
Viewing 161 - 180 of 533 results

I Mashed Up Some Song Lyrics · 2:59am Feb 21st, 2016

Threw this psychotic thing together. Lyrics are all from 3 of The Count of Monte Cristo songs from the musical. I own nothing.

(Yes, I didn't color this text. I'm too tired. Sorry.)

The world is a place where the villains wear a smile on their face
While they take what you can never replace
Stolen moments gone forever
And everyday shuffles by like the day before
On its way to the blackest of skies
And everyday a little death comes and paces the floor

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New Steven Universe Theory · 4:21pm May 30th, 2017

So, regarding one of the latest episodes of SU, a lot of stuff has to be considered, when trying to figure out how Pink Diamond was shattered.

First, how did her entourage(?) not warn everyone of the attacker? Rose Quartz couldn't have gotten close enough to actually strike her down.

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Okay, just a question...? · 3:31pm Mar 20th, 2017


I believe it is time I return... · 5:16am Jan 31st, 2021

For I have hurt in ways that should never be felt, I believe it is time to return to the mind-numbing world of the internet...

I've spent my last few weeks doing nothing, trying to be human, and to no avail. A lack of sleep and sanity has not helped matters one bit.

Who am I? A human. That's all I've got, so I'm just going to keep on existing and hope things go okay.............


Time to catch up · 11:18am Jul 13th, 2016

As you fans know, I took a break from posting chapters on Endless Time, Or Forever End. The break is going to last until August. This is the best time to catch up, before I start releasing the other chapters. So get to reading. And maybe throw in a few comments, because I literally have no idea half the time, if the fans are really liking the new chapters. Likes are fine, views are fine, but hearing no comments at all, that just really hurts.


Find me here! · 8:05pm Apr 4th, 2017

I am on:
DeviantART (glitch-effect)
Wattpad: (glitch_effect)
Drawcast: (glitcheffect)
Framecast: (glitcheffect) [INACTIVE]
Undertale Amino: (glitcheffect) [HIATUS]
Equestria Amino: (glitcheffect) [SEMI-INACTIVE]


i am going to become a vtuber. · 7:26am May 14th, 2021

this is a threat.

the reason? I'm bored.


Well, It's Been A Week · 11:02pm Nov 19th, 2022

A week ago, I finally managed to get my newest story, "Beach Beauties", up. And I must say, I'm impressed with the reception it has received in that time, considering the time of year it came out in. True, it didn't exactly take the site by storm (so few stories do), but it has gotten a nice turn out, even being on the 'Featured' stories list for a bit (only half a day, but still).

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Stuck for pony name ideas? Look here! · 12:54pm Sep 27th, 2023

One of the things authors are always struggling with, it seems, is coming up with names for things, especially characters. In the world of pony, names don't really work the same way they do in our world. Aside from a few exceptions, most names use different nouns and adjectives. The possibilities are endless... which makes things harder in a way, because you don't really know where to turn.

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Zecora Dilemma · 7:27am Mar 14th, 2021

I do not speak very good rhyme

So I shall not give her the time

To shine of the page like I wished I could

Because I failed practically all my classes this year because of COVID 19 and online class like seriously I lost so many brain cells

So this dilemma continues to stir


I feel like if Pharynx was tasked with advertisement, this is what he’ll do— · 10:16pm Jun 9th, 2021

I’m not sure why I think this way, but it makes me laugh anyway.


General update,Little free time · 9:35pm May 16th

When I don’t study for my new job that seem to not move along, I de-stress with writing stuff on my Fimfiction stories.
Currently I write a little here or there, but I feel like I get nowhere.

I tried the last 5 weeks to work on my Selene story, but I don’t like what I come up with and have to contemplate its next chapter.

My Mass Effect story needs hours if bit days in proofreading and adding of humor, it's sounds horrible dry to myself somehow.

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pain meds+Filly= brain gone maybe one shot? · 4:36am Dec 6th, 2015

So, pain meds have taken my brain. I might write something dunno for sure. Oh if you wanna see my incisions click below its not bad. Call out cutes ideas one shots maybe i'll do one while my brain is gone. also cute pic here.

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040 Frenemies Talk: Appleoosa's Most Wanted · 4:16pm May 4th, 2015

040 Frenemies Talk: Appleoosa's Most Wanted

Who is a bigger failure? The embodiment of misfortune, or the three who after four seasons still can't figure out what they're good at? In this blog we will address this, and much more! Have a talk where The Good, The Bad, and both of them Ugly as heck discuss the recently aired episode.

They serve spoilers to S5EP06 in here, partner. Don't go in if you don't know the way out!

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Wanted: Editors. · 2:55pm Jul 23rd, 2016

Yes... I need an editor. But, this is actually for a new fic I have in mind.

"Oh jeez! MrAquino's making another fic? Will everything be put on hold again?"

Actually, yes... yes indeed. All my Tats Pwny-Verse-ish fics will be on hiatus (Except for the Futurama one), though I'll still try to work on the other fics I'm doing. And, if you're wondering, it's simply a crossover/sequel to this beloved film:

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I'm still alive! · 6:54pm Jan 29th, 2017

I've just been doing a lot of studying recently for my upcoming exams and I've only really had spare time for writing my fanfictions and whatnot. And in that regard I feel as if I owe it to you guys to be here more often. Because you guys are my friends.

My special friends...

I hate myself.


Attempt to write a Daily update for bastards · 7:13am Dec 9th, 2016

[Witty dialogue relating to boners and ponies]
[stunning display of stupidity]
[Joke covering own self depression]

Oh feck all that nonsense! Good evening everyone and welcome to the Writing Tonight Show with your host, Overworked and Tired Irishman!

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Help Me Out (If You Want) · 8:24pm Aug 1st, 2016

Hey everybody! I really didn't want to have to spread this here, but I guess I should.

I've recently set up some stuff that allows you guys to help me out financially. I was mainly focusing this on my DA and Website followers, but now I'm posting it here too. Basically, I have two methods set up: a pay-what-you-want donation area, and a shop area.

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Report ModMCdl · 331 views · #modmcdl #donate #to #him #if #you #want #to #but #you #really #dont #have #to #...

Looking for someone who can sing as Spitfire · 6:04am Aug 25th, 2018

I know, this is a weird thing for me to put up as my first blog post on this site, but I'm working on a project to bring certain portions of this story to life:

TThe Maretian
Mark Watney is stranded- the only human on Mars. But he's not alone- five astronauts from a magical kingdom are shipwrecked with him.
Kris Overstreet · 480k words  ·  2,470  52 · 31k views

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Gosh darnit. · 4:31am May 1st, 2019

There's so much I wanna do, but so little available time I have to do it!

Lemme see... have a good ol' list of things I want to do once school's out for the summer, in no particular order:

  • Get back to learning how to program
  • Write out the stories I pitched in What If
  • Finish Pony-Me and get started on its original fiction adaptation
  • Try making a basic TTL CPU design

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Viewing 161 - 180 of 533 results