
Viewing 1 - 20 of 20 results

My next story · 8:08pm Aug 6th, 2019

Pinkie Pie, the Stage Magician is nearing its conclusion, so the obvious question is "What's next?" Here's a couple of ideas I had floating around. Let me know what you think!

1. An SMT crossover (not that you need to know what this is). Basically, Starlight becomes a much more major villain as she discovers the truth about Celstia and Luna's origin. She hatches a plot to change the universe forever. More serious.

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Report MemeSurvivor · 262 views · #next story

What next? · 7:57pm May 12th

I don't know if I've mentioned this in a comment or not, but I've finished "They're home." The weekly updates will continue until the end, although I'll be messing around with upload times just to show the story on the "Recently updated" front page to people visiting the site at various times. It should be roughly six more chapters. As for major events and depth of feeling, this one is more about tying all the loose ends from previous two stories of the trilogy rather than setting up tons of

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Next story~ perhaps before march · 4:53pm Feb 24th, 2019

Uploading my 3rd story next week if nothing goes too wrong.

A little heads up; those are older... and I made a lot of dumb stuff back then...
things like 'a and an' kinda slipped my understanding (shesh, so simple if I think about it!) and I found ways to fix 'to and too', too!

Didn't help the first site those were uploaded to only allowed correcting mistakes for about 3 days, before locking it for no reason!

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Report Shenzy · 164 views · #preview #next story

New Story Coming Soon · 10:53am Apr 19th, 2017

Hey this is Zephyr Spark. I've been writing stuff besides the poems. In fact, one story is far enough to the point where I feel I could publish it soon. No exact dates but I feel it could be soon.

Anyway, it's going to be a story where Spike meets the Pokémon Mimikyu and tries to befriend it. Unfortunately, just being around Mimikyu makes him deathly sick.

Again, I'm not sure when it will be ready for publishing, but I imagine I will be posting the first chapter soon.

Report Zephyr Spark · 267 views · #My next story

For the Future · 2:36am May 7th

Hello everyone. I wanted to let you know that I won't be continuing "The Spirit of Magic" for the foreseeable future. I apologize to those who were looking forward to more, but after my computer broke and I lost over 8K words of the next chapter, followed by a delay in getting a new PC, I lost my inspiration for the story. I made several attempts to write more, but unfortunately, it didn't work out. I've permitted Princess_Twilight to use the story on another site because this platform's policy

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What I'm working on: Preview · 3:25pm Oct 11th, 2018

Hey. Zephyr Spark here. I've been dealing with some crazy stuff, and a little a lot of mental stress (I blame Trump, and maybe schoolwork), but I haven't stopped writing fanfiction. In fact, I have two possible pieces in the making. One is a comedic short story and the other is a longer, anthro series which is more action-oriented. As of late, I've been dedicating my time and energy on the second story, which was inspired by bits of the webcomic Rogue Diamond that I found on

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Non-Binding Referendum · 4:36am Nov 16th, 2015

I'm thinking about what I'll write after Hot Harvest. I have several fragments lying around, but I do rather feel like writing more clop. So, which sounds better?

1. Frazzle Rock vs. Rarity.

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Newest Story Coming Soon (Hopefully) · 10:45pm Sep 12th, 2017

Hello, Zephyr Spark here. I'm still alive and writing in case you're wondering. I have roughly nine chapters of my newest story "Scaled Heights" written. Right now, I'm just going through some edits of the first three chapters which I intend to post sometime soon. The story has been edited by "The Fan Without a Face" and stars Spike.

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Coming Soon - The Next A Night With Story! · 3:37pm Mar 24th, 2017

Finally working on the next A Night With story, I hope you guys are excited~



My Personal History to Creating Stories & My Next Biggest Story Project · 10:01am May 26th, 2020

(I originally wrote down a lengthy blog but accidentally restarted the tab, deleting what I wrote down, so I'll make it a quick summary)

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thinking up titles is harder than writing blog posts (also vote on my next story) · 2:24pm Sep 21st, 2015

howdy all

it's kind of fun to make blog posts and share stories and not have many ppl on the site give a fuck. on the other hand, i do miss having exclusive control of the feature box...

