
Viewing 1 - 5 of 5 results

Suicide Alert · 2:16am Sep 25th, 2019

A user named Holy has posted a Suicide Note. If anyone has any information as to her wearabouts, please go to Estee's page here and render aid.

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Rising · 6:43am Sep 19th, 2017

Things are looking up and the situation that spun me for such a horrific loop seems to be resolving. I'll know for sure in the next day or two but I'm feeling more optimistic about things than I have in days. Life will be changing for me though and it will likely mean less time to write per day. So I'll just have to be more efficient about it.

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Not dead yet. · 5:05pm Sep 16th, 2017

I'm not dead yet,

Okay, explanations... Runs hand through hair. Fuck, this is hard to write out...crap, still too hard. Okay, let me try to just write my emotions.

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Let me tell you a story · 10:34am Sep 23rd, 2017

So, I've been dealing with the emotional and physical aftermaths of how close I came to doing the big stupid. As part of that, I decided I wanted to write out a story based on what happened. The following is based solely on my impressions of what happened and of those that helped me. It is a stylized novelization of the emotions and situations I went though heavily couched in allegory and imagery based on MLP and Second Life. I've missed a great many of you in this and I'm sorry for that,

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Stableizing · 6:10pm Sep 17th, 2017

So, I'm still holding kinda stable around the black hole of my darker emotions. It's an hour to hour thing. Some points are good, and some points I'm desperately clutching at those who've offered their help. I think I can safely say that without the help of friends, family, and friends who have become family, I would no longer be among you.

But that help was and is here, and I...remain.

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Viewing 1 - 5 of 5 results