
Viewing 1661 - 1680 of 2,032 results

Between Dark and Dawn/A Friendship is Magic Season 9 Review · 6:33pm Jun 24th, 2019


Read It Later Reviews #49 – Harissa, Shining Armor’s Amour’s Armour, Rainbow Reflections, A Total Eclipse of the Fun, The Gathering · 11:15pm May 24th, 2016

This was actually supposed to be Read It Later Reviews #50, but I just posted a Read It Now set yesterday and then Bad Horse came out with a story a day later. As this set had an empty space it in, Read It Later #49 got bumped down the line. So this set actually contains four older stories, plus Bad Horse’s new one.

I’m cheating a bit. Deal with it. :rainbowdetermined2:

Today’s stories:

Harissa by Orbiting Kettle

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My Little Pony Season 9 News 04/04/2019 · 11:47am Apr 4th, 2019


Possible New Story · 12:52am Feb 24th, 2016

Ok so I have been hooked on a Game called Fire Emblem Awakening and I'm excited for Fire Emblem Fates but I got the idea for a fire emblem mlp crossover. Since each game has different characters this should be quite easy. But I want your opinion my 48 loyal fans. Do you wanna see a Fire Emblem mlp crossover? Comment below on ideas and thoughts on this story idea, also should i use real characters or do my first all OC story?


"2, 4, 6, Greaaat" Review: Rainbow Dash and the Lesson in Empathy · 12:26am Aug 11th, 2019

By all fillies in Equestria..... Rainbow Dash was a MASSIVE douche today. I mean, it's not exactly surprising. We've seen her like this in the past. Rainbow Dash always had a douchebag attitude in certain moments. She even used to be a douche to Fluttershy (!) and to Scootaloo (!!) way back in the past. That is her. That is Rainbow Dash. That is one part of her and we all know that some things never change.

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what's the name · 4:43pm Jun 29th, 2018

AHHHHHHH. Someone please help me. I can't remember the name of a twilestia fic I want to re-read. It's about Twilight discovering that Celestia used her to turn Nightmare Moon back to normal. And when Twilight finished the Starswirl spell it killed her which Celestia said it wasn't supposed to and Celestia brought Twilight back as an alicorn because Celestia didn't want to lose Twilight because she loved her.

If ANYONE knows the name of that story please tell me.


Episode Review: "Daring Doubt” - Season 9 Episode 21 · 4:29pm Sep 21st, 2019

Jeez, all these “Daring D___” titles are prime candidates for getting easily confused at this point, whatever that they’re pun-tastic.

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A Closer Look (Friends With Benefits) · 3:30pm Jan 29th, 2019

New Chapter of Closer coming
Expect it to be out This Friday
I hope you're enjoying this little ShimmerDash story

And if by chance you're not aware of it's larger continuity
Jump in while it's still early starting with Lipstick

So get ready for Chapter 2 of Closer
And until then
Here's a little preview


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"Non-Compete Clause" Review: The Student Six are back! · 9:09pm May 13th, 2018

And with this week it finally happened again, the thing the show needs these days: A Student Six episode! :D Nine months Seven weeks they left us waiting, but now they have given us another episode focused on the sextet of awesomeness! :D
And what an episode it was! Silverstream and Ocellus were heroes, Yona delivered another one of her punchlines and..... But let's start at the beginning.

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She’s All Yak/A Friendship is Magic Season 9 Review · 4:04pm May 13th, 2019


Alone Together (Lipstick/Friends) · 9:37pm Jan 16th, 2019

Alrighty, New Chapter coming This Friday
Once again, Friends itself will be complete with CH2
But there is plenty more story to go with its sequel coming next week
There's still lots of story left to be told
If you're enjoying the story so far, let me know
I love to hear how people think about my story as it unfolds

This next chapter will set up where the next couple of sequels start
So get ready for it
Releasing this upcoming Friday
Friends Chapter 2

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Read It Now Reviews #95 – FlutterDash Contest Reviews #3 – Rainbow Dash Wants to Babysit, Changing for the Better, Left Behind, Embarrassing Things Happen Sometimes, Something Happened · 7:59pm Oct 27th, 2016

Set three of the Flutterdash contest entry reviews!

Today’s stories:

Rainbow Dash Wants to Babysit by GrapeMelon
Changing for the Better by thedarkitty
Left Behind by Shrink Laureate
Embarrassing Things Happen Sometimes by RainbowDasher21
Something Happened by SamRose

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Story Notes: Filly Cheesesteaks · 11:24pm Jul 24th, 2020


It's funny how we take something as simple as eating out at a restaurant for granted. Thanks to the global pandemic, right now it's either cook or get takeout. I usually opt for the latter, mainly because food should actually be edible...

For those unfamiliar with cheesesteaks, it's a steak & cheese sandwich that's one of the cuisines most associated with Philadelphia.

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F/F/T3K19 8/1: Dream on. · 3:44pm Aug 2nd, 2019

Our previous nonsense has come to a close. Bear witness.

This week... god fucking dammit, it's "Living the Dream." Be thankful we're not planning on doing the whole fic.


Paul's Monday Reviews XX · 12:45pm Jul 20th, 2015

That curious moment when you realize you've been doing something for around five months nonstop.

And I'm not about to stop! We've got a good selection today, folks.

Stories for This Week:

You Cannot Give Up Again by Selbi

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EQG:SAO Art! Part 1 · 11:56pm Mar 28th, 2022

Hello all! I've been sick the past few weeks, plus school. More vignettes are in the works and trying to get past my block on Ruby Palace. At about Chapter 30 right now. While those get work on, I decided to post some of the artwork, like the wingbanners, that I have gotten made. The artist, Drytil, has recently added new designs. I've commissioned more (can't wait to get them) and I have a wide variety already, but

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Mini Re-Reviews: "May the Best Pet Win!" - Season 2 Episode 7 · 10:23pm Feb 12th, 2020

APPLEJACK: "Rainbow Dash and those animatronics of those critters have been staring at the matte painting of the gorge for a while now. Do you reckon we should tell them the director got this shot?"

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September Schedule / Hoodwinked Returns / More Journey To Hearth's Warming and Wrong Canterlot / More, much more · 8:15pm Sep 4th, 2023

Hello everypony and yeah, you read all of that title right. We are back this month with so much stuff from the Hoodwinked's grand return to Journey To Hearth's Warming continuing it's epic and Something Very Wrong With Canterlot also getting more chapters. Plus, I'm planning a one shot sometime this month as well. No spoilers as I'm still working on it. As for the rest, I'm going to go ahead and give you all the schedule.


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Chicken soup is good for the soul. · 5:30am Jun 11th, 2021


To Live Free and to Save all of Our Kind. Kindled Beginning is now complete. · 3:27pm Nov 29th, 2022

And so ends our journey. I hope you've enjoyed it.

The wonderful art was done by the talented Mutter_Butter. I call it, "Rend The Sky".

Maybe spoilers? But not really. If you want the context for it, read the finale! Hopefully it will have been worth it.

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Viewing 1661 - 1680 of 2,032 results