
Viewing 101 - 120 of 603 results

Upon the Shore · 12:03am Mar 21st, 2018

I wrote a little blurb as a challenge from a friend of mine.

Let me know if you guys think I should publish, or just your general thoughts. :heart: you all.

Rushing waves washed upon the sandy shore, scattering seashells and starfish with each pass. As the sun reached its apex in the sky, another wave crashed down, leaving behind a small purple filly.

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Dream Cast For Rejuvenationverse · 8:07pm Dec 30th, 2017

Because a lot of writers do this, I thought I might treat myself to a bit of fantasy of success by giving you my dream cast of the OC's I've created for The Rejuvenationverse

In order of appearance
Countess Magnifying Glass: Zoe Wanamaker
Roles: Madam Hooch in Harry Potter and Lady Cassandra in Doctor Who.

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Starbourne Studios has just found... · 6:49pm Jan 1st, 2016

...another STORY IDEA!!!! I'll call it... STARLIGHT SOLACE!!!!! (Same idea as memory serves... me!)


So I just woke up... · 12:10pm Sep 5th, 2016

...from the most terrifying dream I've had in a long time; seriously, it was fucking terrifying...

So in the beginning of the dream, myself and about 4 others were just entering some small cramped form of shelter, trying to hide from something. After a little while, two guys in suits try to get in and we don't let them, so they leave without issue... but that's not the terrifying part.

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Megan in Dream Valley · 6:21pm Dec 25th, 2017

In a half hidden valley, about a huge mountain range, there is a forest. Within that is a meadow, seemingly vacant field. At the edge of it is a solitary house, an outhouse next to it. Humble structure. One who was hovering over it would notice the stoop with a young girl, likely around seventeen knitting away at a scarf.

Sway away she does, carefree to the world she is at the moment. No sound is to be heard, until one member of the herd steps in.

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Report AATC Fanboy · 237 views · #Dream Valley #Megan

Dream Writing · 1:51pm May 4th, 2018


___This is a over detailed writing of the dream I had last month. This dream is about werewolves and as with dreams time and movements like to jerk around a bit. Scenes and Descriptions may or may not have occured within the dream. Enjoy!


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Bronycon! · 12:49am Aug 8th, 2017

So, I'll be leaving Wednesday early afternoon for Bronycon. Hosted in Baltimore, Maryland for anypony that didn't know, this will be the third year in a row for me. I'll be happy to chat with anyone that wants to meet me, though I doubt there's too many that would, and maybe go have a drink if you're old enough.

If you want to meet up, PM me before 11:00 AM EST on Wednesday and we'll work out the details.

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Slipping Through My Hooves got a review! · 12:34pm Sep 17th, 2018

Well this is unexpected.

Courtesy of Singularity Dream, I found out my story Slipping Through My Hooves got a review on someone's blog. Thanks a bunch! :twilightsmile:


Dreams in the aftermath of sensory overload · 10:24pm Nov 21st, 2015

Spending a large chunk of a friday and saturday in as close to a sensory deprivation enviroment is a great way to start a weekend. (still had touch). I dont know why I did have this attack, but it hit me about 3-4pm friday. The dreams you get in those, even better. A snippet of the odd lucidity of the thing still in memory.

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I'll Teach You How to Buy a CANOE! · 5:16pm Mar 8th, 2017

Many people die due to lack of that knowledge.


Last Night's Dream · 3:41am Feb 8th, 2016

So, I think it had something to do with Undertale. Specifically the ghost cousins... Like, Mettaton was trying to get Napstablook and the dummies to do something that some evil old guy didn't approve of or something. And I'm pretty sure the dummy fight was in there somewhere...
And it wasn't really the characters themselves, but it sort of represented those characters. It was a weird dream.


Updates · 8:44pm Nov 22nd, 2018

I should have explained this earlier. Choices is not only going to be the focus of my efforts to complete my entire backlog but is also getting rewritten. Which I just finished this week. Honestly, I was at a wedding down in South Carolina so was out of touch for a bit. I only managed to make progress on Choices because I was dealing with some insomnia issues. The wedding was as about as much fun as I expected it to be. Which is to say that at least I:

1. Did not end up in jail.

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Report Jaycren · 264 views · #Dream #universe #choices #updates

Yet another strange dream · 12:41am Sep 15th, 2018

I took a little nap today... I'm not sure if should have, because I got a light headache from it. It was a weird dream, though.

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my dreams have been getting weird these past couple of months so i guess let's go ahead and share 'em when i have 'em. · 12:55am Feb 2nd, 2021


Last night, I dreamed that I was going to college in California next to a beach. We were doing some heckin' dangerous experiments in some chemistry class even though my major IRL isn't related to Chemistry.

But that's not all.

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Woven Dreams · 1:27am Jun 5th, 2019

So, it's been a long ass time since I've written Romance, but here it is. Wanted to write it as a Tragedy, but I figure I'll get around to doing that at some point! It's extremely short and lacking in a lot of content, but I've been trying to do lots of underlying themes lately so I hope some ideas pop into your head while reading. Hope you enjoy!

Go check it out!

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Hopes and dreams · 11:41pm Apr 28th, 2020

Do you remember those days you were in school? Those days when your whole future was ahead of you? You and your friends all had a vision what you would become after you grew up. You all had dreams, hopes and wishes. Maybe you wanted to become something like a doctor or a fireman or something else cliché? I never met a kid who didn't have these dreams. They all knew what they'd do with their lives, they all had dreams.

I, never did. And still don't have today.

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New Chapter for Eulogy. More Sweet dreams coming soon. · 4:01am Oct 23rd, 2023

Didn't quite accomplish as much as I had hoped to tonight, however I did acomplish somthing...

Allthough I had originally intended Octavia a Eulegy for hope to be a one of story I have found myself inspired to continue, following that insperation I have posted a short chapter hinting at things to come.

I intend to post a new chapter of Sweet dreams somtime soon, and a Nightmare Night Story before the end of the month.

Keep an eye out :}


Lulz · 12:25am Jul 13th, 2015

I'm still trying to pick up on doing more random blogs

i have these random thoughts all day, everyday...

But, today I've been wondering about one thing, and that one thing is dreams.

I can't remember the dream I had yesterday, but I keep a diary of them (unused in a while as my dreams get stranger and stranger as time goes on)

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Report Julia · 523 views · #dreams #random blog #chaos

The nuance of biofeedback and dreams · 3:46pm Dec 12th, 2015

It was time. The silver moon lay overhead. Golden silence flowed throughout the palace. No guards roamed the gates. The wolves ruled the lower quarters at night. Unpreturbed, the figure approached. No archer would see him, no warning call would sound until long past useful. A lone howl, a summons, cascaded through the quiet. The promise of blood would be answered this night. And in through the gates did he slip.

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Report TheStratovarian · 231 views · #Dreams #Epee #Idea

Georg has a short story upcoming · 6:15am Dec 10th, 2015

Summary: Tantabus, Do Your Worst is going to be published over the weekend probably. I'm including a quick peek and a link to the Gdoc if you want to poke fun at my multiple typos after the break.

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Viewing 101 - 120 of 603 results