
Viewing 1 - 7 of 7 results

Pretence Chapter Coming Soon! · 8:36pm Aug 28th, 2018

Hello folks who still read these things!

Just wanted to inform you that I've actually managed to be a little bit productive lately, and a new chapter is almost ready. Just going through the last few edits, and then it'll be uploaded.

I'm sorry about the long wait. No excuses. Just laziness, really. I'll try to do better, I really will!

Until next time!

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Pretence - Bad news · 4:58pm Apr 16th, 2016

First off, Pretence won't be cancelled nor put on a hiatus. Not really, anyway.

Fact of the matter is, exam period is approaching, I have a bunch of assignments with very close deadlines, and I don't know exactly how much time I'll have to write. I can't say exactly how long it'll be, but for a while I will most likely have to use my designated writing time (when I can get my shit together) and use that for writing assignments and preparing for exams.

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Report Kapuchu · 428 views · #pretence #delayed #kapuchu #exam

Pretence Hiatus · 6:13pm Jul 28th, 2019

Hello folks.

You've probably noticed that there haven't been any new chapters for a while. I'd like to say I have some sort of reason for it like life-altering things or other somesuch, but the truth is that my drive to write has reached an all time low. At least for this story.

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Season 5 Episode 9 (Spoiler free) · 4:02pm Jun 13th, 2015

So... It just ended. I don't know what to say.

I don't want to say too much so as to keep this spoiler free, but really... what the actual fuck? It wasn't bad by any means, but holy hell was it weird. So many references to... everything.

This might very well be my favourite episode of the season, if not the entire show. It was hilarious.

What do you guys think?


My Pretence as a romance writer is at its end. · 5:32pm Mar 13th, 2022

Hello everybody.

It has been... a few years. About 3 and a half, since I uploaded the last chapter of Pretence. I originally went on a bit of a hiatus back in 2016 due to a wrist injury that blew up, and uploaded a few chapters of Pretence, and a oneshot, since then. It never truly disappeared, and I still suffer from it today, thankfully to a slightly lesser degree than when it first came about.

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Artist in need of dire help · 12:56pm Jul 11th, 2015

Hello guys.

I'll make this short, but there is an artist out there who will likely soon end up being evicted from her apartment if she doesn't get any help. I'm in a very tight spot financially myself, and I don't feel like I can spare much of anything. So I'm turning to your guys.

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Update(s)? Good news(?) · 7:38pm May 19th, 2017

So... Three months since the last.

I figure it's time I told you all a little bit about what's going on. Firstly, I'm just about finished my education as a Teacher. I have been really busy the last while because of assignments all over the freaking place. But I'm mostly done with that, only got a small one left due next wednesday, and then exams about a month from now or so.

But that aside, there's something more important.

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Viewing 1 - 7 of 7 results