
Viewing 1 - 20 of 56 results

Musings: The Core Problem of the FoE Redux Project · 2:40pm Apr 21st, 2018

As most people know by now, the FoE Redux project aims at remaking the Fall of Equestria universe, with a specific emphasis on the time from the Lindisbarne landing up to Equestria’s surrender, with the purpose of turning it into a consistent canon and then writing stories in this timeline, leading up to the Canterlot conquest and then to the conquest of the rest of Equestria. Of course, some heated debates have taken place in the course of this process on how exactly this can be done, and what

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Musings: Canon or Myth? · 1:26am Apr 26th, 2018 distinguishes between two different concepts of narrativity. They’re not really genres, though I guess you could call them meta-genres. In essence, they’re two different ways in which stories grow. These two concepts are Tale, and Myth.

Myth is defined as a story that originates from or changes through mimetic mutation.

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Outline of the caribou invasion of the Redux · 12:00am Oct 23rd, 2018

As promised, here is the outline and time frame of what the caribou invasion would have looked like in the Redux invasion story. Before we provide our own outline and timeline we had planned, I would like to give a quick rundown of non_creepy_nickname’s original timeline, so the problems of it become apparent. This will show how we solved most of them, and also the few issues we weren’t able to solve. Despite the fact that the invasion story isn't happening, this outline is still considered

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Musings: Censorship in FoE · 12:20pm Jul 22nd, 2016

"When you tear out a man’s tongue, you’re not proving him a liar, you’re only telling the world that you fear what he might say."
Tyrion Lannister in G.R.R. Martin’s A Clash of Kings

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Taking A Step Back From Fall of Equestria - pt. 1: Announcement · 10:48am Jul 6th, 2020

This decision has been a long time coming, but due to recent events, I have an announcement to make. I am taking a step back from my involvement in Fall of Equestria for an unknown period of time. I’m still in the process of determining what exactly that means, and whether it will be permanent or just temporary, and I already have the help of some of my good friends in the fandom in figuring it out, but as I said, it was a decision that had been in the making for a long while.

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STORY ALERT!!!!!!!!! · 6:01am Apr 2nd, 2016

It seems that my latest Hot story, "Fall of Equestria: Invasion" may go longer then just the Two Chapters I had planned. So I will put more of the epic battle between the Caribou and The Confederacy of Independent Systems in a THIRD chapter later on. right now I will work more on the events in Cloudsdale and Ponyville.


Musings: How small are caribou cows? · 7:04pm Nov 7th, 2016

It is commonplace knowledge that caribou cows are physically weaker and also quite a bit smaller than their male counterparts. But how much smaller are they, exactly? There are quite a few conflicting informations in canon, so effectively, one can isolate at least three different versions of this that all have NCN's approval, and they all contradict each other. I want to make a case for one of these versions, but first I want to present them one by one, from smallest to largest.

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Why Freeville Chronicles is on hiatus · 4:01pm Jul 24th, 2018

Readers of my stories may have noticed that Freeville Chronicles is set to “On Hiatus” now. You don’t need to worry though, there will be more Freeville Chronicles stuff soon. I’ve set the story to “On Hiatus” because I have decided to slightly rework the earlier chapters. They have issues that I believe need to be sorted out. I can’t say how long this will take, but it shouldn’t take too long. This isn’t a complete reboot like the one in April 2015 or the one in July 2016, but rather just a

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Freeville Chronicles hiatus ends. · 5:58pm Aug 25th, 2018

The rewrite of Freeville Chronicles is now complete. I’ve re-uploaded the first two chapters, as well as edited the Tales of the Hearth chapter. Here is a full list of changes.

  1. The Prologue has been removed without a replacement. All essential information in the prologue has been worked into the first two chapters as well as Tales of the Hearth.

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Pronunciations and origins of caribou names · 10:17pm Jun 9th, 2018

Such a list is long overdue.


Alpharys: Al-fa-riss
Character: Master of Science and Medicine in Painn's council. (Aristagtle's Phallus Sequestria: Reflixed)
Name origin: Parody character and name. Named after Dr. Alphys from Undertale. The character is a parody of Anvari.

