
Viewing 1341 - 1360 of 1,470 results

Information Loss · 8:30pm Sep 10th, 2017

About two weeks ago I woke up to find that every picture on every one of my sites including my groups on both Fim Fiction and other sites had been blocked by Photobucket (where I hosted the majority of them). Photobucket decided to be a butt monkey and block 3rd party hosting unless you pay them. Which is something I refuse to do.

Now every one of my groups, sites, and so on has all of these error messsages where the pictures should be.

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Dollar Tree Play-Doh?? · 11:30pm May 12th, 2017

I found Play-Doh type stuff at The Dollar Tree.

It's called 'Dough' instead of Play-Doh.

I kind of want to get some. You can't go wrong for a dollar right? :P

Here's a picture of what it looks like.

Does anyone have experience buying/ using play-doh from The Dollar Tree? If you do, let me know.


Musings about paradoxes... · 8:51pm Jan 6th, 2022

Hello, everyone.

I hope the New Year is going great for you so far. :)

Well... I'm not very sure of how much of a right I have to just use this as a source for diatribes, so to speak, especially given I'm still so new around here, but... regarding what I say in my main profile about you hopefully enjoying whatever content I put forth... I confess I have been wondering about what kind of pursuit it would be...

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Resident Evil 3 Remake - Review/Thought Piece · 6:25am Apr 8th, 2020

The Resident Evil 3 Remake and I have a complicated relationship. On one hand, I really enjoyed what I experienced, and on the other, I am left wanting more.

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On the Subject of Electric Cars, Commuting from Place to Place, and Writing the Frigging Horsewords · 7:09am Jun 5th, 2021

So, Chapter One of Pound and Pumpkin Save Sugarcube Corner is gonna go live tomorrow. I've been working on it constantly over the past week, and at time of writing, it's almost done, with only a couple more paragraphs to go. Hopefully, it's good - I've got some neat little shenanigans lined up for the twins to get into.

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Month of nightmares · 12:46am Nov 2nd, 2019

Shadows grow, reaching past their limits, stretching towards the horizon. They all harken back to the vanishing point, a destination as distant as it is fictive, yet we rely on it every moment of observing the world. Every step, towards an abyss without end, beginning, nor reality.
Perhaps it is so, because for there to be existence, we require contrast to make it out.
Else, we would stare at but a blank canvas, lacking the marvel chiaroscuro grants us.

Happy nightmare night~.


I just submitted a crackfic to be posted here · 7:40pm Jun 3rd, 2023

Hopefully it's up to the site standards. I was a bit iffy about whether or not it needed to be rated Everyone or Teen so I decided to play it safe and rated it Teen just in case. With any luck it'll be up soon.

~ Angel

EDIT: Hey, it's up already! Go read it! It's called "Confessions."


Q&A Session 1 · 6:03pm Feb 9th, 2020

Hello readers! As promised, my first Q&A session is ready to go. So let's just get into the responses I received.

As you said, the current arc is nearing it's end, so what's next?

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Zephyr's New Plan Making Of · 10:10am Apr 1st, 2019


I need to sit down and think how I can keep going. · 4:23pm Sep 23rd, 2019

This is not a retirement announcement. I have no plans and no desire to stop writing ponyfics. Getting that out of the way first, before anyone starts panicking. So, "Dreamwalker Dash" will definitely get continued once the last of the current chapters is fully revised.
This is about something else. I need to do some in-depth thinking how I can go on.

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ŴƛĸƎ Ʋƥ, ƋƟŋƭ ƧɺƸƐǷ.... · 3:54am Aug 1st, 2015


Complaints About This Fandom (Or Something) · 1:13am Mar 22nd, 2017

This fandom sometimes. THIS FANDOM.

*Heavy breathing intensifies.*

So I was reading the YouTube comments on the new season seven trailer and...they were all Bronies hating on the show. Seriously. There was not a single NICE comment about the show on any season seven trailer that was uploaded.

So what were they complaining about? Starlight Glimmer this. And Starlight Glimmer that. And how she is ruining the show. Waa waa waa.

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Some Thoughts About the Future Role of Starlight Glimmer · 3:23pm Apr 17th, 2017

Some Thoughts About the Future Role of Starlight Glimmer

I was thinking a lot about Starlight's role in this and other seasons. And I was thinking that it would actually be pretty interesting if Starlight was put into a position where, despite being a powerful magic user, she didn't have a position that related to it much.

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Action And Superhero Cartoons Worth Checking Out · 4:45pm Sep 18th, 2016

Action And Superhero Cartoons Worth Checking Out

In this blog I will list all of the superhero and action cartoons that are worth checking out. I will divide the listed cartoons into three categories; the best cartoons, fun cartoons that are still worth checking out, and cartoons to avoid.

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Top Bolt, various thoughts · 9:29pm Oct 10th, 2016

Now for the last early released episode of season 6, after which we've got another hiatus. Lovely.
This was a pretty decent episode, at any rate. This time, sadly no exposition and world-building, which would have been nice...

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Buckball Season, various thoughts · 4:12pm Sep 3rd, 2016

Some sportlyness, featuring hidden depths and incompetent goals, rather than goalkeepers. Another positive moral, and a pretty fun episode. Your standard fare, and following the rule of slice of life this season has set, it seems. I have rather little to say about it for the moment, but I liked it, at least.:pinkiehappy:

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A Hearth's Warming Tail, various thoughts · 4:09pm May 14th, 2016

Well, this was a lovely episode. More on the story-telling than the interaction, which is an all right approach, and though it would have benefited from extended time for things to be fleshed out, I thoroughly enjoyed this episode. Even if it's another A Christmas Carol type of episode. Mostly for being a musical episode with quite a bit of feeling and superb animation. I don't have much to say for the moment, though that may change. Regardless, on to the

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Newbie Dash, various thoughts · 4:28pm May 7th, 2016

Well, this was okay. I enjoyed it. So cringe-worthy, but not really bad. I think the central message for the episode, on how to cope with achieving your dream and not quite being able to get things the way you want it shouldn't hinder you from making the best of it all, is rather positive and helpful. Also, quite a bit of fun here. To the rapid-fire thoughts!

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Cartoon Series Worth Checking Out · 5:11pm Sep 30th, 2015

Cartoon Series Worth Checking Out:

In this blog post I will list all of the cartoon series that I have watched over the years and highlight the series that are worth checking out. You don't have to watch them all, of course. But this is just a handy list for anyone who is looking for a great cartoon series to get into.

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Applejack's 'Day' Off, various thoughts · 4:36pm May 28th, 2016

Another low-key, but positive episode I liked. I hope the writers will get back to the more significant type of episode that tends to contribute to the status quo soon, but as said, I enjoyed this.:3 Unto the few thoughts, then!

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Viewing 1341 - 1360 of 1,470 results