
Viewing 1 - 15 of 15 results

Poll: Godzilla Senior's Voice · 6:15pm Sep 23rd, 2015

Just finished the latest chapter of A Second Chance. To commemorate this special occasion, I decide to throw in a little poll for all of you!

Whose voice would make for a good Godzilla Senior?

Clancy Brown (Lex Luthor -- Justice League & JLU)

Keith David (Goliath -- Gargoyles)

Vin Diesel (Fast & Furious series)

Kevin Michael Richardson (Various shows)

James Earl Jones (Darth Vader -- 'nuff said)

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Taught a dance class today · 11:33pm Nov 10th, 2016

By myself. It was difficult but fun and the kids seemed to enjoy it. All of the exercises I prepared were too difficult I think. A lot of them are beginners or new to contemporary. I worked with them individually and made sure they understood everything. We ended with a cool down and they really liked that. I have to find e balance between pushing them and making sure everything isn't too difficult. The first class is always the hardest,


I'm back & B-Day Tomorrow · 2:28pm Sep 24th, 2017

Hey guys, i'm back! sorry it's been sol long, i've been busy in school since it's my last year of High School.

Plus, my Birthday is tomorrow! WOO!

Catch you Bronies later.


It's that time again. · 8:58pm May 2nd

In about a week or more, but definitely less than two, I will have to turn in my Chromebook. I will then be unable to access the internet. The only way I could would be on the family computer, and even then, I couldn't do anything on any site at all. I'm sorry. This could be farewell for good, depending on what happens. This could also be the end of my internet life as we know it. I am unable to get a job (nobody will hire me, probably bc of my height), unable to move out (we have a massive

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Seniority · 3:42pm Mar 21st, 2021

"Pharynx! Thorax! Someling made a huge mess at the craft time table!"

"Oh great, so what do we have to do about it?"

"...Help clean it up?"

"Alright. You two have fun."

"Pharynx, you're coming too."

"No I'm not."


"By the power of... being the oldest. Now shoo."

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So nervous · 5:10pm Feb 25th, 2017

Less than 100 days until I get my certificate in Printing and Graphics from Hi Point! Not to mention our a cappella group, Elements of Harmony*, has to perform at convocation. Convocation is graduation from Ohio Hi Point Career Center. I'm nervous about the whole damn thing. I'm a senior in high school and I'm about to start the rest of my life. God, I'm probably going to cry.

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A Second Chance - New Cover Art · 1:33am Jun 3rd, 2021

This pic was a commission by the very talented, Shrekzilla. He does some pretty amazing work, including pics for JDPrime22's The One True King, and the works of Gojipower12. If you haven't yet, go show the man some love!

Special Thanks to you, Shrekzilla! Keep doing what you do!

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Hire A Personal Senior Driver Service In New York · 10:24am Apr 28th, 2017

Whether you are going on a business trip or a road trip with your family, hiring a personal driver is the great idea compared to renting a car. The rental car service usually requires doing all the paperwork related to the insurance, gas and liability. The greatest advantage of hiring own personal driver is that you still get to use your own car and also in under your control of the quality as well as condition of a vehicle.

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Award Ceremony/Updates/PSP Games To Vita · 9:56pm Jan 25th, 2017

Hey guys , i'm back. Sorry i haven't been blogging lately , i've been busy for a while.

Good news , my Award Ceremony was this morning at 9 A.M. - 10 A.M. . I received my Certificate as an A/B Honor Roll Student , and i plan to be one again next year for my Senior years.

Updates: new stories , along with ''A Sugarcoated Secret'' will come out soon.

Side note questions: does anyone know how to put PSP Games and Emulators in a PS Vita?

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Sup · 10:08pm Sep 2nd, 2016

This week went by rather fast. I started my week with a school trip. Already wrote a bit about that. You can kind of see my senioritis in my writing. I'm so fucking lazy that I don't even feel like masturbating! I become a bitch in heat, but I don't feel like making the effort to reach down and polish the pearl. I auditioned for and made it into the dance ensemble. I'm actually doing my math homework because an A in the class will get me out of the final exam. In film studies, we

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Sweet Old Love · 10:13pm May 30th, 2023

Two blogs ago, I mentioned having a May Pairings fic completed. Well, this is it!

Everybody Needs Somebody (inspired by the Dean Martin song of the same name) came from an idea in an abandoned fic that never got off the ground. Namely that Equestria Girls Kibitz (still an assistant to Celestia, albeit in a more mundane sense in the human world) was sweet on Granny Smith.

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National Lampoon's Senior Trip (1995) · 1:43am Jan 29th, 2016

Well, apparently Twilight Sparkle will be an aunt here fairly shortly. You know as one's extended family grows you kind of have to look back at your life and wonder about a few things. What sort of a relative will you be? Will the new niece or nephew have some of the interests that you had? While it's not as overt as those parental relations there are times when you can see traces of you in your extended family.

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Sup. · 12:53pm Aug 24th, 2016

School started yesterday. I'm in free period right now. I don't think this year will be too hard. My applications will be done by Halloween. If I get an A in Math, I won't have to take the final exam. AP Psych will only be one semester but spread out throughout the year. English will be my hardest class, but it will be fun.


"What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun." –Ecclesiastes 1:9 · 7:51am Oct 1st, 2021


I went grocery shopping today! · 9:12pm Aug 2nd, 2016

My little brother and I went to the new store and it was ♫glorious♫! My mom gave me money to buy Ovaltine and only Ovaltine, but I used some of my own money to buy shit for myself. I got :pinkiecrazy:coconut oil:pinkiecrazy:, which has a fuckton of different uses, including but not limited to conditioner, lotion, mouthwash, makeup remover, and massage oil. I used it along with olive oil, almond oil, and aloe vera to make a hair serum. If you apply this shit to

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Viewing 1 - 15 of 15 results