Anvari: An-va-ree.
Character: Master of Bloodlines in Dainn’s council. (The Councilmen and Runemasters are all non_creepy_nickname's characters.)

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Musings: Gender Politics, Social Strata, and Political Movements in Schorl's Equestria after Dainn's death · 1:27pm Jul 31st, 2016

Brief introduction: Before I begin, I think a brief introduction to how this text came to exist is in order. I wrote the very first version of this text in December 2015, as a request by Schorl Tourmaline. We had been talking about the difficult political and economic situation in Equestria after Dainn's death, and the different radical political movements it would give rise to. We agreed that there would be two radical movements that would definitely be seen in this situation. The first

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Musings: Why the caribou suck as villains · 2:38pm Sep 19th, 2016

Yesterday, another thought came to me. We all know that the caribou are a bit stupid in the FoE canon stories. They commit one strategical blunder after another, they meddle with magical powers they have little understanding of, they have no backup plan whatsoever in case the Crystal Heart fails, and yet they're still cock sure they'll remain on top no matter what.

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New Group Started · 7:04am Nov 21st, 2016

The Caribou Hunters Club

Like reading stories where the Fall of Equestria Caribou are viciously slaughtered by some hardcore badass? Or a military rises up to eliminate the enemy forces taking over Equestria and somehow enslaving them? Or perhaps you're one of the few who has written a story where the Caribou have lost quite brutally, or are about to get their asses handed to them on a silver platter?

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Report Dustchu · 589 views · #Fall of Equestria

Polling · 12:40pm Apr 19th, 2018

So, this happened.

This is your third failed attempt to discredit the poll just because we lost, and it is making our side look even worse (and yes we are on the same side as Redux people, even if neither of us likes it). And news flash, the poll you made to discredit their poll unanimously says they did read it, which is not helping.

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Fall of Equestria: Jurassic Everfree · 8:54pm Jul 9th, 2018

After the Fall of Equestria, the Caribou foolishly release the inhabitants of the darkest part of the Everfree Forest. And many of them want to show them just what females are capable of when provoked.


Musings: Why the canon FoE Timeline is fucked. · 12:34pm Jul 22nd, 2016

A word in advance, before I begin presenting my arguments. One might object that Fall of Equestria is a fanfiction, and mapping it onto the timeline of the show is a priori a pointless endeavor. After all, Fallout: Equestria's timeline, for example, also doesn't fit the show. However, non_creepy_nickname's position is that everything in the first three seasons of the show is also canon for Fall of Equestria. With this in mind, all points I make will present themselves as fully valid.

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Freeville Chronicles: A ruin in the forest · 4:53am Jun 6th, 2021

There are a lot of reasons why Freeville Chronicles failed, some of them in-universe and some of them connected to real life events, but the most pronounced in-universe reason is probably the impossibility of its beginning. Some very simple and basic considerations inevitably lead to the conclusion that Freeville and its inhabitants and characters are impossible. They cannot exist for a number of reasons, but the most important one is also the simplest: The time frame is too short.

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What were my plans for Freeville Chronicles? · 2:14am Jul 22nd, 2020

As I mentioned in my last blog post, Taking a Step Back from Fall of Equestria, I had the rest of Freeville Chronicles as well as a rough concept for a sequel mostly planned out. Since I'm likely not going to finish it, but I think it was an interesting concept and possibly would have been a story worth telling, I'm going to give you a rough idea of the concept I had. Instead of going

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Musings: The odd choice of Fall of Equestria's villains · 7:26pm Jul 17th, 2016

I know that I'm not going to say anything new in this blog post. What I'm going to say has been said many times already, by many different people. For some reason, I feel the need to spell it out once more.

So the villains of Fall of Equestria are supposed to be Viking caribou.

What should be immediately striking is how odd this choice is. For non_creepy_nickname's intents and purposes, he literally couldn't have chosen worse archetypes.

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Musings: My Motivations · 5:09am Jul 22nd, 2016

Schorl's explanation for her actions sure were interesting to read – and her essay made me realize that I might need to spell out my own motivations more clearly as well, just to disspell some false ideas some people might have about them. Of course, I had the privilege to read her essay in advance, which means the same caveats apply to my text as well – it was written before knowing any reactions

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 56 results