
Viewing 1121 - 1140 of 1,340 results

Happy Halloween! · 9:41am Oct 31st, 2023

And a Merry Nightmare Night to all! Live it up with sweets and scares, and celebrate the edge of the Autumn season, where the realms of the living and the dead are closest. I mean, that's what should be done, at least.

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Once again, audiences prove they're the superior critics 😂😂😂 · 9:54pm Oct 29th, 2023


Cyberpunk 2077 — Night City Wire: Episode 1 · 11:47am Jun 27th, 2020


the voices of the void nightmare 7: IT BEGINS TO BREAK · 5:24am Oct 24th, 2023


Next Midnight Rising chapter launches Thursday night · 7:15pm Sep 26th, 2023

I’m waiting a couple more days to give the rest of my prereaders more chance to hit it. Be warned that I did decide to break up the chapter again, so you’ll essentially be getting part 1 of Queen Moly vs Dragon Lord Vesuvius with a lot of additional commentary—and a major revelation or two—from the Humane 6 peanut gallery as Sunset continues to tell the tale.

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Hollow Knight OST + Gods & Nightmares · 11:21am May 19th, 2020


Nightmare Night Chapter 38 draft complete · 3:12pm Jan 19th, 2023

It's now with prereaders with the working title of Agni Kai, for its Avatar - The Last Airbender-inspired firebending battle—though that's far from the only thing it references. It's currently coming in at just shy of 16k words, meaning it'll probably be over 17k by the time I'm through with editing passes and all the additional detail I usually add.

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Cyberpunk 2077 Lore Gangs of Night City · 8:42pm May 19th, 2020


Midnight Rising/C&C update: April showers may bring May flowers... · 4:02pm May 2nd

But of more interest is the emergence of 17-year cicadas in my area. Big, ugly, red-eyed insects that are the size of your thumb but basically harmless, as long as you can get past all the shed skins they leave behind on leaves and the everpresent and disconcertly loud background sound they produce as a mating call. Fortunately, the outbreak in my area seems pretty limited. There's a few around, definitely, but they're not everywhere, and the noise is basically a low hum instead of a constant,

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On Jellyfish: The Past, Present, and Future · 11:26am Saturday

This blog post will contain spoilers for the anime Jellyfish Can’t Swim in the Night. You have been warned.

So you might be clicking on this because you might be thinking “Oh she hasn’t uploaded a blog post in forever”. Or, you might be clicking on this because of the word salad in the title, but regardless it is time for me to talk about my new obsession.

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Abiotic Factor OST - Main Menu, Offices Day, night, and Manufacturing West · 9:03am May 30th


Abiotic Factor OST - Mystery Begins, Judgement, Mystery Deepens, Night, Pride, Proximity, Ready Or Not, and Spaceship · 11:40am June 5th


Chapter Update · 4:39am Jul 31st, 2015

All the duplicate fights have been completed for Chapter 3 of "The Secret of Harmony". Now all that's left is one more confrontation, some parts afterwards, the usual proofreading, and the chapter will be ready for publishing!

I'M DEEPLY SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG TO WRITE THIS CHAPTER. Hopefully, when I do the others, they won't be as bad.

So with that out of the way, any predictions as to what might happen in these fights?

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Chapter 3 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is done! · 5:25am Oct 5th, 2016

Chapter 3 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is done! Things really start hitting the fan this chapter. You might be wondering why I made Vinyl a bad guy in this story. The reason is I wanted to create a reverse Octavia/Lyra character. I thought that it might be interesting if Vinyl was with Greengrass instead of Octavia in this continuity. I like mixing things up like this and I find her a lot of fun to write. I also think she has a nice dynamic with Lyra. Oh, and yes this

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Chapter 14 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is done. · 8:15am Jan 1st, 2017

Happy new year! Chapter 14 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is finished. I worked hard to get this chapter out by the start of the new year. I hope you enjoy it. Here's to a new year and let it be a brighter and better one than the last.

Chapter 14


Chapter 12 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is done. · 10:25am Dec 12th, 2016

Hey again. Chapter 12 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is finished. I hope you like it. The first fight scene was super difficult to write. I had many ideas, but putting them to paper was difficult. I rewrote it several times. I had the idea of Trixie fighting an unmorphed Notary for a little bit, but I couldn't get it to work. Having Notary transform at the start actually made the whole thing easier. I think it all turned out pretty well when I was finally able to finish it.

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JCP Sunday Night Movie: The Bat (1959) · 1:13am Oct 12th, 2015

Tonight, we present the horror classic about a big old house, a bunch of stolen money and a series of mysterious murders. The all-star cast of this horror classic includes Vincent Price, Agnes Moorehead, Gavin Gordon, John Sutton, Lenita Lane, Elaine Edwards, and Darla Hood. Ladies and gentlemen, prepare to be freaked out by...THE BAT!


Story Promo: A Song of Nightmares and- No wait... · 12:12am Sep 21st, 2015

I made a collab! It was with dragonjek and I must admit his writing is totally amazing and his worldbuilding is incredible :heart: 'Music for the Mare in the Moon' is for a contest and is, as the title says, about our loved Mare in the Moon, Luna/Nightmare Moon. So check it out , or don't, whatever. But if you be sure to leave a comment there:

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New Story Draft Completed and Other News · 5:13am Dec 15th, 2015

It's true, I actually have been doing something over the last few months. Not much, given my lack of inspiration, but... something. The new story is going under the name of "Movie Night" and features Richard, AKA "Stuntman", and Roseluck enjoying a movie together.

Of course there's clop silly! :pinkiehappy:

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Chapter 11 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is done. · 8:31pm Dec 1st, 2016

Hello again. Chapter 11 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven is finished. It has been pointed out to me that Trixie has been taking what has been happening to her a little too well and I have been trying to work on that. I am not the most emotional writer. I have been trying to balance Trixie's emotional responses and the urgency and danger of the situation. I also really don't want to have chapters of Trixie moping. This might be a response to Fallout Equestria where Littlepip spent

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Viewing 1121 - 1140 of 1,340 results