
Viewing 1 - 20 of 98 results

animated explainer video · 6:38am February 9th

AlpasBox is an animated video production company that make Short animated explainer videos, motion graphics and white board animations which presents businesses to explain their products or services in a creative and effective form of visuals. We help the brands to reach the desirable level by making separate strangers into loyal buyers for our Clients. Our team of artists always try to take it ahead. Professional voiceover group is one of our great advantages.

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Why Do All of You Like it · 1:51am Nov 14th, 2023

It is literally written so long ago and I'm certain my writing skills have improved by an exceptional margin since.

It was favorited today.

Why?! Why is this my best work in terms of likes and exposure? What is it that draws all of you to liking it?

I consider it my most poorly written work, it was the first thing that ever made it onto this site.


Response to Deep · 3:14pm Mar 8th, 2021

This was originally going to be an isolated response to Deep's comment in my last blog, but it just kept getting longer and longer, and I eventually decided to make it a separate blog post. Because plenty of people have the same idea he does. "Defy their opinions and stick around! We love you!" And it's true, you do love me. I love you too. So that's why it's best to explain it further. Deep, I'm sorry if it seems like I'm singling you out. Think of it like you're the spokesperson for a lot of

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Snova Digi Log: Sorry Guy's · 10:09am Dec 17th, 2016

I'm sorry for the last couple of post's subscribers.

I normally don't do sad blogs, but the last few weeks or so have been a bit... emotionally draining for me. A bit of an explanation after the break. If you don't wish to hear me ramble about my issues, this is as good a time as any to just move on. If you are, for whatever reason, interested in this, then sit tight. This may be pretty long.

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Well, this is awkward... · 10:43pm Feb 25th, 2016

So, I haven't been very active recently, my computer is broken AGAIN so I am doing this on my phone, hence why I can't explain now.
But I you keep checking, I may soon get some stories out as well as information about my youtube channel, Square Biscuit Productions, which is still in the early stages of development, although there are 2 pony vids on there already.

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Report oh pony · 233 views · #I need to explain

CtS: Mock Exam Delay · 2:52pm May 1st, 2017

Just in case any of you were wondering, CtS hasn't been updated in a while because I recently had mock exams, and will be going into finals fairly soon. The story hasn't been abandoned, and I will try to get a new chapter out in the next few days.

Sorry for the inactivity.


Found it. · 8:41am Mar 20th, 2016

Ok... this might be a little hard to watch but hey, found a very well represented form of EXACTLY what I have been saying this whole time
You want to know what I have been trying this whole time. Watch this.


Uhh... · 12:59pm Jun 6th, 2019


Leafy VS h3h3 (What the fuck is happening?!) · 7:59pm Mar 24th, 2016

Seriously, can anyone please fill me in?

And if you're going to explain it to me, please don't give me your opinion on who's right or wrong, okay? I dislike it when people choose a side in something like this; especially when it's in my blog, no less!

Thanks for your time.


Sorry i haven't been on FIMFiction the past 4 days.... · 5:18pm Nov 5th, 2018

Me and my dad headed up to Roanoke Virginia to see the Fall Colors up there and see our two relatives again: Aunt Sarah and Uncle Dick. :)


What is YOUR Definition... · 4:27am April 29th

People often yak at me

"Try better yourself"

"Grow up"


They say all that, but they don't provide actual definitions or explanations of what they mean by all that. It's like I'm supposed to guess what they want.

The same thing follows with fiction, when people whine and complain.

"This sucks"

"Write them In character"

But again, no proper definition or explanation to back it up or make it clear.

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Signal Boost: Santa · 12:01am Jun 27th, 2023

Okay, I know you're all confused right now by the title.


So let me explain. It's really quite simple!

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*Sigh* · 11:58pm Jul 13th, 2015

Okay. I REALLY hate that I have to point this out, but due to the comments, past and recent, it's apparent that I have to.

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Why I can be stand off-ish · 2:15pm Aug 25th, 2019

When I released a few of stories a while back, namely, A Girl and Her Alligator and Applejack, Are You Gay? and The Lady, a Guitar and a Very Confused Pinkie Pie, I got a number of comments ranging from constructive criticism to snide remarks and some rather uncalled-for words.

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My Stories · 6:35pm May 19th, 2021

It's common belief that I have abandoned a select set of stories but I want to point out that this is not true. I had some ideas that required me to put a few things on hold and I am slowly working my way towards them and will be more than happy to release more when things are well and ready. Sadly this may take quite a bit more time and I don't want to spoil things as I have been working on this idea for a few years now.

But coming soon to our update list is


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Hey . . . · 6:28am Dec 7th, 2015

Hey everyone, I thought I would apologize for the distance I have of my stories, and the decline of quality of said stories. I thought I'd explain, you see, I'm quite saddened of my sexuality, on one hand I am exceptionally interested in females, but at the same there's something about the male body that makes me want it, but, I have the desire to date both, which is where the problem would come into play:

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Where did I go? · 3:10am Jan 31st, 2022

Yeah... I'm not gonna lie, I was really hesitant to make this blogpost after being silent for so long. But since I haven't made any updates since last year, it's only fair I explain myself.

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Police Unions · 11:03pm Apr 25th, 2021

It's in the Twitter feed again that The International Workers of the World, aka the IWW or ‘Wobblies’ , do not consider police unions as unions, and will not show solidarity with them. Thing is, they’re totally right, but apparently it's not being explained very well.

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New Story - I Can Explain! · 9:26am Sep 2nd, 2016

I have a new story which will be hitting FIMFiction in roughly 12 hours or so. From a writeoff earlier this year, it clocks in at just over 1,000 words.

I Can Explain!

Teen, Comedy, Sex
1,028 words

Rarity explains to Sweetie Belle what the Cutie Mark Crusaders saw when they walked in on her and Applejack.

Really. :trixieshiftright:

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I don't sleep~! · 10:27pm Dec 21st, 2017

So I was at the therapist today and was telling her how I love to walk the dog at 3 AM when it's snowing, and how I've been collab writing with a friend every early morning (until recently due to contests,) and she went:

"Haha geez Pickle, when do you sleep~?"
"Oh! I sleep at..."
"U- uh."

Viewing 1 - 20 of 98 results