
Viewing 161 - 180 of 844 results

Maximizing Facebook Likes Strategies for Gaining More Engagement · 10:25am Nov 2nd, 2023

In the digital age, social media platforms have become essential for businesses to connect with their target followership and make a solid online presence. Among these platforms, Facebook continues to control supreme with its massive stoner base and expansive reach. Still, more than simply having a Facebook runner is needed; businesses must diligently seek to maximize their likes to increase engagement and expand their brand's visibility. In this composition, we will explore practical

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Follower Milestone · 8:25pm Aug 27th, 2021


Today is very special. Because I’ve just reached a big milestone here on FimFiction. On June 23, 2020, I celebrated 20 followers. Today, August 28, 2021 - 4 days after my birthday, may I add - I’ve reached...


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Still Getting Attention For Some Reason · 5:56am Dec 13th, 2023

So, it has been over a year since I last posted or updated a story (August 2021), and almost a year since I announced i was giving up on continuing any stories here. Yet, somehow, I am still getting notifications that people are liking my stories, and even occasionally getting new followers.

I'm kind of curious as to why?

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20 Follower Special · 6:27pm April 17th

I am happy to announce that as of today 4/17/2024 I have acquired a full score of followers 🎉!
20 followers' sense when I started writing back with the nightmare night of 22

29th Oct 2022-Sweetest Smell

A lot of 20s

Perhaps in the grand scheme of things that is not all that big of a deal, but I am thankful for every single one of you.

To commemorate the occasion, I would like to write twenty themed story, or something of the like.

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Second Blog Post Woo! · 12:51am Aug 11th, 2016

So far all my stories start with T, is that weird?

Anyways, third story is pending approval but I'm pretty sure it'll go through when someone gets to it. I've just been popping off these one chapters left and right and I'm sure there's still more ideas along the way.

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Report Gpizano · 112 views · #Stories #Followers #Art

Thank you! · 8:26pm Jun 22nd, 2020

Hiya, very lovely peeps!

On June 10, I celebrated 500 views on my first story. Today, June 23, marks yet another milestone. Drumroll, please...


Thank you, thank you so much! To everyone who has followed me and supported me since I started. This wouldnʼt be possible without all of you.

Now, if youʼll excuse me, Iʼm gonna go shed some liquid pride...


Thank you for reading and following! · 6:24am Jul 28th, 2016

I don't do this often enough, and I really think I should do this more. Usually, I don't thank people individually for following me because I told myself it takes time, and I could be spending that time writing fics... which I could be doing right now... but I still think it's important!

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I'm officially at 300 followers! · 12:22am Sep 15th, 2015

Um, wow.

Thanks to Mystic Flare for being my 300th follower!


I was going to post something in anticipation of this, but I haven't had the time.

Anyway, there's going to be a few subtle changes. Nothing major. You'll know when you see it. Or not. Who knows?

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I Now Have As Many Followers As Days In a Year. And Another New Story · 7:53am Nov 21st, 2015

Thanks guys. It really means a lot to me. My average is a new follower every .41 days; let's see If I can make that an average of 1-a-day in 2016. Here's to another 365!

Plus I finished up an old story yesterday and it got published today. Skywriter liked it. Go read it! Cadance in Eb Aeolian, a slice of life conversation between the pretty pink pony princess and Discord.

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30 followers! Awesome! · 11:34pm Jun 22nd, 2015

I only just joined in April and already have 30 followers! Yay! :yay: Thanks to my 30th follower, ChoralFlourish! I'm also going to do a Q and A, ending on the 30th. Thanks again!

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I've made up my mind. [CLOSED] · 12:32am Sep 23rd, 2020

DISCLAIMER: Your OCs will be used in a What If-style crackfic. There is no guarantee for their safety, sanity, or continuing presence in their current state of existence.

Your OCs, hand 'em over.

Gimme ideas too.

I'ma run 'em through the pulverizer and yeet the story pulp back at y'all's faces. :V

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Q+A 100 Follower Celebration · 6:32pm Nov 10th, 2016

Okay guys, I've picked what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna have a question and answer session. Q+A if you will. You guys ask me questions that maybe you've wanted to ask me for a long time, and I will answer them. I do however have some rules when it comes to this.

1. Do not swear when you ask them.
2. Do not ask anything that's highly delicate, controversial, or insensitive.

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So... when are you supposed to follow someone? · 9:24am Jun 15th, 2016

I really don't understand when I'm supposed to follow someone. Is it after you read a really good story and you're hoping for more? Or is it after you've read some percentage of a person's work that you should say: "I think I'll follow this person." Or maybe you just follow someone when they do something so brilliant that you are forced to show them the highest form of respect—getting their profile picture tattooed on your cheek.

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Four Years · 2:00am Jul 1st, 2015

Hey people. Two blog posts in two days. What is the world coming to?

I just wanted to make this post to say THANK YOU to all of my followers. Every day I find myself thankful that all of you have deemed me worthy to give your time and attention to. You guys give me my motivation to write, and if it weren't for you, I likely wouldn't be here today. Hell, I probably wouldn't be in college if it weren't for you guys, but that's a story for another time.

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THANK YOU 100 FOLLOWERS · 10:25pm Jul 12th, 2015

Here is my gift to my 100 followers.


101 Fun Facts · 10:40pm Jul 14th, 2015

Alright, so I'm stuck on the short story again that I'm working on... So I'll do something else. For each one of my followers, I'm going to do one thing that is silly about me. Ready? Alright, here we go.

1. I sleep with a rainbow stuffy. Her name is Shurburt. And I treasure her... pretty highly. I got her when I was 10 at a garage sale after begging for it for three years every time we went shopping.

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What is this madness!? · 5:07am Jul 20th, 2015

For some reason I have been gaining followers like crazy the last few days!

I've gone up 7 followers in the last 5 days!

Two followers in the last 30 minutes!


What is this!?


Nova Digi Log: I... I Don't... · 4:04pm Feb 12th, 2016

150... 1... 5... 0...

There are 150 people following this fruit loop... 150 people that are and have to put up with my shenanigans... 150 people have somehow, in the process of slamming their heads and hands against their keyboards, hit that button at the corner of my name and turned it green...

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1000 Followers · 7:25pm Mar 22nd, 2017

After two hundred and four fan fictions and many years I've finally reached the one thousand follower club.

Now, I can be all fancy and stuff. XD

Gotta drink to celebrate this!

Give a big cheer to atronosthelast for being my one thousand follower.

Report Bendy · 377 views · #1000 #one thousand #follower

Thanks! · 5:31pm Aug 4th, 2016

Well, I just hit 100 followers! ... and I'm still working on the thing I promised at 50. :twilightblush: So I'm not going to make any promises yet; instead, I'm going to say that there will be a SOMETHING for 100, and pop a quote from the Apple Apotheosis after the break so you know I am working on the 50:

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Viewing 161 - 180 of 844 results