
Viewing 1 - 20 of 39 results

Aliens have never felt so Isolated... · 6:32pm Mar 9th, 2016

Waits you unbelievable, fart gargling, testicle licking, rectal wart!!! :flutterrage:

If I make it back onto that station I will pull your teeth out through your ears and use them to saw your balls off so I can jam them in your eyes so hard you'll need a doctor to pull them out again!!!

Then i'll send a picture of it to your mother!!! :pinkiecrazy:


More Isolation, in Alien locales... · 5:33pm Mar 5th, 2016

I found out what could possibly go wrong with playing Alien Isolation :pinkiecrazy:

The gribbly bastard is in my dreams now! :flutterrage:
Not even playing the game, and it's still chasing me! :twilightangry2:

Oh where's Luna with a Smart Rifle when I need her?...


Alien Isolation, going down... · 9:15pm Mar 10th, 2016

So, I managed to finally sneak all the way into the main reactor core. There I am, on the lift going to the lower level, and I have a moment to take stock of the situation, try to put a positive spin on all the things that are going down.

Okay, so, I'm still trapped on a space station that's falling apart at the arse end of the universe, and whose dominant ethnic community appears to be freakish, homicidal androids with a strangulation kink...

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Alien Isolation · 9:34pm Mar 4th, 2016

'cause what could possibly go wrong with that?


Say Something · 5:17am Nov 28th, 2020

Some time ago I remember reading someone say something along the lines of this; "We are social creatures and we need to talk and interact with each other." I don't remember if it was from a blog here or from an opinion piece elsewhere but the part about it that stuck with me was about struggling with isolation due to the virus. They went on to express how they couldn't wait for things to return to some semblance of how things were before.

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Exposure, Isolation, and Nazis · 3:25am Jul 28th, 2020

That title got your attention?

So as a few of you know, I work in a state prison in Florida. I've mentioned it a few times. If you've made even a passing glance at the news lately, you know that things here in the Sunshine State are... not great in regards to the current pandemic. I'm sad to say that while it might have taken awhile, the rampant spread of Covid-19 has finally breached the (to this day) never-escaped-from fences of my place of employment.

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The fastest update in the west · 3:34pm Aug 29th, 2020

Hey guys! So, I already pushed an edited update out for the first chapter of Equine: Isolation. Fast-as-fuck-boiiii for my standards, what-the-fuck-slow for others, but still!

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A another chapter is incoming! · 11:48am Apr 16th, 2020

Hi guys! Just took a two-day break to get my bearings, I've just had to completely blitz my back garden, seen as though the weather here in England is shit, it decided to blast my bins all over the place. So basically there was shit everywhere, brilliant.

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Next Chapter. · 12:10am Jul 1st, 2020

The next chapter should be done by tomorrow! Or in a few hours depending on what everyone's time is. Currently, 1 am as of this blog post. This chapter will be at least 10 thousand words. And Im very sorry for taking a bloody month to send this out, alot of things have happened that has taken my attention almost constantly.

I hope you guys understand.


Also, since I had a little bit of time,

have an Octi as a present, she's not finished though.

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...A day of Tartarus, and no zombies yet... · 11:16am Apr 6th, 2020

I ain’t got much stuff to do at all, and social distancing is a total jab in the butt for me, and most of my friends. Not to mention that I would’ve been modeling somewhere by now. Hopefully this whole thing blows over soon, if not immediately. Until then, I’ll be expecting zombies or a decrease in numbers...
Either way, maybe, I’ll come up with another fic or two.

I’m up for requests in exchange for details, so don’t hesitate to ask, yeah?

Stay Strong, and Stay Safe!


FIMFiction Review #4 · 2:36pm Mar 8th, 2016

Hello there my fellow ponies! Hope you are all having a good day! With school going on as usual, College interrupts a few things so I am sorry if things seem slow on my userpage. :twilightsheepish: I can imagine a lot of you are excited for stories to come out. Honestly I can say that I've been saying stuff and have no bite at the moment... almost like SEGA or EA. Yet I have gotten a message from my cover artist and the cover should be done soon. Which

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Two chapters should be ready for tomorrow! · 11:03pm Apr 22nd, 2020

Sorry, had some shit to get through these past few days, anyways, I hope you guys are still on board, two chapters supposedly 3,000 or 4,000 in length will be posted tomorrow morning, I've got an assignment to finish tonight.

Also! If you've managed to get past these next two chapters I'll give you a golden medal!

No promises though...


Hey guys. · 11:17pm May 11th, 2022

Hey guys, I apologise for not making a blog or any updates to my profile or the story. Im two days before my final deadline for my University year and I've been a busy wreck throughout. I haven't had any time for myself or my own personal artwork. But when my final is over and I can chill until July that is when I move out of my flat until I move back in again for September.

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The Main Character Concept. · 1:26pm May 30th, 2020

Hello lads! Just been working on what the main character looks like. As shameless as an insert can be, I couldn’t give two flyin fucks! xD

Anyways, I hope to finish it this week. I’ve just started on the next chapter. Hope you all are havin a brilliant day.



The next chapter is coming soon! · 12:53pm May 20th, 2020

Hello! The next chapter will hopefully be arriving either today or tomorrow.

I've also been working on another Environment piece from one of the latest chapters. It isn't finished yet.

See ya soon lads!


Chapter 3 Artwork. · 2:24am Apr 24th, 2020

Okayyy! Chapter 3 Artwork is finished, this takes place when Elliott is in his dream world before he gets attacked by the headless horseman. I may or may not carry on with this piece as I am way too tired, fuckin 4 in the mornin yes lads.

Sorry, I couldn't get the second chapter finished in time, Im about half way done with it, so I'll have it done by the morrow.


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Unimaginative Blog #5 · 1:43pm Dec 18th, 2018

Does anyone else hear that? The-the thundering of hooves and-oh my God, what is that thing?!

Yeah, I've got a more serious story coming up for once. Was going to name it something stupid, but decided against it. You'll all see it eventually. Hell do I know when, but you will.

It's gonna be about, gasp, a human in Equestria.
Oh no. Oh, the horror.

Tch, like that hasn't been done several thousand times over and then some.

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Corona Update -Coping and Tactics · 6:08pm Mar 24th, 2020

Hello MetaVerse Fans!

As the Coronapocolypse is upon us, it’s been mighty quiet around the sites and discords, despite the fact we’re all sheltering in place!

So I thought I’d present a quick rundown of what's still going on!

First and foremost, STAY SAFE! There's so much to do in that simple idea: Washing your hands, social distancing and making sure you stay informed on your local, state and federal sources for the next steps that affect you!

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Ahhhh, so yeah, I have Covid now. So that's a thing I guess. · 2:51am Feb 12th, 2021


It's been a long few months mate, been back and forth to my Flat at Uni, and my normal home, and now Im stuck at home doing online lessons for my course. Fun.

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Chapter Incoming! · 5:27pm Apr 28th, 2020

Hello again! A new chapter should hopefully be up by tonight, currently it''s half past 6 in the afternoon for me, so you do the math ;)

Anyways lads! If I don't manage to get this important chapter out of the way tonight then it will probably be tomorrow! Im currently in progress with drawing another scene, so stay tuned for that!

Also! Im aiming to get this chapter to 7 thousand words!


Viewing 1 - 20 of 39 results