
Viewing 1 - 7 of 7 results

... · 7:11am Aug 29th, 2015

Why do I feel so unsettled by doing this to Lenkar?

It happens to every other character in stories like this, yet I can't help but feel like I did something wrong.

Oh well.

Report Cracked Egg · 209 views · #Uncertainty

Writing Status and Vacation · 4:26am Nov 26th, 2016

To get the first part out of the way, I'm currently visiting family for a few days, so I will not have as much time for reading or writing as normal (not that I utilize that time much, anyway), but I will do so when possible. Haven't seen my mom in almost two years, nor have I traveled outside of Iowa for a good long while, so the change in scenery is refreshing as well as not having to stress over college or work. Despite the few projects I need to work on while here, I can chock it up to not

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I'm uncertain whether I should add more chapters to my recent story · 1:35pm Apr 27th, 2020

I was thinking of adding new chapters to my recent story, where I would focus on Nightmare Moon's loving growth with Trixie, but at the moment I am still not one hundred percent sure. For now, the story will mark as complete and will only have the tags Alt. Universe and Slice of Life. If I decide to write more chapters, I will add the Romance tag. But for that, I'm going to have to think about whether I'm going to write more chapters or a sequel to my recent history.


Something A Tad Darker. · 9:53pm Mar 3rd, 2022

Here I am wallowing in my own self misery of a string of misfortunes. Thinking of how to bring those around me down, when it finally clicked much like a missing puzzle piece. One shouldn't try to give misery company out of a few little hiccups, that instead creating something new shouldn't be my mission.

To create things which bring smiles, rather than frowns.

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So my Filly Anon Story has been trending for three days... · 4:50pm Nov 14th, 2020

It's a weird experience to have a popular story after six years on this website. After a sporadic influx of stories every few months, the one that gets me to the top of the page is the one about a self-insert character played absolutely straight. Compare this to my now second most popular story, The Right Reads. That took a few years to build up to its 800 views (though admittedly the first 300 came when I first published

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Troubleshooting · 1:18am Apr 12th, 2019

I'm having a little trouble for the next few chapters of Lifetime Benefits.

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The equivalent of a beach episode is out now~ · 1:15pm Nov 23rd, 2022

Hello, everyone!
I hope everyone is doing well! I know university has sort of been beating me down a lot lately and as much as I may wish to write five chapters, I only have one to release right now.
Essentially, this chapter is a beach episode for the Sundagioverse~ But don't be fooled. It's not a bunch of fan service and such. It's more of dealing with emotions while setting up what comes in the future! I honestly hope everyone enjoys this and I will see y'all later! Stay special!

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Viewing 1 - 7 of 7 results