 6:45pm Mar 23rd, 2016

Given that there seems to be a pretty good lull in my family emergency right now, and that I have the chance to relax, this seems like a pretty good time to go over a few things that happened yesterday that I probably need to acknowledge.

First of all, my most recent story 'Hope Sinks' is not only my most hated story ratinsgwise, but it also ended up in the bottom 10 stories of the day. Bottom 5 at one point I think. You know how that fucking feels??

...Pretty. Damn. Great.

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The SunnyQ Curse · 12:24am Sep 25th, 2015

I think, I've stumbled upon my curse ladies and gentlemen. For those who haven't heard of SunnyQ, he's my personal favorite artist who cranks out MLP related artwork. He's created works such as,

(Might just make this one a fic...)

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Progress? Looks like this calls for...MORE PROGRESS · 11:19pm Nov 2nd, 2015

Given that more people add my works to their personal bookshelves with each passing day, I feel a strong urge to do nothing but write. Is this a good or bad thing? Hopefully, it's the former.

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Viewing 941 - 960 of 1,167 results