
Viewing 161 - 180 of 194 results

okay i know i blog too much but honestly i want to know · 6:02pm Nov 10th, 2017

why do you like me so much i'm trash and don't deserve your love and support like wow what did i do to deserve you guys


The Enchanted Library -> The Enchanted Kingdom · 1:23am Sep 12th, 2017

I made a similar blogpost a few days ago, but then deleted for reasons we shall not discuss, THOUGH... several readers have asked me to please re-post it so here we are.

For those of you that are following The Enchanted Library and are interested in its continuation, you can go read the official sequel at...

EThe Enchanted Kingdom
As an ancient alicorn trapped inside a library, Princess Twilight spent many a century dreaming of being rescued from her prison. Now, finding herself in an entirely new Equestria, she realizes she'd never planned for somepony to actually succeed...
Monochromatic · 222k words  ·  2,203  32 · 21k views

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so many friends are leaving ;n; · 1:04pm Sep 2nd, 2017

I'm not going yet, however.

I want to be here for the people who also have to watch their friends leave. I refuse to leave the site anytime soon. I may be gone for a few days, but usually that means my family dragged me somewhere else in the world where I couldn't bring my phone.

I feel a bit upset that the guy I love is most likely leaving, but I'm not following him out. I'll go with him to the "gates" but no further. His work here may be done, but mine is not.

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NEW STORY AHHHHH · 4:01am Oct 7th, 2018

There will be a more coherent, organised, and interesting blog tomorrow, detailing actual stuff about this story, it's creative process, and my future plans.

But for now, it's 4:50 AM, I finished this with like an hour to go, and I'm on some kind of caffeine/adrenaline high right now.

So I will just say this: I have finally published a new story. Please go read it, and tell me how much you love it or hate it. Either is good, as long as you actually read it.

...Time for bed.


Hey Guys, if I Die... · 4:22pm Mar 14th, 2020

Wish I was kidding, but I'm not sure.

I'm not gonna sugarcoat it, folks. My town got hit by this COVID 19 pretty bad, and frankly, it was only a matter of time before I got fucked by it.

With two jobs, bartending and working part-time at a gas station, I deal with too many fucking people a day. Too much to the point where, well, I caught the stupid thing. Now look at me; wheezing my lungs out, nose is running the fucking mile. I'm fucking disgusting; a godamn mess lol.

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Paul's Thursday Reviews CI · 10:29pm Jan 18th, 2018

If my month so far is an example of the year to come, then 2018 is going to be great.

Admittedly, it started off rather poorly. I wrote less than 2,300 words for the entirety of the first week of January. It looked like my little pledge to myself to hit 1,500 words/day for the month was a pipe dream.

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Printed Ponyfic Reviews, Here's a Third Part · 8:09pm Sep 7th, 2019


Happy Birthday! · 1:01pm Oct 2nd, 2016

So it's my B-day today, I'm officially another year older. And before you ask, just as I mentioned in the last blog, I'd currently prefer to keep my age private.

Anyway, so I have no idea how to celebrate, but thank you for all of the lovely birthday wishes! It is very much appreciated, you wonderful people you.

My wish is that you all have a wonderful day today, (some Jse merch would be nice too,) and I once again thank you.

And now to play this awesome remix on repeat.

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My back really fucking hurts · 12:03am Jul 2nd, 2016


My Review of Puss in Boots: The Last Wish · 12:51am Feb 27th, 2023

Rating Scale:

12/10—a complete masterpiece; flawless and outstanding
11/10—Excellent, near-perfect film
10/10—the standard rating; awesome film with a couple of flaws
9/10—a wonderful film with several flaws
8/10–a great film with numerous flaws but not enough to ruin it

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10 Years · 4:35am Jul 25th, 2023

I am on for 10 years now. The anniversary was actually on Wednesday, July 19th, but the release of "The Sky is Gone: Acceptance" on my Patreon account made me stay up long the day before and I had to catch up on sleep, so I could not write this blog entry there. But I want to write about what happened during these 10 years.
Here is a retrospective of 10 Years on

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when it was ten days until bitchmas ice star gave to me an update blog w/ some important (probably!) shit · 2:02am Dec 16th, 2018

Gather 'round followers. I can't remember the last time I've made one of these, so it must have been a considerable amount of time since I last made an actual update blog, I've watched too many Kalvin Garrah videos and lost track of time, or both. Anyway, I thought I should say a few things. This includes the status of Enemy of Mine and its update, some important confusion I thought I should clear up, and just general things. Find them all below the horse image.

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Wish for a Mother: Brown Sugar's Awesome Achievements! + Sequels in the Future · 5:08pm May 20th, 2018

Somefilly is a very happy filly right now! It's now more than three days ago that I released "Wish for a Mother" and the results have been overwhelming and breathtaking!

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FINAL Preview for Brown Sugar's fanfiction before RELEASE TOMORROW! + Title Reveal! · 4:31pm May 15th, 2018

Hello, folks!

It is finally happening. After weeks of slaving away writing full of dedication, my story for Brown Sugar, most famously known from "For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils" and "Inspiration Manifestation", is ready for release!
It is fully edited and formatted up here on FIMFiction and just waits that I hit the Submit button!
Tomorrow, you will finally be able to read what took so long, but before that, I will torture you all with one final portion of HYPE!

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Progress Update · 5:08am Aug 25th, 2019

So, some good news for once!

I’ve got some chapters done (especially one super chapter that’s acting as a side story to “Elements”, which is going to be part of an anthology). However, I’ve got some art I need to do for a few stories that are to be posted. That may take some time... Hopefully I’ll be able to get it ready soon.

To sum up, I’ve got:

- 1 One-Shot story done

- 1 New Story with 2 chapters done *Needs title image*

- 1 New Story with 1 chapter done *Needs title image*

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My Movie Review on WISH (2023) · 4:03pm Dec 20th, 2023

Greetings and salutations, my friends.

This is your top-of-the-line film, TV show, and episode reporter here with another review.

Today, for the 1st (and only) installment of this year's "Christmas Craze", I'm gonna give you guys my take of Disney's "WISH".

Here's the rundown of this tale:

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Got a Wattpad now! · 5:07pm Oct 30th, 2021


"Wish for a Mother" is in the FEATURE BOX! Brown Sugar is FEATURED! :D · 2:39pm May 17th, 2018

So, this just happened! I just got up, checked "Wish for a Mother" and it's in the FEATURE BOX! :O 201 views and 26 upvotes in 13 hours and 39 minutes have catapulted it into the Feature Box!!!!!!!!

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New fic is released: "Wish for a Mother" · 12:16am May 17th, 2018

And now, the moment has come. The story for Brown Sugar, an underappreciated background filly from "For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils" and "Inspiration Manifestation" (among other episodes), that I teased for almost one year now, is finally released!
And after all the long wait, I don't want to make you wait even longer by talking too much about it, so I present to you:

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share · 2:50am Mar 17th, 2022

Viewing 161 - 180 of 194 results