
Viewing 141 - 160 of 762 results

I don't know where else to turn... · 2:22am Jul 20th, 2016

Hey, I don't know where else to turn but for the last four years this site has had the closest thing I've had to friends. I need your help, my mom is about to lose her house and has just about every medical problem under the sun. It is imperative that this happens soon as she only has about a week left till they take her house, I can't help her and am struggling with my own bills. Please, if any of you guys can help it would mean the world to me and my mom, my sister and I have set up a

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Report Obsidian Shard · 336 views · #Help #money #mom #friends

Jam Through Time · 5:26pm Feb 22nd, 2020

I love the Internet.


Anniversary Progress (Slightly Important) · 2:42pm Feb 24th, 2017

To all those who have allowed mer to use their OC: Thank you! I've been making some serious progress on the final work and have implemented a lot of the OCs that were given! Recently, I made a little comic that explained how the celebration was put together and gave little hints of what is to come in a couple of months. But truthfully, I have to say thank you for being there with me all this time and helping me out. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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Blog Entry #46-Placing All Bets on This Last Story · 11:49pm May 22nd, 2019

So, as most of you know, I've been on and off of here(asking for advice, giving said advice, eta). I've been thinking long and hard about this and I've come to a standstill. While I enjoy writing(to an extent), I also like having an audience to get/receive advice/criticism. While what I'm about to say is insane, but I've come to this conclusion- This will be my last attempt on getting an audience/new friends/followers.

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My friend · 11:21am Dec 18th, 2015

This is a strange, but true story I wanted to share with you all.
I have a friend the same height as I in a milimeter. However, she's 20lbs lighter. Someone not knowing how much she eats would say she's anorexic. I, however, am on a diet and exercise.
She often doesn't understand new material because she's too afraid to ask the proffesor. I get stuff quite fast and am never shy. Sometimes I'm a bit too cocky.
I draw artpieces, she can't understand perspective.

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I'm live on FB! · 4:25pm Apr 4th, 2017

That's Facebook to those who don't know... click here to go to my page... there should be a link to the vid there!

Report Sky Blue CMC · 214 views · #facebook #friends #live

Another amazing Icon from friends · 8:08am Sep 22nd, 2020

I got ANOTHER amazing new art of my ponysona thanks to misterguest Even though I didn't ask for it again. Please go to them and give them some love they deserve it as being a great artist and for doing this for a friend. I still wont be able to do much here again sorry. :ajsleepy:


Interview with Firefoxino · 2:18pm Apr 15th, 2020

Interview with Firefoxino

"Alright, now tell me my dear friend, what inspired your username?"
My dad uses the nickname of Firefox and I adopted it but because I was not as big as him I put the -ino at the end which in Italian signify something little.

"What drew you into MLP?"
My friend who pestered me endlessly to watch it hehe.

"Who is your favorite pony and why?"

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Report Nailah · 188 views · #interview #writing #friends

Happy Thanksgiving · 11:48pm Nov 26th, 2020

I apologize for not being so active over the course of the month. I've had quite a month with work and other things but I do have a lot to be thankful for. My friends(both here and irl), my followers, and family are things I'm thankful for. I don't have anything big today but I'm just glad to see you guys/girls celebrating such a lovely day. I wish you all to be safe and pray for everyone's safety in this chaotic year:heart:


Feeling More Like Me! 💖 · 10:49am May 6th, 2020

Went and took myself a long, warm bath.

I painted my nails a cute pastel pink.

And I decided to go to bed early.

I put that horrible day behind me, I just wanted to start over and smile.

Oi, I'm feeling much better right now.

I took today off from work, just collecting my thoughts and nerves.

I'm not going to let those hurtful words define me, instead I'm going to better myself and push ahead.

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Report Forgetful · 304 views · #Hugs #love #friends

Thomas and Friends: the Retold Adventures · 3:38am Jun 5th, 2020

Greetings and Salutations, my name is Wrex and this is my review. The story in question is a smart idea. It's 'Thomas and Friends: the Retold Adventures', a crossover between MLP and Thomas and friends. This story brings a lot of memories back. It was pretty cool see the characters of both parties interacting. A few original stuff, too. Makes you think of it'd work in the TV show and books. There are some grammatical errors and incorrect spelling, still a storyline worth of the Reverend

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Stop the Hate! · 8:44pm May 1st, 2021

⬆️ Read the story above.

It was a lovely morning. I decided to read some fics on this site. I scrolled down to see a story by MelodyStories. I just decided to read it, since I edited their previous story a bit.

Sure, it was a bit.. bad but there are a few things to note.

  1. They might have less experience.
  2. They watch WAY too much Tern Totans go!
  3. They don’t cringe during cringe-worthy moments.
  4. They may be going thru tough times

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Chaos Heart! · 1:09am Apr 1st, 2017

My newest Discord Server! Please join! Don't have the app? It's free! Tell me your name and ID in the comments and I'll add you.


Facebook Live... AGAIN! · 8:37pm Apr 6th, 2017

I'm lonely.... meet me on Facebook and chat with me. OK?


Blog Entry #50-200 Followers! · 8:03pm Nov 13th, 2019

Yep, you read that right. I've reached 200 followers and its thanks to all of you. I honestly didn't think I ever would to be honest. Even now, I still don't believe it. I have a story already planned for this very occasion. It should be out before the end of the year. I hope I can reach 300 before five more years again:rainbowlaugh:. Again, thank you all for the support and I hope to continue making good content(even though it's been ahwile). Have a good day.


Today was my dog's 14th birthday · 1:49am Jan 22nd, 2020

Happy birthday to the friend who's brought me comfort through 14 years of trials and tribulations. I love you, buddy.

Report Vertigo22 · 192 views · #Birthday #dog #best friend

Second Featured Story! A Gift Given To Puppers. · 2:47am Jan 20th, 2018

Oddly enough my new one shot has gotten featured.

That is nice of course, but I'd like you all to check it out, as it is a gift to Cutest Puppers herself.

She had lost an animal friend lately, I've been working on this for her in hopes to give her a smile.

We all have friends who come and go, but as long as we keep them alive in our hearts.

They shall never truly be gone.

Report Adorkable · 281 views · #featured #friend #loss


Hello, my fellow followers and readers, it's me Dinoman213 and I got two good news and zero bad news...

The 1st good news is that HarryBuilder and I have rekindled our friendship and are friends again. And to prove it, me and my partner have decided to revive a story that I'm sure all of you have missed very much and that's the 2nd good news.

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Need an emotional support friend · 2:58am Sep 4th, 2022

I'm casting away my shame and saying I need a friend.

Nothing extensive or serious, just someone who will geniunely read my stuff and say "Nice chapter, I liked it". I just need a little morale boost.

With the little interaction nowadays, feels like I'm writing for noone except myself.

Ah well, nothing to it I guess. Back to the grindstone. Knight of Order won't finish itself.


Friends... MLP crossover · 7:19pm Apr 13th, 2017

"The One In Las Pegasus" Could be a crossover story about ponies impersonating the friends from Friends. What do you think?

Report Sky Blue CMC · 128 views · #mlp #friends #crossover
Viewing 141 - 160 of 762 results