
Viewing 101 - 120 of 194 results

Random Ramblings CXLV - P.D.P 4-2 · 11:50pm Mar 2nd, 2017

This is the fourth… point-two… in a six-part series. Here's Part 1, wherein may be found links to all other parts. Cross-linking everything takes time I don't have right now. Sorry.

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Happy Easter! And happy other celebrations (or just a happy day in general) too. · 11:46am Apr 17th, 2022

Welll... I guess this is another of those posts where the title pretty much speaks for itself, but expanding upon it a bit, Happy Easter to all who celebrate it! (Yes, I realize many people in this category will be Christians, but to any who may not be and still celebrate it, I hope you have a Happy Easter as well.)

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I think it's time to take my leave... · 7:05pm Feb 13th, 2019

I've been contemplating on making this blog post for a while now. I've been thinking of almost leaving this site entirely. I no longer find editing and writing enjoyable. The flame and interest I once had in those two subjects has been diminished. And almost every one of my internet friends I've made on this site have either left, become dormant, or are just inactive. There are still a few on here that are active, but we just don't talk anymore, mainly my fault.

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Wishing Lantern by Quoterific (Random Recommendations in <50 words #10) · 1:19pm May 15th

EWishing Lantern
Izzy finds hope blowing in the wind one night
Quoterific · 1.8k words  ·  94  1 · 1.6k views


Overall. This is how a unicorn writes.

Best lines:

She painted her colours with vivid and bright hues and shades, unlike the dull and subdued shades of Bridlewood. Instead of gloomy faces, joyful smiles were painted onto ponies.

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Wish Movie Review · 7:52am Dec 17th, 2023

The 100th Anniversary movie for Disney and my overall thoughts on this movie is that it is... Fine. Let's see what I liked and didn't like about it.

The Good:

-The songs for the most part are enjoyable and do provide enjoyment, my favorite being At All Costs which in my opinion is slept on.

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Dreams on "Batman: The Dark Knight Returns" · 1:29pm Apr 7th, 2016

Okay, here's a better dream for you. It's one day late and more about the graphic novel series I've been reading as a follow-up than Batman V Superman itself, but I'm pretty proud of it.

The actual dream was split up a couple times by me waking up briefly, and it didn't really have any story, but it still fascinates me as I lie here awake three hours before I need to be up. It's all coalesced into a dramatic intro, even.

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When I Die... · 3:28am Aug 8th, 2015

When I die, I want three things to happen. Think of them as last requests.

When I die I want to be remembered for what I did, what I wanted to do, and who I was.

I want people to notice my work, work that I made with the dream of being like Walt Disney himself.

I want people to know that I wanted to be like Walt, and bring happiness and creativity to everyone. I want people to remember the characters I created and smile.

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Wolf Is Tired · 11:18pm Jul 23rd, 2018

Well, I'm exhausted. Trotcon was fun, but to follow it with BronyCon the following week may be pushing things too far.

I got my hair cut depressed-Pinkie style, but the coloring came out more like Cheerilee than Pinkie. :facehoof:

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Share a Smile · 1:51pm Sep 10th, 2017

As prompted by somepony I regard as a friend this blog will be dedicated to a few people that have made a positive impact on my life and whom I wish to tribute.


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My first video! · 11:56pm Feb 18th, 2017

Today I finally posted my tribute video. Here it is.

I hope you like it.


Trying to juggle projects · 2:42am Jul 6th, 2018

So I have always had a problem with hyper focus on projects. I want to force myself out of that. I am working on a new story, one which will will hopefully be updated at least twice a month though lets be fair I don't stick to schedules like that. This is in addition to Apples, Oranges, and Pokehearts, which will hopefully be updated twice a month at least as well. It shouldn't be too much of a problem as I can write a somewhat absurd amount of words when I can focus in a month. My record is

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What I wish I was like and what I always wonder about · 5:24pm Jun 2nd, 2021

I've always wondered if I can even write a good, well-knit story. In the past, friends I've made in the early days of being a writer on and off Fimfic have told me I'm too hard on myself. True, I know I am. It's because I don't want to suck. Even if it's for a hobby and it's not serious, I don't want to suck.

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Cartoon Kangaroos are Lies · 8:53pm Mar 21st, 2016

So I was start ing to write some more of chapter 8 and started thinkin' about kangaroo pouches. And ya know what guys?

TV isn't always right! Sometimes, cartoons can ACTUALLY lead you astray from how things really are.

One of these things? A kangaroo's anatomy. Particularly, that of a kangaroo's.

So when you think of a kangaroo, I imagine an image sort of like this comes into mind:


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Shtory Shtuff · 3:20am Nov 17th, 2015


On Memorial Day Weekend · 6:13pm May 29th, 2016

Hello, there everyone; it's me, Fireflower with another new announcement: for those who had been staying with me, I had been going on hiatus infrequently due to fighting battles at college, and by fighting, I mean struggling to keep my head above the water since the start of the new year. So far it has been uplifting for me since I've made two new one-shot stories: A Second of Sanity and Ad Nauseam, both of which you can find on my profile as of this moment in time; of course, there's still

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Murry Chrasler! · 12:37am Dec 25th, 2015

And as I look through the 'christmas' tag of derpibooru, I can see that a lot of ponies this year are going to be on Kris Kringle's naughty list. The holidays sure do bring out a lot of clop.

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Hearthswarming Tales: The Cold Hand of Mercy, chapter 1 · 6:13pm Nov 26th, 2017

I forget how I came across this story. Fic recs? Possibly. It was earlier this year, when someone close to me passed away, and I dove into pony to find some sort of comfort in the midst of things. Somwhere along the line, I found this fic, and, me being the odd, macabre duck I am, it helped.

It has a sad start, to be sure, but it felt right for the season. Why probably won't be clear until after the new year ;3.

Here's chapter 1.

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Review #118 - Magical Intelligence, I Wish I Had Met You Yesterday · 3:42am Oct 20th, 2017

I actually had a really hard time picking today's stories. Not because I couldn't find any I wanted to review, but quite the opposite; I had too many to pick from! I think I had about 9 I really wanted to review, then just narrowed it down based on the author. But even that was hard.

But now, now I got some stuff to review:

Magical Intelligence by Chinchillax
I Wish I Had Met You Yesterday by 8686

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NEW STORY TONIGHT · 12:14am Aug 19th, 2016

After some recent inspiration a new story shall be uploaded some time tonight, expect greatness friends.


New Fic! (One Wish Upon a Star + NaPoWriMo) · 4:28am Oct 29th, 2017

Hey guys! A couple updates for you!

One Wish Upon a Star
- In a couple words, it's a ship fic between Sunburst and Starlight, so if you're a fan, that's your fic.
- But at the same time, it's much more than a ship fic pulled out of my butt. It's also an analysis of Starlight's character, that while the majority of the fanbase holds that she is a Mary Sue, she has some genuine depth that makes her character unique.
- Description: I wish, I wish upon a star...

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Viewing 101 - 120 of 194 results