
Viewing 81 - 100 of 902 results

Personal update blog! · 6:24am May 7th, 2020

Hello guys it’s me Wolf and if you guys have been reading my blogs you guys will know that I have been in a rough spot recently with my Ex pretty much breaks up with me straight out of nowhere and I fell in to a depression but I started to talk to one of my friends and me and her kind of realized that there were feelings between us. We decided to start a relationship and we chose to make it public because I figured that you guys would be happy to know that I was doing better but it somewhat

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Hello there! · 3:21am Dec 10th, 2018

My name is Lavender. I've been around in the fandom since late 2011, and I'm a musician. I started reading fanfiction in the super early days of the fandom where stories were shared primarily on Google Docs, while working a really crap job. It's what got me through the week, and it was the one thing I looked forward to while there, besides going home.

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Report LavenderHarmony · 204 views · #intro #personal

Want to know more about me? · 2:59am Mar 6th, 2019

So I was wondering if you guys wanted to know more about me. I have tried my hardest to help people on this site and have succeed but I tend to disappear after I help them and so I thought why not throw up a blog asking if you guys wanted to know more about me.


Stressing about school. · 11:08pm Jul 22nd, 2016

Hello everyone Mesiagamer here and I'm here to talk about collage and how I'm going back. After everything that's happened in the past year I've been having to well... It something I would rather not talk about here. But I was holding myself back do to this with out realizing it and well It's time I pushed forward. I'm actually excited to go to school and glad to go to school I'm happier and to all my friends in real life in the PoME on this sight everyone. It's well amassing. I honestly never

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Life Is... · 2:57am Aug 20th, 2017


So here I am again wondering if I have completed my goal? · 4:01am Dec 10th, 2019

The title says it all I have been trying to figure my self out but in the end I am an anomaly that shouldn't exist in yet here I am still Breathing. I have started to think about what I do to help people and I always feel like I accomplish something and I always feel like I have done the right thing but right after my 13-year old Cat died a few days ago I have been wondering if this my purpose in life is never going to be realized. I believe my life's purpose was to help anyone I can but it has

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The description to the new book that I am writing! (NOT A WOLVES JOURNEY) · 3:01am Feb 20th, 2020

So if you guys remember that I said I was writing a real book. I will be honest I am actually writing a whole entire new book. Here's the description:

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Epilepsy awareness blog! · 10:20pm Mar 17th, 2020

"Epilepsy is the thief that steals your body, your energy, your health, your family, your friends, and the person you use to be."

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My depression? · 4:39am Jan 27th, 2020

So I was going through all of my blogs and realized that I have been a lot more depressed than usual lately and I currently have no idea why. I mean before I was kind of happy and go lucky but recently I have been very depressed and I really don't understand how I have became this way. I use to just take one day at a time but now I don't think I can do that without your guys support. Some people have recommended that I visit or find a therapist to talk to and go to but I don't think I need a

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For every one whose been having a Rough time Recently. · 1:21pm Feb 5th, 2020

This is a good song to listen to when you're feeling down.


What a seizure is like. · 2:02am Jan 18th, 2020

I have a medical condition called Epilepsy and my condition is severe Epilepsy. I have seizures that could kill me normally or used to be normally until I got meds for my Epilepsy. So you guys are probably wondering what a seizure is. Well it's when you're brain overloads it's own signals and shut down without warning. The obvious negative impact is that the person you once were is no longer there. Until you wake up after your brain restarts but in the worst case scenario you're brain will

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What's the point of anything? · 8:25am Apr 26th, 2020

I feel like I am emotionally bleeding out and I don't think I can keep going. I can only stand for so long. I don't know if I even want to keep going. I feel like I am torn inside or out and I have tried everything but the pain won't go away. There were some misconceptions about the fiance bit. Ee both asked each at the exact same time. I look at the ring that I have in my hand and just think what am I? Why do I lose everything I hold dear? I don't know what to do and I have done everything I

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How are things going with me? · 5:08pm Mar 15th, 2020

So I understand that I just kind of disappeared with out a trace and everyone was wondering what happened to me. My health isn't back where it was but it's slowly getting better over time. I will be honest here I have been busy trying to patch things up with my fiance and she finally got me to break down and tell her that I am dying. Epilepsy in some of it's cases can lower your life expectancy up to 10 years. I also told her that when you have epilepsy you have to fight it everytime you eat

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GENUINE QUESTION · 9:21pm Aug 5th, 2020

Since I almost never post anything and haven't done an MLP fanfic in a while, should I still have this account or no? Despite being one of my earliest ones?

Feel free to comment.

Report Jabberwocky1996 · 210 views · #mine #personal

An Update on Life · 11:43pm Sep 27th, 2015

Hi everyone. As you may have all noticed, I've once again fallen behind in any manner of being active on this site, whether it's answering private messages or posting new content. While on the latter issue a small part of the problem is my muse being a fickle, picky mistress, the issue itself is much larger and I felt I owed everyone who follows me an explanation, as at this time I'm not sure when I'll be in a place emotionally or mentally to pick up writing again.

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Still Alive · 3:30am Aug 17th, 2015

I swear I'm not dead! I really swear!

... Not an encouraging start, eh.

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Report RadiantBeam · 309 views · #writing #personal

Patreon News · 10:53pm Mar 18th, 2018

Hello everyone!
Good news, the new patreon is going well. I've put a bunch of stuff up, from WG stuff I've done to posting one of my original novels (it's still a WIP).

The Steven Universe WG bit I did is up there now, and I'm in the process of planning the next couple of requests. They're MLP related, and they're going to be Patreon only! So even if you only sign up for $1 a month, you'll have access to new stuff.

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Report Nekiyha · 394 views · #patreon #personal

In Which Photobucket Blows Up In My Face · 8:53pm Aug 5th, 2017

As you all may have noticed by now, my primary image hosting site for when I, well, post my own images and such is Photobucket. This is mostly because I am A) lazy as all heck when it comes handling such matters and B) I've been using Photobucket since I first came online and began posting content, which I'm sure gives away many implications about exactly how old I am at this point and ties right back into the laziness thing.

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Well at least I haven't cut off my ear. · 11:55pm Jun 10th, 2015

Going through one of those phases where I hate everything I create. :(

Hopefully it will pass soon.

Just feel rather dead inside.

Report Captain Wuzz · 212 views · #personal #writing

I never realized my Epic SciFi was so popular. I am back. · 3:17am Jun 8th, 2015

Due to many things I put down my original story, at the time few people read it so I figured nobody would mind yet another fanfic being cancelled.

I cancelled it because I feel it is cruel to leave a story with a unknown future.

Well after a couple years I've read more and have thought about the general theme of that story and I think I will do a complete restart.

I personally feel what hindered my writing was because it was a slog. I will get to the good bits a lot faster.

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Report emdefmek · 301 views · #personal #emdefmek
Viewing 81 - 100 of 902 results