
Viewing 981 - 1000 of 1,167 results

Question of the Week #79 · 3:22am Nov 9th, 2022

Hello everyone and welcome back to the question of the week.

This week's question is pertaining to my Robipony OC. So many of you probably aren't aware of this but I've growing an amazing, luscious beard and I'm wondering if maybe, just maybe should I give Robipony such a glorious beard as well? :derpyderp1:

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Question of the Week #70 · 12:04am Sep 6th, 2022

Hello everyone and welcome back to the question of the week and for those of you who partake in the holiday, happy Labor day.

As many of you know, I love Halloween and therefore I also love Nightmare Night. And while I woukd like to maybe write a story in my Neo Somnambula setting involving the holiday, however there a definitely somethings about the holiday that could result in some differences.

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Question of the Week #143 · 1:42am February 21st

Hello everyone and welcome back to the question of the week.

While it might be tempting to go ahead and just repost the questions I had in regards to AI, conceptualization and commissions here, I'm not going to do that today.:duck:

Instead, I wanted to talk about something else.:raritywink:

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Question of the Week #122 · 12:44am Sep 12th, 2023

Hello everyone and welcome back to the question of the week.

So, last week I was asking questions about writing an original story, first I wanted to clarify that this story(ies) would not be fanfics (though I may incorporate some elements that I have used in my fanfics) but an actual original story.

This leads to my first question, do you want to read blogs or questions of the weeks involving the original story?

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Question of the Week #125 · 2:31am Oct 11th, 2023

Hello everyone and welcome back. I hope that you will enjoy this Question of the Week.

Well, until the contest comes to a conclusion, I am contractually obligated (a distopian corporation may or may not be holding me hostage :rainbowderp:) to promote my Cyberpunk Equestria Nightmare Night Story Contest.

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Adobe AD0-E602 Exam Questions - Best Way To Ensure Success · 9:19am Jul 11th, 2023


Question of the Week #154 · 2:19am June 26th

Hello everyone and welcome back to the question of the week. Well, we might be changing the title of this blog for a few different reasons. :twilightblush:

One is that I'm really busy as of late, which often times results in me being tired when I come home and sometimes I have trouble thinking of questions to ask.

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GOB's Fallout Equestria: Blackjack and Hookers · 6:55pm Nov 11th, 2015

After getting pretty far in Fallout 3's process, I feel like I know just enough to write my own Fallout Equestria with my own character, and my own plot. All I have to do now is read Fallout Equestria and do a little more research. However, this blog is meant to answer some questions you all have, so let me answer a few I can assume some of you are asking.

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New updates · 5:05am Oct 11th, 2015

Well, that's one story off the list. The Immortal Question is officially finished.

Now comes more news about Thine Own Self. Yes, the Crusaders got their Cutie Marks, and Diamond has been reformed. However, I still need them in their old ways for the purpose of the story, and I can't have them suddenly have cutie marks or for Diamond to be reformed. Think of it as an alternative universe. What if things played out differently?

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Trump For President! · 10:45pm Aug 13th, 2015

Hey I'll keep it quick. I'm supportive of Donald Trump's presidency, who here supports him? I'd like to know that I'm not alone in this decision.



School for New Writters Q/A · 3:11pm Aug 2nd, 2015

As part of the School for New Writers I was part of a recording discussing questions asked of the teachers. It's been a while sense I did a video but I figured I'd give it a try. I still hate editing, but with some help it only took me a few hours so it might become somewhat regular.

You can follow the School for New Writers Here.

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Reminder that the Good HiE Podcast is TODAY!!!! · 11:45pm Jan 12th, 2017

We'll be starting shortly, and we have a very special guest who is not at all intimidating, Wanderer D. Yeah. That's right. Don't ask me how, but we got him, it's happening. So come drink with us on a damn Thursday, be fun, swear a lot, and ask questions as we try desperately not to say anything that will get us banned.
God... I... man I hope I don't get anybody banned.



So today I almost burned a house down. How about you? · 2:38am Nov 19th, 2016

My wife and I used to live rent-free in an old trailer at the back of my mother's property, and now that we've moved out, mom uses it as a bit of a storage building, but mostly just tries to keep it from rotting and collapsing. And lately, there's been no power in it. The electric company said the problem was on our end, but mom didn't know what to look for in the fuse box, so she called me. I checked it out, and all the fuses were intact, so I went outside and discovered there was a main

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Happy new year! And....podcast time. · 11:51pm Dec 31st, 2016

We're with Flammenwerfer, who I am quite fond of, and we'll be answering questions, saying Merry Christmas, and being fun shitlords who actually like each other. It should be a fun way to say goodbye to 2016, damn its eyes, and welcome in a new year.
I'll post something awesome tomorrow, probably not a story, but yeh.


Let's get drunk. And stuff.

-Pencil :heart:


BLOGCAST!!!! er.... I MEAN PODCAST! · 10:52pm Sep 23rd, 2016

So, it's the daily podcast, and today we have another big name, named MerlosTheMad who is a genuinely nice person. No. Seriously. He's a nice guy. What's he doing with us? HAH god only knows, but hey! He's here! Let's hope we don't traumatize him too much.
We'll still have drinking words, we'll still have gross and fun, and I'll still yell a lot.

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What fulfillment? Wish what? · 1:55am Mar 12th, 2017

So I was messing around in General Zoi's Pony Creator and grumbling at the lack of options available for customizing myself when I remembered something important.

"Derp, I forgot. I'm an artist! I can draw whatever I want!" :derpytongue2:

So, after about an hour of relearning Photoshop...

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Bonus Content: The 00 Automaton Series · 3:15am May 8th, 2017

In light of the most recent chapter, I thought it might be nice to have some profiles on our favorite robot and her siblings. I've been wanting to do this for a while, but I wanted to wait until... well, if you haven't read the latest chapter, I won't spoil things.

For those of you who have, let's talk about the 00 production line! :yay:

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Review #60 - Changing Her Mind. Keeping Her Spine, Dead and Loving It · 3:30am Feb 22nd, 2017

At the beginning of this blog, I am going to promote a couple things, because, well, why not?
-The Cutest Butt Contest by Mr Allan (I voted for Vapor Trail).
-Time to Shine by Mr Allan.
-The Republic Rises by Mr Allan.

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Q&A No. 1 · 10:16pm Jan 2nd, 2016

I've always wanted to do these sorts of things. So ask away, ask me any question and within reason I'll answer every single one truthfully! No limits, just questions and I'll answer 'em!


It's time for the Good HiE Podcast! · 11:56pm Feb 17th, 2017

Yeah, it's basically that.

We've got Comet Burst on today! It'll be great. Come watch and ask questions and drink here:

It will be INSANE. Much drinking . So much drinking. SO MUCH DRINKING!!!!


Viewing 981 - 1000 of 1,167 results