
Viewing 1041 - 1060 of 1,167 results

Q&A Session 1 · 6:03pm Feb 9th, 2020

Hello readers! As promised, my first Q&A session is ready to go. So let's just get into the responses I received.

As you said, the current arc is nearing it's end, so what's next?

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I need to sit down and think how I can keep going. · 4:23pm Sep 23rd, 2019

This is not a retirement announcement. I have no plans and no desire to stop writing ponyfics. Getting that out of the way first, before anyone starts panicking. So, "Dreamwalker Dash" will definitely get continued once the last of the current chapters is fully revised.
This is about something else. I need to do some in-depth thinking how I can go on.

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The Valentines Project · 11:41pm Feb 4th, 2016

It's been quite a while hasn't it? I'll admit I never thought I'd be saying this once more, but I feel as though you all deserve to know what's going on. As you all now, I've been contemplating leaving the writing game on FimFiction to focus more on my personal projects. Well, that's still true, however, I have had a change of heart recently. I''' still be writing stories for FimFiction, however, they'll come out longer from one another than usual since I still want to work on my own stuff. So

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It’s 4AM and I’m Bored and Can’t Sleep, Ask Me Some Questions · 8:01am Jul 6th, 2022

I did this a couple years ago, my answers have probably updated since. Send me some numbers and I’ll answer them.

(Mind the A Little Louder link, I want traffic).


Amigo Imaginario · 6:08am Jan 15th, 2021

When your imaginary friend starting telling you to murder everyone, you realize that the whole experience would make a pretty good song.

When the little voice in your head start speaking to you in Spanish only, you realize just how awful google translations actually are.

When your sister starting making it very clear just how willing she really is, you realize that the old say, "Where there's a will, there's a way," is always true.

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Question of the Week #134 · 3:25am Dec 13th, 2023

Hello everyone and welcome back to the question of the week.

Well, for those of you who don't know, today I posted my new story, Nightmare Night and Chill...

TNightmare Night and Chill...
After a sudden rainstorm ruins their time trick or treating, Hitch and Zipp go back to Hitch's place to watch some Nightmare Night movies on Netfilly and chill. Will they just watch some movies or will their love for one another blossom?
Robipony · 5.4k words  ·  39  1 · 1k views

Just a fun Nightmare Night story, shipping Hitch and Zipp.

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Educate Me · 7:12pm Aug 8th, 2015

I'm thinking about writing a story with furries in it. yes, I am a furry. But I'm new to the fandom and I have no idea if there are rules or whatever else when it comes to writing. Do I use certain vocabulary? Like say, when I write Pony fiction, I write "Somepony" or "Anypony" do I do something like that when writing something with furries? Do I use names that sound a lot like animal names or normal names? I have many more questions so if somebody who's a furry could be so kind to educate me,

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ok darf: addendum 3 -- baby got back · 4:43am Nov 8th, 2016

Just as expected. It's a poser account.

The context? The real darf and The Abyss don't like each other very much. They had a very nasty spat and Abyss never agreed to edit any story of darf's. Nice work, m8.

He is indeed back.

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A thought (School Raze) · 1:49am Oct 17th, 2018

Something occurred to me earlier, regarding School Raze. I should also warn that this might be one of those things that once you start thinking about it, you can't stop. So, just in case, below a break.

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Sneaky Jules Writes a Blog at Midnight To Skew the Results to a Question · 4:28am Aug 24th, 2016

First the old business: For the fifteenth or so time "I am back and writing and etc." but we'll see. I am writing Masks in another tab right now, but this chapter hasn't really done it for my motivation in the past. Maybe now that I've changed its role in the overarching plot (which I assure you, is a real thing) I'll do it.

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My Mom: "So, Lyra and Bon Bon are gay, right?" (A ship sets sail.) · 4:51am Oct 14th, 2019

The above question was asked by my mother several months ago based on my writing. (Note: she is fine with this and actually linked me an article about Scootaloo’s Auntie Lofty and Holiday when episode aired.) My response was, “Well, it’s just implied, but the fans are pretty convinced.” But now… well, let’s talk Episode 23. (Spoilers after the break.)

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50 questions · 2:56am Oct 20th, 2020

I stole this from Ice Star so now you can all know how boring I am in real life. Also I needed a break from my constant drawings of horse guts.

1. What is your first name?
Would prefer not to say, I'm not fond of it anyway. Just call me some variation of MayhemMoth or Enigmadoodles and we're good.

2. How old are you?
Please don't remind me that I turn 24 next month.

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900 Followers! AMA And Some More Random Blather! · 10:04pm Apr 25th, 2016

900 followers! :yay: It's official. I've finally become too big for my own good.

Firstly: this blog post is mainly an opportunity to ask me a question. Any sort of question. Then I'll try to answer it as sarcastically as possible. I'll also be celebrating this milestone later tonight, so my answers should slowly become more and more blurry and slurred.

So ask away! :twistnerd:

Secondly: some more random blather.

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It is done. Quorum Sensing 2 is up for approval. Some obvious questions to answer. · 7:31pm Jun 30th, 2015

Well, Inkscape decided to bork on me a couple of times during the exporting process (and always on the faces, too), but I managed to get the cover art done, and the Quorum Sensing sequel I've been sitting on for Thor knows how long is now up for submission.

A couple of questions that might pop up:

What about Scootaloo's Second Skin?

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whoops · 1:13am Feb 3rd, 2017

I forgot to put my discord in that last post, here you go friends.


ASK Angel Q n' A - PICKLE ALF - Stream #2 and Messy Hazbin Update · 10:28pm Oct 8th, 2018


Advice Pinks has updated! · 6:31pm Aug 19th, 2018

God, has it been too long.

With questions from A Dumbfounded Deity, Berry Punch, Dizzy Twister (not the background pony), and Limestone Blinkamena Pie, aka Key Lime!

It's good to be back.


Questions Answered · 8:38pm May 14th, 2017

Okay, so
-I have moved into my parents place. They have this kind of shed thing in the back I have turned into a mini apartment and I am saving up money to get my own little place.
-I AM working on my stories and hope to update soon
-I am mostly working on In the land of Ponies (Which yes, will in fact have some Human on Pony/Human on Dragon Action)
-Also working on the Miraculous series and finally planning to update Blazing Blades Online.

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Read It Later Reviews #81 – Salting Snails; Philomeanie; Dictated, Not Read; Veneer; The Prisoner of Zebra · 10:21pm Oct 27th, 2017

According to my computer, I finished this review set all the way back on September 10th. I had thought I had posted it for some reason, but apparently, I never did.


Today’s stories:

Salting Snails by Bats
Philomeanie by Skywriter
Dictated, Not Read by Device Heretic
Veneer by Trick Question
The Prisoner of Zebra by Tumbleweed

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Feathered Hearts: Eros - release week complete! What would readers like me to work on next...? · 3:44pm Jun 7th, 2021

The release of Feathered Hearts: Eros is complete, and I generally couldn't be happier with how it went. The Memorial Day launch of five chapters followed by five more at the rate of one per day worked--the story not only featured after an hour in fourth place and stayed on the board for most of the day, but it pulled a slew of new readers onto the main story as well, taking it from 66 likes to knocking on the door of 100 while picking up a whopping 90 new tracks. That alone makes

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Viewing 1041 - 1060 of 1,167 results