
Viewing 141 - 160 of 397 results

VOTE! · 10:18pm Sep 7th, 2019

So as you may or may not know my brain is full of ideas and often I have a hard time focusing on just one. So I'm going to ask YOU guys/gals, because you are the ones that read my content. What story, old or new, do you want me to focus on?
Multi chapter projects ongoing
A Derpy Princess
You drive me batty
Glimmer of Hope
Falling Rainbows

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Report Nailah · 205 views · #mlp #vote #pony #writing

What annoys me · 1:51am Jan 4th, 2020

Is that on some people just down vote one of my posts (mainly my non comment posts) and not explaining to me why an example is when I make a story idea post on a group forum and someone down votes it without explaining why, comments are more understandable but still annoying..


The Votes are in. · 4:41am May 27th, 2021

Alright, this is probably the most successful vote I've had. With a total of 22 votes, the winning story is...

Trade Ya

Name Not Final

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Vote for which character art you like. · 1:46am Nov 17th, 2019

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Report Nailah · 161 views · #vote #oc #art

A vote for the next chapter of the many worlds of Twilight · 2:25pm Oct 27th, 2021

Trying to finish off with the last two chapters for Halloween themed worlds I decided to put a quick pole for anyone who's interested and the most votes becomes the next two chapters. I won't release the chapter synopsis but you all might get the idea what the chapter is about through its titles. Comment the chapter(s) you want to read by order to cast your vote. First two most popular will be it.

  1. The Changeling Queen
  2. Midnight Queen
  3. Twinkle Sprinkle: Princess of Chaos

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Report Joe Toon · 259 views · #Next Chapter #Vote

one-shot (and please help?) · 9:37pm Feb 13th, 2016

Started a cute one-shot thing. Not done with it yet, but it could serve as a prelude to my FlutterDash fic. It feels like it's shaping up all right, and it might help convince people to give my longer story a try. I don't need my stories to be featured or anything, but it'd be nice if they weren't being so harshly put down.

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For the very first time, you have a chance to vote on which story I'll do next! · 4:39pm Jul 31st, 2015

That's right. For the next two weeks, voting is open to decide which new story idea I'll write next, and my $4 and up Patreon supporters get to decide!

This will happen every month from now on, so there will be plenty of chances to make your voice heard -- but why not get in on the very first one?

My $4 and up Patreon supporters can find the link to go vote in this Patreon post.

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It's actually cool today what · 3:04pm Oct 6th, 2015

It actually feels like autumn today, just like it has for the past two days. :rainbowderp: That is an unusual occurrence where I live. Usually, it doesn't get cooler until late October/early November. A lot of the time, our Halloweens are quite humid.


What's Next? · 3:28am Jul 13th, 2018

So, It's a Kind of Magic is on its final act, and Friendship 101 should be over pretty soon, too. I think I can fit in one more story before launching the Doctor Whooves crossover. However, I can't decide which of my story ideas I should write. Therefore, I leave it to you, the readers, to choose what you would most like to see. There are three options.

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IW2 Update · 9:50pm Sep 21st, 2018

Hey there, busy working on Chapter 3 of Immortal Wirewolf 2, and a thought occurred to me. While I do enjoy the show, the ideas I have for universes Alfreda visits are all kinda far from the fandom, save for the little bits with Anti-Matter(expect a good one next chapter). So I'm holding a poll till Monday on wether I should separate the story into the MLP chapters going up on here and the non MLP ones going on DeviantART, where I have an account.

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Sleepy Times · 6:50am Nov 6th, 2018

Hey all. Good news, this isn't a post (completely) about voting. Just wanted to say I came home feeling immensely tired today. Like, sluggish to the extreme. You ever have those days of utter fatigue, even though you've done things at the same pace as normal? How do you perk up from such onsets?

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TTIGRAAP Merch Poll · 11:13pm Feb 14th, 2021

Greetings all! Today I come to you with a question! I have had several people ask me if they can get merch of Rose Tint (and my new mascot, Ego), and after securing the explicit permission of the artist in question I have decided to open a RedBubble for outright purchase and will be also be adding tiers to my Patreon subscription options

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Vote for my Lovely Kitty to be in Cat Fancy and win $5000! · 7:03pm Aug 24th, 2020

Hello all, no updates on stories atm, but I do have a fun little contest I am in for my lovely kitty Gypsy. Found a contest on Facebook a few weeks ago and figured what the hay, I'll enter her! So, if you would be willing (sadly you need a Facebook account to vote it looks like, so that does exclude a few of you and I'm sorry.) I would love for you to vote for her and make this fur mommy happy of her baby kitty. (Who is really like 3 1/2 but hey! XD)

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Callie or Marie? · 9:49pm Jul 7th, 2016

Time to vote, nerds! Tell me your vote in the comments below!

I'm also sad to say this is my first and last Splatfest. I never had the time to play Splatoon during Splatfest season, but I'm happy I'm at least starting up and going out with a fucking bang!


For the very first time, you have a chance to vote on which story I'll do next! · 4:39pm Jul 31st, 2015

That's right. For the next two weeks, voting is open to decide which new story idea I'll write next, and my $4 and up Patreon supporters get to decide!

This will happen every month from now on, so there will be plenty of chances to make your voice heard -- but why not get in on the very first one?

My $4 and up Patreon supporters can find the link to go vote in this Patreon post.

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Update on Golden Drive 3 · 1:07pm Oct 4th, 2016

In the middle of writing up the fifth installment of the Shimmering Sunset Arc (which tackles the first EQG movie) and I just realized I have two names to pick between for the next arc, which will tackle Rainbow Rocks.

The first is, obviously, Rocking Rainbow, but I'm also considering going with a tradition and naming the arcs after antagonists, so Dazzling Adagio could be one...

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Important Announcement: The Future of Rise of the Apple Princess · 10:38am Jul 17th, 2019

Hey guys,

Gee, it’s been a while hasn’t it since my last blog. Many of you are still asking what’s happening with “Twins at the Beach” and “Rise of the Apple Princess”!? Well, let me start with “Twins at the Beach”.

Yes, the next chapter is still in progress it’s coming along slowly but I’m hoping that it will be done eventually. I can’t give an exact date as to when the chapter will come but once it does eventually come up it will be worth the wait.

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A Very Special Blog Post Asking For A Very Special Favor From The Fimfiction Community · 4:25am Dec 1st, 2018


Tis I, FabulousDivaRarity, AKA Cloe, coming to ask you all for a very special favor.

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Spike's Ship · 6:27am Apr 14th, 2021

Okay, this is an experiment I want to try out, not just because I’m a bit of a fan of shipping, but also I want to test to see how fast you guys can react to these blog posts when I have a vote. So, this was the best idea I could think of, even though it’s kind of a wild one, but still, I want to see how this goes. Anyways, Strawpoll is where the voting will be held. So, unless you pick other, votes in the comments here won’t really count for

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Let's go from here, friends and readers. · 11:29pm Oct 30th, 2016

To all those who read and enjoy Equis Art Online II...

How do YOU want the story to move on?

I have a plan for the chapters since the ball, but for your sake and mine, let's take a poll on whether to...

Redirect the story to make it more MLP related...

Remove the chapters since the ball and rewrite from there...

Or just start anew with a ground-up rewrite.

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Report Mkchief34 · 238 views · #Poll #reader #vote #happy #rewrite
Viewing 141 - 160 of 397 results