
Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results

Okie Brony's Mixtape, Vol. IV · 7:25pm June 23rd

I think my blog looks better with the picture at the top, so here's a ponified take on one of my favorite shows from the 90s:

Married (with Cadence) :rainbowlaugh::derpytongue2:
Maybe Flurry Heart is upstairs?

Since this is my first music blog on a Sunday, why not post a song about Sunday?


People Who Are In Love With Inanimate Objects · 5:30pm Jun 12th, 2017

People Who Are In Love With Inanimate Objects

Every day people fall in love. It is a normal emotion that people express in different ways. But some people wander of the beaten path and become romantically involved with inanimate objects.

These are just some of many people who are drawn to things people usually would not think of as being sexually attractive. Or dating material at all.

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People Who Married Inanimate Objects · 3:09am Jun 12th, 2017

People Who Married Inanimate Objects

There have been many people who have married inanimate objects over the years either for cultural/ religious reasons or because they genuinely felt an attraction to them. These are just a few of many people who have tied the knot with some very unusual romantic partners.

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Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results