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Report darf · 1,034 views · #next story #blog #writing #horse sex

This Trailer is Awesome!!! · 2:21am Oct 21st, 2016

Now most of you will say it's fan made, but trust me it isn't :pinkiehappy:

Now as I'll be putting some projects on hold, because the next story I plan on working is going to be a marvel crossover story and no this trailer doesn't have anything to do with it.........................................okay maybe a little.:twilightsheepish:


[POLL] Interested in seeing what Earth will be like in the year 2232? · 1:36pm Jun 8th, 2017

With Bound By Stars nearing an end, it is time to think of the next story. Whilst Diary of Pvt. Nimble Whistle of the Royal Equestrian Guard is certainly a story I want to continue, I would like to explore more of the future that Bound By Stars is set in. My question to you, dear reader, is this:

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Finally, Some Good News! · 5:21pm Oct 7th, 2019

Starting tomorrow, I’m going to start posting stuff. At least 1 thing, every week, until I’m out of work to present.

No more procrastinating. No more waiting.

I hope to see you all in the comment section.


1000th Blog! (Oh, and I think the voters have spoken) · 2:50pm Jul 7th, 2020

Yes, I literally only made this blog to hit 1000 blog posts. Sue me, it's sad, I'm well aware. :raritycry: NEXT!

In other news, on the previous blog when I asked you if you'd like to see Rarity or Pinkie Pie in the next How to Catch story, the next choice is...

:pinkiegasp::pinkiehappy: Pinkie Pie! :pinkiehappy::pinkiegasp:

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Next Story · 4:12am Oct 25th, 2016

For some time I've had no motivation to write unless it was a collab of some sorts.
Now, I have tons of ideas and want to get started on a next story, only problem is that I don't know which story idea of mine I should start writing first.

So, I made a list of some ideas on Google Forms, and I'll send the link here. You guys can vote on which one you'll rather see first, and I'll start writing the one with the most amount of votes in a day or two.

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Winner · 12:23am Oct 27th, 2016

Okay. Voting for my next story over. And the winner is:

'A Dragon's Nature'

Yes, with 32 votes, 'A Dragon's Nature' won.

The one with the second most votes was, 'Just a scepter, right?' with 22 votes.

Then, 'The Great and Controlled Trixie', with 13 votes

'The Bracelet' with 12

And lastly, 'Timberwolf', with 8 votes.

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Voting · 3:48pm Oct 29th, 2016

Okay. As I discussed [here], I am making a new poll.

This time, you can choose FOUR of the six ideas to have a chance to be written. And, I added a segment where you could suggest suggestions for any of the ideas, though the segment is not required. You don't NEED to do four, that's the max I'm allowing. If you only like one or two of the ideas, then just vote for those.

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dreamweaver stuff · 6:46pm Jun 6th, 2019

so glad to say that
1. very glad i decided to publish The Dreamweaver, and even more glad that so many people like it.
2. As of two days after it got published, it has over a thousand view, 116 likes, and yesterday it had the heat/hot symbol. i honestly don't use the site enough to know exactly what that is or how you get it but i assume it just means the story is popular? also:

  • Number of bookshelves: 322
  • Tracking: 101

i'm so happy, honestly.

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200 Followers: That's a Lot of People · 9:04pm Sep 15th, 2016

It is. It really, really is.

I mean, you don't really think about it, do you? We spend so long clicking in and out of stuff where we can see that people have thousands, millions of followers and subscribers, and suddenly a million becomes the new benchmark of excellence. Some channels, you won't even look at them if they've got under a thousand subscribers. Because it all just becomes a number.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 20 results