
Viewing 1 - 20 of 194 results

I want to replace my blood · 2:09pm Feb 22nd, 2020

If there was a way to make it so, I would turn my blood into barbecue sauce. Seriously, I would.

(Or Thai sweet chilli.)

I'll let that sink in for a minute.

How about yourself? Do you remember the first time you tried barbecue sauce, where it was from? For me, it was in MacDonald's, where my step-mother let me try some when I was a child. From then on, I've been an addict. Good stuff. :pinkiesmile:

Report Ribe_FireRain · 181 views · #A wish.

Irresistible · 1:03pm Nov 13th, 2019


Warmest Wishes to All · 4:21pm Dec 24th, 2019

Happy Hearth's Warming, Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Festivus, Happy Festag, or however you choose to celebrate, venerate, or mark the passage of this final season. Here's to all you, wherever you might be, and to all your memories and endeavors. May they be comforting and triumphant for all of time.

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Report Kaipony · 232 views · #Holiday Wishes

My lists. · 5:22pm Dec 3rd, 2016

My birthday is coming up and so is Christmas. My aunt made me make a list of things I wan't for both. These are those lists:
1.) Style Savvy: Fashion Forward (3DS)
2.) Money ($25-$50)

1.) Just Dance 2017 (Wii)
2.) Nintendogs+Cats: Toy Poodle (3DS)
3.) More Littlest Pet Shop toys
4.) Money ($25-$50)
5.) A few MLP plushies.


New Wish World Comic · 5:19am Apr 26th, 2018

It was posted on Derpi a few days ago, but in case anyone doesn't go there regularly, here is the latest update to Wish World and Atamanna's antics.

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My milestone · 7:51am Jan 29th, 2017

I have a few milestones, not so much what I am aiming for, but just something I would be extremely excited about.

1) Reaching 100 views on a story. [The story Marshmallow Madness is the closest.]
2) Getting a story featured. ;( [Pirate?]
3) Finishing chapter one on Challenging Fate, and not make it a two parter like I am considering.

And that is about all for now. These will change...

4) Getting more Requests for stories, and then getting them done.

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Report DeshLune · 377 views · #Wishful Thinking

;) Draconic is the Best Language! · 9:25pm Jan 26th, 2018

si vsist renthisj Vs'shtak tira wux vucot batobot?(probably ti!)

Wonder How Long It Will Take You To Find A Translation For It!


Typing this from my new $70 Tablet · 8:29pm Oct 10th, 2021

So I currently have an Obama phone that is free but unsurprisingly sucks ass, to the point that I can't livestream with it or anything. So I bought an allegedly pretty fantastic Android tablet on, the famed 4chan of internet commerce sites that I've bought a ton of sex and bondage toys from. I figured even if it sucks I could still at least use it for displaying lyrics while playing piano.

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So, this needs to be said · 4:19pm Feb 5th, 2018

Okay, right now, someone I'm sorta friends with, Carapace, has been accused of sexually assaulting Crystal Wishes. Here's what she had to say in her blog post about it.

I don't know who's speaking for me or trying to "help me out", but please stop.

I never said Carapace assaulted me. I never said he made any advances on me. None of this was said or happened.

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Crossover Wish List. · 3:48pm Aug 28th, 2022

I'm back and better/worse than ever with Equestria's Hitman, I've been looking for some Displaced to crossover with and it's been... Well... Kinda. So, I have a wish list for all of the Displaced I'd like to crossover with, though I am well aware that too many Crossovers can ruin a story. However, I plan on Hit remaining how he is, with no different powers, just the original Dragon Ball aspect. Unlike Thanos who has so many powers, you can't even fit them into one page.

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A Wish Which is Crazy on Paper · 4:09am Jan 14th, 2016

I'm sure everyone has had that one question: If you could have one wish, what would it be?

Of course, there are a million different ways to answer this. You could wish for world peace, or you could wish for a decent sandwich. In fact, you can tell a lot about a person by what they would wish for in such a situation.

But what if your wish had to be a double-edged sword. In other words, your wish would be granted, but you had to give up something to get it. What would you wish for then?

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Report Art de Triomphe · 303 views · #Art #Dreams #Wish

Gonna go talk to my store manager. · 6:15pm Nov 14th, 2016

Let's see if I still have a job after this whole mess...

Report Foals Errand · 601 views · #wish me luck

Thoughts on the Series Ending: The Place Where No Shadows Fall · 8:16am Oct 3rd, 2019

From time to time you will make mistakes. They're inevitable. Sometimes those mistakes will be huge. What matters is that you learn from them. There's nothing wrong with falling down so long as you end up just 2 inches taller when you pick yourself up off the floor. At times you may end up far away from home. You may not be sure of where you belong anymore but home is always there. Because home is not a place. It's wherever your passion takes you. As you continue on your path you

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Report Heartshine · 673 views · #thoughts #wishes #hopes

Merry Christmas 2015 · 8:29pm Dec 25th, 2015

Merry Christmas everypony! Guess it's that time of year once again!

(Just imagine... your own Xenomorph for Christmas... too bad he'd kill you and everyone in the vicinity almost instantaneously).

"But mom! I want to take my Xenomorph out for a stroll in the park!" Little Timmy pleads as he holds a leash. That strand of fabric and leather leading to an eight foot tall, panting and excited chitinous mass of fun.

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Please, stay home. · 1:54pm Mar 25th, 2020

Words cannot begin to describe my sincerest wish that everybody be safe during this trying time.

COVID-19 is like wildfire and the kindling is laid bare for it to catch. If you can help it, please, look out for yourselves. Stay at home, avoid as much social contact with people as you can, help stop this thing. If you have to go outside, pack some sanitizer, gloves, mask. But don't linger.

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Happy birthday, Tara Strong! · 9:16pm Feb 12th, 2017

I'd like to wish a very Happy 44th Birthday to one of my favourite voice actresses of all time, as well as actresses in general, Mrs. Tara Strong! :pinkiehappy:


Christmas Tym · 9:18pm Dec 23rd, 2016

its already the weenkends, christmas is almost here R U EXCITED?:flutterrage:
coz i am:pinkiecrazy:
even without the presents just having time with family and friends is really worth the while:twilightsmile:
my only wish to santa is to get transported to equestria!:trollestia:
still presents are ALWAYS appreciated:scootangel:

not much to say here actually.....only this!:pinkiegasp:


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Report ynfiltra · 348 views · #christmas #wish #holiday

Wishing a happy Birthday to a friend. · 8:01pm Jan 24th, 2018

If you could, can you give my Birthday wishes to a dear friend of mine, one mister Eon333MS?


Christmas Tym (again) · 11:56pm Dec 23rd, 2017

im gonna repost my christmas blog last year coz im lazy, wanna soak in the holiday SPIRIT (wink wink):trollestia:

its already the weekends, christmas is almost here R U EXCITED?:flutterrage:
coz i am:pinkiecrazy:
even without the presents just having time with family and friends is really worth the while:twilightsmile:
my only wish to saint nick is to get transported to equestria WITH powers so ill be an OP badass type of guy over there!:trollestia:

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Report ynfiltra · 265 views · #christmas #wish #holiday

Movie review: Puss in Boots the Last Wish · 12:23am Mar 12th, 2023

I am speechless.

This movie was beyond good. This is one of the best movies I have ever seen in my life.

I am trying to find words, but I can't. So I'll free associate; no spoilers below.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 194 results