
Viewing 1 - 20 of 22 results

Eight more... · 3:04am Apr 4th, 2017

The same as the number of Pure Hearts in SPM...

Speaking of Pure Hearts, I feel lonely, and I need pure hearted people to comfort me. I'm slowly but surely descending into madness and I need to be snapped out of it.

Report Sky Blue CMC · 94 views · #loneliness

I'm feeling so lonely... · 6:36am Apr 18th, 2017

...who else? I find comforting people to be very helpful for myself. I help people to make myself feel better... and it works... most of the time. Do you need help? If you do, you can help me by letting me help you.

Report Sky Blue CMC · 133 views · #loneliness

Staving Off Loneliness and Trying New Things · 5:21am Sep 7th, 2015

Welp, looks like its time for a serious post, and yet another round of babbling in the place of actual story updates. :ajbemused: Your friendly sociopathic neighborhood editor and storyteller Word Worthy is in one of those moods again.

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Solitude · 10:24pm Nov 22nd, 2019

For the past month I've been spending a lot of time alone, just sitting in my room with the lights off sometimes drawing, other times just thinking. I think this has been a continual part of my life, going through these periods of loneliness, perhaps that's because I'm just not very good at socializing. As a person who suffers from some extreme social anxiety I do find that I enjoy being a lone but always being alone? I don't know about that... it hurts. I feel as though my body is allergic to

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I hate Rent-A-Girlfriend Commercials and I couldn't read past a little bit of the Manga yet It bothers me... · 4:54am Sep 10th, 2020

I am frustrated that I keep seeing commercials for the last week on youtube and facebook for the anime Rent-A-Girlfriend and it feels like the universe is mocking me. Read some of the manga and pitied the main character for how pathetic he was, I feel that I am almost as pathetic as he is and that such a thing as a Rental Girlfriend exists in Japan. (It's used mostly to fool yourself that you had one date or to fake a relationship to look good for your parents or boss.) I mean another thing is

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988 blogs (Starlight Sorrow rewrite) · 9:53pm Aug 30th, 2017

I hope you all like rewrites, because I'm currently working on one for Starlight Sorrow. You may have already noticed that the story had lost its cheeapters and that the new ones are a bit... different from the old ones. If you've never heard of this story, then it's too late for you to experience the old version. (It wasn't even that good though.) If you want, you can PM me about the story. I would LOVE to hear your feedback,

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Please talk to me! · 1:40am Aug 28th, 2017

I need my friends! My family are all turning in for the night even though it's not even 10 yet. I'm the only one awake and I NEED company!


More Wattpad News · 3:04am Sep 5th, 2017

I just published a new cheeapter of my Starbourne story on Wattpad. (There's now a prologue and a first cheeapter. That is all. If you want the suspense, read now. If you want the full story, read later.)


Loneliness is a Friend to Me · 5:47pm May 23rd, 2021

Loneliness is a Friend to Me:

Loneliness has been a longtime friend to me.
It's been my kindest enemy.
Always in reach, residing in each
old memory.
Teaching me empathy.

It's taught me to let go.
It taught me to take "no."
Forced me to be myself,
to need no one's "say so."
Loneliness was always there with the ending day glow.

I get a call to come attend
the outside world and just pretend
like I belong. But, in the end,
I'm not the type to leave a friend.


Why I Wrote My A Marble In The Ocean · 3:57pm Aug 9th, 2016

I am the youngest of two siblings. I have one older sister, and that sister means the world to me. My friends have always been inconsistent, but all throughout my life my sister has been there. She was the only one who had faith in me during my earlier school years when I was a petulant disobedient obstinate and just plain rude child. I almost set the record for the most principal office visits at my school, and my parents had given up on caring. They had a divorce to focus on, and I didn't

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989 Blogs (General News) · 1:24am Sep 2nd, 2017

I have a Wattpad account (Nathan Jaremsek, which is my real name, in case you're interested in finding me) and I'm thinking I'll write a few stories there for awhile. Mainly because on there, the stories don't have to be fanfiction. They can be as original or as unoriginal as I want them to be, which really takes a load off my mind. I hope you understand that if I'm not writing on Fimfiction, you can still read my non-MLP stories. (Like

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I'm not leaving my livestream until SOMEONE joins and actually cares to stay with me! · 1:18am May 9th, 2017


Rant! I just stared writing and this happened... · 7:19pm Nov 25th, 2016

You ever have one of those days where you realize no one you know can or would just hang out with you?

I say that because, at work, I've met a few pretty cool people I'd love to just hang with. Unfortunately, I work the night shift, so our sleep and waking patterns never line up. Then there are people you really want to get to know, but you're sure would be put off by the invitation to just hang about.

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Loneliness? Spankings? Other heavy topics that this week has brought up. · 10:06pm Aug 16th, 2019

This week has been so weird. I've been suffering from insomnia the whole Summer and for some reason, this week things clicked after I'd once again been awake for something like 30 hours... and I felt like writing. Then I noticed I'd posted a full fic in just a few hours. And the next day, I felt like something was missing, and continued writing, adding a sequel

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Planning a Story · 5:11am Aug 6th, 2015

Evening, all!

IDKNameHere recently asked me about how I plan out a story, and since I thought it was worth talking about to everybody, he was nice enough to allow me to publish my part of our conversation. Let's dig in!

Tiny Book Horse is ready!

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Chapter 23: First Blood + News · 2:08am Nov 19th, 2018

For those who may have missed it, there's a new chapter of The Wayfarers out right now. Things are starting to heat up. Gotta bring the heat with the cold that's settling in. Hope you guys dig it.

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I need to sit down and think how I can keep going. · 4:23pm Sep 23rd, 2019

This is not a retirement announcement. I have no plans and no desire to stop writing ponyfics. Getting that out of the way first, before anyone starts panicking. So, "Dreamwalker Dash" will definitely get continued once the last of the current chapters is fully revised.
This is about something else. I need to do some in-depth thinking how I can go on.

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Site Post » Vivid Syntax's "Not In Bluff Nor Bravado Nor Loneliness" [Royal Canterlot Library] · 1:12pm Jul 12th, 2019

(RCL NOTE: We’re attempting the hopeless task of choosing the fandom’s Single Best Story™ at a special panel at Bronycon.  Help us pick the competitors!  Details here.  Get your FINAL VOTES in, voting closes July 13!)

If your reading is stale, TRY TODAY'S TALE!

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New Sci-Fi Starship Story Posted! "A Glimmer of Phantoms" · 8:31am Jun 18th, 2016


"She Talks to Angel" Review: The Revelation I've Waited For · 3:21pm Sep 7th, 2019

This episode is a revelation. And a blessing. I was waiting for something like this, getting an insight into Angel's mind. To see how he truly ticks.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 22 results